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notcreative enough

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Everything posted by notcreative enough

  1. Henessey is just way too much. Small doses of her seem to be the best. I liked when she ran away from Mike so that she didn't have to be pushed in the water. But everything else is just extra. Thank God the stars are starting to play the game otherwise I don't think that I could stomach the champs trying to run the game. Fucking Ashley claiming she has the numbers. Worthless she did nothing. Oh Tony you need a new motto "if you ain't cheating you ain't trying" is not a good saying for a dude who is a serial cheater.
  2. I was wondering about that too. It was like they could fit 2 people in between him and the Rock. I didn't know if it was because Daltrey doesn't like having people to close but he was sitting on the edge of the sofa when talking to Graham. And after the musical performance he was sitting close to Martin with Naomi. Maybe because the Rock is so large he doesn't realize regular sized people don't need as much space as he does or he thought Daltrey would sit closer to him. Back to the show. Martin Freeman was great and funny. Naomi Harris was just there she didn't really add all that much. The Rock must have been thinking about his new baby coming because he didn't seem to be all that into it. To me the guests didn't really interact together all that much.
  3. I haven't seen the last two but I would go 1. Psych 2. Buffy 3. Riverdale
  4. It's been awhile since I saw Carrie but I do remember the mother being less "please don't go" or lock your ass in a closet and beat you with a broom. Maybe I would have liked the episode more if it wasn't ruined by Archie being gaslit so hard by the Lodge family. Telling Betty she is mean girling Veronica and that she has things going on at home that no one knows about. Um she basically blackmailed her parents to let her in the family business. If she is having regrets it's her own damn fault. I would have been more impressed with Archie giving the car back and being on good terms with Fred if he wasn't still up Hiram's butt. Damn Cheryl is crazy and I love it. The black hood is back and I dont care. Definitely not surprised because really the janitor. But please please kill Hiram. Maybe Chic to if the BH isn't too busy being way to interested in teenages. Aw FP going by to the play for Alice only to see her with Hal. That's ok I like him being sexy and single. I don't remember if they plan on bringing Jughead's mom on.
  5. Do the stars take time to watch pervious seasons of the show so that they can get an idea of who they might be competing against and how they act. That poor VSM who's name I don't know that got offended by Kaylah's ratchet trucker mouth. Kaylah clearly doesn't know that this show is slightly different and try to treat people with respect. Good god Tony is horrible. I looked up Foster and according to the internet he is worth 20 million and Tony is acting like he is better than him. Um no you moron and if the competition was a regular run of the mill sport he would beat you in a second. I loved his "your gonna look like a jerk on TV" to Devin when asked if he could do a puzzle. I guess vendetta's was airing at the time this taped. I was hoping this new format would give the stars a chance but if the champs get them out first I'll definitely disappointed. I'm sure these young idiots will ruin there "alliance" so some stars will make it. I remember lil mama and the dance crew show. I liked that show. MTV needs more of those shows and less teenage trainwrecks. And her "yesterday I thought Tony was good looking now I think he's an ass" sure doesn't take long for Tony to show his true colors. I feel sad for Aneesa she just can't catch a break. It's really kinda embarrassing. Out of the champ girls her only real competition would be Kam maybe Tori but probably not. Women against women the stars seem to have more well rounded players but this isn't something they are used to so who knows. As long as CT is on I'll watch.
  6. I'm so over Nelson not that I cared that much about him before. So he gets in a fight with Shane because of the way he was talking to Natalie. It seems like he only care about women when he wants to fuck them because he had no problem screaming at Cara. I never really cared for Cara and out of the 4 people she was the one I preferred to win. But the others acting like she shouldn't even be there so that the other girls have a chance to get to the finals. Um work/train harder for it. Half the girls will never make it regardless (Jemmye/Marie) And Jordan needs the sit the hell down going on about how Cara doesn't have the right to walk around like she is better than the other girls but when he gets back on a challenge he is going to be screaming about how great he is.
  7. So it took months for them to identify the guy that shot Danny and let's be honest they lucked into that. Because DNA and fingerprints work differently in the 5-0 world. But Duke can identify Adam's never before seen shadow sister while she is still in the ocean so like 5 minutes. She for sure isn't in the system they only had a sibling match to Adam. Even if they did run the DNA to match to the murder of whoever from 3 episodes ago she should on an autopsy table. Sorry Junior but your tearful recording to your father was not as emotional as you wanted it. You just aren't there yet buddy. I thought they were bringing back his random prom date but I guess its his sister. Why can't anyone have nice normal loving parents/families. Steve's mom sucks, Tani's brother is a dick, Danny's brother was a criminal.
  8. I guess I'm in the minority because now more than ever I think Jonathan is the bad guy. From his " but you found no clues" and Cameron telling him that they did and it's all connected. He seemed more of shit and less woohoo. I kinda thought that Dina and the FBI guy were having a moment and that they might be something but with her history with Jonathan they only way would be if he is the bad guy or I guess he could die. Don't know who you were trying to full Deception but no one believes that you would cast Billy Zane and then kill him. Nope. You should have had a huge arrow pointing to him that said "BAD GUY"
  9. I changed my mind Adam is fucking hysterical. I could watch an hour of this idiot stumbling around with his cry face when he fucks it all up. Lol at everyone congratulating Steve. I'm that guy confessed to everything Steve didn't even know these murders were a thing. So what happened with the inspector will they have to close up shop until they fix the mistakes of Steves electrician.
  10. We had that too and according to the tv guide they will air on Saturday. I guess I'm lucky we have cw on channel 11 that had the baseball game but we have cw 57 that aired supernatural.
  11. I don't watch the after shows what did she do?
  12. I don't know why but I expected more from the who shot Danny story. The plan was very thought out and meticulous with there being no clues to how the guy was or why he wanted to kill Danny. It all boils down to sleeping with some guys wife and getting him thrown in jail 20 years prior. Makes up wonder how horrible 5-0 is at there job of they can't find a guy who went to prison. I'm sure Danny arrested alot of people in 20 years but getting beat up by a guy and hooking up with his wife should leave a lasting memory or at least a "I know this guy I just can't place him" kinda thing. Did this guy always want revenge on Danny but couldn't find him (because Google isn't a thing) or uncle random brought back the memory of Danny to this random dude. I feel like the writers painted themselves into a corner with this story. Yup Danny is super gross for putting the moves on a woman that is/was in the process of leaving an abusive relationship. He didn't even leave town for the bruises to heal before he worked his way in there. And are we supposed to find it romantic that right after he left one woman he meets Rachel. Young Danny is yucky. How am I supposed to believe that he has feelings for either woman when he goes from one to the next in the span of an afternoon. Oh Adam you need to go find Kono and stay with her. She can protect you from yourself because Hawaii is just not a good place for you. And wasn't he like a competent business man at some point because this guy can't handle anything. Loved Tani and Junior in the car. It's nice to see the show remember that this guys were pretty much given a free pass to 5-0. They would make terrible beat cops. Making that kid paint the whole wall was great. What is Steve. I know he is Commander Mcgarrett but wouldn't he have lost that title when he left the Navy. He isn't a Commander in the HPD so what is his cop rank or is he not a cop? I just want to see Steve ride around in a uniform and be a beat cop for a day. If the kids have to do it he sure as hell should to.
  13. Can season 3 murder mystery please be who killed Hiram Lodge. I just can't stand this mob story any more. Is Chic really stupid or is totally messing with Alice and Betty. I can see the 3 of them pulling a con mostly because I don't want him to be Alice's son. Were FP and Alice going to hook up at the end. I can support this. I really want Fred, FP and Alice to work together for the mayor position. Nana Rose for the save. Where is Cheryl living now she couldn't have gone back to her mother's house. Oh Mary you are speaking for all of us when you say you don't know who Archie is anymore. That kid needs the ass whooping and all ass whoopings. I don't care if it's from Reggie Fred or random mob guy that is tired of his macho attitude.
  14. I always wondered why Grant was out of so many episodes was it her choice or the shows. I can see that as a reason to leave. I didn't really warm up to Halliday and really hope that she isn't going to be on the show next year. I'd be fine with the agents we already have we don't need to keep replacing people. I'm glad this isn't the type of show that kills off characters once the actors move on.
  15. So who is going to the next to know the truth Dan, Chloe or Ella?
  16. But before that Jughead was living in the drive thru and a janitors closed at Riverdale high he makes it sound like he went to school with Betty and Archie his whole life. I can't imagine any town having 1 elementary and middle school only to separate into two high schools. Even when Jughead ran away from home people still thought he was living with FP and that's the home address that the school would have on file I'm sorry I don't know why out of all the batshit crazy nonsensical storylines this show plows through this is the one that gets stuck in my head. Well this and the fact that I have no idea what a private prison is.
  17. I'm sure this is something that shouldn't be questioned but with Jughead being all ride or die South Side it made me wonder why he wasn't going to that school all along. FP still lives in the same trailer as season 1 and even if he moved after wife and daughter left I can't imagine FP living on the North side.
  18. Joise and Ethel teaming up against Veronica was everything. I couldn't see why Joise would do something for Veronica after what the Lodges did to her family. Eye roll at Veronica a 16?? year old promising another 16?? year old girl that her father would be given a job. Loved Archie's mom finally giving her dipshit son some real talk. Someone needs to parent this boy and we'll all these brats. It lost a little something with the fact that she never actually sees her son. I so wanted Fred to smack Archie for talking back to him like that. Um why are supposed to believe that Hiram is this big bad and the only person that cares and is willing to do anything is Jughead a high school student. Can I just get a full episode of FP. Who knew the prison gangster would be such a descent parent. Poor Cheryl she should have moved in with cousin Betty and pushed out the slightly less dangerous evil compared to the Blossom evil. Damn teenage Alice must have gotten around. Hal's not the father she's adamant that it isn't FP. So what homicidal maniac could be Chic's father.
  19. Thank God the homeless woman was secretly comes from a rich family. I would have been more impressed if Conrad thanked Bell for helping with a poor woman and not a money bag. Were we supposed to think Bell was an a-hole for a busting out the antibacterial soap because I would do that too. I don't like touching people. Devin had me worried he was such a dick to his parents if he didn't pull it together in the end I don't think I would have liked him anymore. His mom's face was so sad.
  20. Man I'm such a child I had to cover my ears because I knew Kenny was going to be mean to Shaun and I just couldn't listen to it. Shaun's "I'm a person" with Jared and having him take Shaun's advice was so sweet. I know Shaun wants outside work friends but he does have work friends. Plus Jared being just as vulnerable as Shaun when it comes to people and relationships. So no one thought to call Beatrice's son and tell him that his mom is going to die. Why wait until after she is dead I'm sure he would have liked to say goodbye. In the middle of Glassman's date all I could think is they spent alot of time on this so something bad has to happen soon. And it did. I dont want him to die. They sure aren't leaving any suspense with this. The promo for next week makes it seem like all hope is lost. Fingers crossed for some Shaun magic. I remember from years ago the actor in Son's of Anarchy made a comment about how people with terminal cancer don't always die right away in hopes that he wouldn't gets killed of the show.
  21. I don't know why but the fresh out the box white sneakers were bothering me. Not sure what I found stranger nobody on the couch knowing what Neosporin is or Janney not knowing how to explain it. Maybe it was an in the moment thing where she couldn't find the right words like antibiotic ointment or even just say its used mostly for cuts. Loved that they all had their little stories about breath mints and kissing.
  22. Veronica must have a magical who ha or something because I can't understand why Archie would go all blood brother with Hiram and getting rid of his only leverage. I don't see Varchie as an emotionally stable relationship I don't get where the "love" comes from. Lol its a freaking prison. That's what all this shady crap is about. I wouldn't want a prison to move next door but it isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Archie you dumb ass you bring up how the black hood changed things for you and now you think it's a good idea to bring in a butt load of criminals. I would have died if Hiram called Jughead a "meddling kid." Jughead acting like he is the only one to save the town and Hiram acting like Jughead is the only one to take him down.
  23. Reznick said that no matter how great of a doctor Jared is he burned his bridges with the way that he got his job back. She told him that she knows someone at a different hospital and could put in a good word for Jared. She was "experimenting" by telling Andrews that Jared was doing everything right to see if he would give Jared a chance. But Andrews asked Reznick to assist in the surgery. In the end Jared realized he is never going to be picked to stay at the hospital so he asked Reznick to help with her contact. I missed Shaun and Claire together. It seems like forever since the worked together. Does Park actually care about Shaun or does he just like running back round checks on people. Um so how do this kids out of medical school have all this disposal income. Claire can afford to give her mother money and Shaun buys a flat screen and a tux that can be no less then 2 grand.
  24. I feel like I missed an episode. In the Thanksgiving episode I thought they implied the girl was Chunk's daughter but they never told us for sure. Now he, she and the entire team knows he has a daughter. Did someone lose a bet or maybe win? I don't get the musical number at all. So basically the cops in the Bull universe can't solve a damn thing. You don't need to do jury science if you are going to solve the crime and find the real bad guy. I believe this show used to be called Matlock.
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