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notcreative enough

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Everything posted by notcreative enough

  1. Oh and thanks you little twerp for making me defend a twin. I spent the last how many weeks talking about how much I hate them.
  2. Wow Shawn 15 whole minutes of crying about how you can't do this. Can't say I'm surprised she realized she doesn't have what it takes for Project Runway. Shut up Margarita you didn't invent the wheel. It's a top you didn't invent that type or style so stop crying about it. There is nothing truly new or original in fashion anymore. It's just different variations of the same things. It's not cheating it's not stealing just just freaking fashion. And if Margarita has such issue that she is crying just talk to Claire. For once I dont blame the twin. Well isn't Michael a hateful little jerk. "I don't like her pant because she has something like that in her room." No shit Sherlock there pants. It's pretty basic. And him talking crap about Brandon not getting any negative feedback so he is over confident or something. I have never heard him say a mean thing about anyone. The runway was just on and I don't see anything similar in Claire's top and Margarita dress. Maybe I need a side by side but I just don't see. Unless Claire changed it after Tim's comments. "I wasn't raised to throw people under the bus" where the hell was that 2-3 episodes with your model. Michael and Margarita can just go home. I don't know why Micheal is backing Margarita so hard it's not like they have is life long connection. You just met this girl don't get so worked up over her made up problems. They were designing clothes for real people. Why wouldn't the clothes be ready to wear or sell or whatever. His model would probably only wear the top he made. I feel like Kenya would do wonderfully if this was project runway 70/80s. Everything seems to be very dated. I hate to say it and paint it all with the same brush my these damn millennials. Everyone gets a damn trophy.
  3. Yeah I feel like Kevin's family always bails on him. He is super well adjusted for a guy how seemed to have no real individual attention from his parents. Hell the kid almost drowned himself and his parents were so busy with the other kids. No wonder he is so connected to his childhood girlfriend she seems to be the only one that notices him. We had Kate and Randall be calling out Rebecca and as much as I don't want to pile on but Kevin is the one that I want to see call her out for her lack of attention.
  4. Now I'm always up for a good Rebecca bashing but she did nothing wrong. Oh poor Kate you have a loving and supportive mother I don't know how you stand it. I'll give little Kate a pass because she was well a child with childish feelings. Not as she said a 37 year old woman that wants to blame all her problems on her pretty mommy. Kate needs some serious therapy because she has some deep seeded issues. Are we going to have to deal with this whole singing thing like every week because no thank you. She just isn't that good at. Better then your average person but not someone I want to listen to. When did Beth develop this dislike of Kevin. I thought she they had a good relationship when he lived with them but now she acting like going to see him is like having her teeth being ripped out. Aw I'm starting to feel bad for Miguel. They crap in Miguel party needs to go we did it last season and now it just seems petty and mean. At least Toby cares about him and made him his favorite food. Well another episode where Kevin is there and really does nothing. Acting and spending time with his girlfriend big deal no one cares. He was best last season when he spent most of his time with Randall. I get Randall's fear about having a kid that has serious issues and how to deal with that. It's not something that should be taken lightly. I think Beth and Randall can make it work
  5. Instead of the arrogant doctor having a come to Jesus moment with Shaun can't he just have a surprise visit from Norman. I was so bummed when he showed up at the last second before he could start that little girls surgery. But no Dr. She has a tummy ache because mommy and daddy are fighting gets to save her. I'm so happy that like 4 people called him out for being dick head but he sure isn't doing anything to change. Grr British Dr for taking credit for Shaun's idea. As if he wouldn't have thrown Shaun under the bus if the idea didn't work. It did bother me that when Shaun diagnosed the woman they didn't even mention testing even though I'm sure they ran them. The two doctors practically popped wood at the thought of the surgery before even knowing if they would need to do surgery.
  6. Yes! A twin is going home. Way to stretch the drama for another episode.(eye roll) I'm torn Claire obviously has the skills so she should continue but at the same time I want to see Shawn fall on her face without any back up. If they aren't even going to take the judges criticism or Tim's advice what is the point of being on the show. They are just so full of themselves. Aw Brandon and Kintaro are just too cute together. Trying to be diplomatic about who should win. Amy and Kenya not good but glad they are both safe. After last week I just don't like Margarita anymore. Her dress was good but I just can't get past her horrible behavior.
  7. This isn't a family show Derrick. This isn't the Amazing Race Derrick the last thing you should want/allow is for you kid(s?) to watch this train wreak. Maybe he is only going to show the 10 minutes of actual competition to them. Because nothing says family program like a bunch of drunk fools. I love CT. When someone was saying that Nelson hit someone he was very unconcerned but when her heard it was Derrick he went to run after him. Did Hunter pick Kailah or was it someone else. Either way she was on the team and he is acting like they lost because of her. And the crying I couldn't I laughed more at that then watching the new CBS comedies. Poor Cory were these the only dumb dumbs that wanted to be in his alliance. Can't be surprised that he failed big time with a crybaby and psycho drunk for teammates.
  8. I guess we know how he dies. Or at least part of it. Toby is just to much. He expects Kevin and Kate to just stop being connected just because he is dating her now. Glad Randall is going for an older kid. I'm sorry but I was laughing through Jacks drunk speech.
  9. Oh Clare is getting annoyed about having to help her sister. But yet she still constructed the whole damn thing. So it's your own damn fault you have no time. I was hoping the judges would have given her major talking to. I don't know why but Kenya's looked reminded me of Courtney Love. Not sure if that's good or bad. Still in love with Kentaro. Aw and he asked of saying African print was racist. You can never be too careful these days plus he has a very different cultural background. I do love his look but it is definitely not something that I would be about to pull off. Damn Margarita did her model dirty. She through her under the bus hard. She was all for the look in the work room but as the critics were coming she knew what side she was on and wanted to save face. You could tell the model was pissed. The look was just to 90s. She better pray she never has to work with that model again. I like how Amy gives comments in her TH. The teacher in her really comes out. She always says "I'm concerned about (insert name)" and then talks about what might be a problem. Where as the twins just say how ugly an outfit is and that they would never be caught dead in it. Nobody cares about you ladies. I wish someone told the judges that the look they love from Shawn is just a mash up of the models looked from the day before. So long Samantha you were mediocre at best. I had to look up Lolita fashion because I had no idea what it was. They didn't show the guest judge for next week. Don't they usually tell us who is judging in the promos. I have never been so desperate to see a housewife before.
  10. Lol probably. And kudos to wife for being ride or die because if I woke up to a drugged girl in my kitchen I would GTFO and go straight to the police. And I would have loved to see the conversation about how the girl they held hostage for 5 months killed their son.
  11. He figured out that the doctor IDs that JD was using for the scam were all friends of the father's. Leading him to believe that JD was blackmailing him. How that gave the judge enough to issue a search warrant / day pass for a prisoner I don't know. Because who the keeps a kidnapped girl in their house. I would never bur if I did I would be more then just re wallpaper the wall. It would be new everything along with some burning sage and see if I could get a priest in there. That's just some bad juju. Hell I would probably sell the whole damn thing. Yeah the missing kids thing still bothers me. Cora was the only one with a bag backed. Didn't the money wonder why ALL of Phoebe's thing were still in the house like clothes and medication. Poor Frankie. Life did you dirty. You picked a horrible guy to be friends with and parents who want to help but are so damn bad at it.
  12. I reckon Abram has probably beat him for that honor. Really my money would be on Puck. How many episodes are left. It's going to get to the point where I need to choose and I don't know if the Challenge will win. Our house is the dark ages where we don't have DVR or on demand. And I'm not signing up to some stupid website (MTV) for the one and only show I watch on this channel. A whole lot of nothing happening makes it hard to stay invested. Why to get ahead of the problem Tony. "No baby I didn't cheat on you I tots love you." And a few weeks ago. "Let's fast forward so we can see Camilla be a crazy racist. And not me making out with her." I don't care about his or any of their fucked up relationships but why the hell would you lie about something that was done on camera. Did he think they wouldn't show it. Is he new to the franchise or something. It way better to pile on to a bad situation then to tell the truth with you are to far away for her to beat the crap out of you. Have her cool down when she sees you. Because there is nothing women love more then being bad a fool of on TV. I'm not surprised by the two returning from redemption house but if I had to pick someone to bitch out of the challenge I would have picked Nicole. But she did really well and she almost had it. Good for her. Marie please never return. I might be the only one but I like when TJ calls out people for not trying. Why show up of you can't/won't even try. Jemmye has dream magic...ok. I would be giving her the side eye for the rest of the challenge if I was one of those people. I'm sure Nicole did tell everyone about the Camilla event but they decided to once again edit it out like nothing happened. Just like she was missing from the episode. Did anyone watch the special after the show about how racism is bad. I only caught the first few minutes. I really didn't see the point in watching an hour of Camilla squeeze out some crocodile tears. They had Leroy who in the bit that I seen broke my heart. Camilla and Jemmye why her I don't know maybe it was explained later. Ammo and Aneesa who weren't there. Aneesa sure she deals with the race issue all the time being a black woman. But Ammo just seemed shoe horned in there but maybe the people who watched can tell me if it mean sense to have him over people that were witnesses or victims like Nelson.
  13. Do you know what absolutely love. Hearing the twins crap on other designers looks and those same looks being in the top. It's even sweeter when one of them is in the bottom. Claire looked livid during her critic like she was doing to go crazy on those Disney kids.
  14. I have a butt load if questions that I'm sure this show won't answer. Do we know the body under the bus was female? I don't know how it could be Phoebe. Super crazy Mommy might not care if Cora disappeared but if Phoebe went missing she would search high and low for that kid. They said she died a month or 2 after Cora went missing. It could be a lie up it's an easy on to check. So either Frankie and JD snuck her body back into the house or dropped her off at the hospital. If she was in a coma it would explain why no one went to look for Cora. Frankie's girlfriend said he had an intense relationship for a few months. The thing with Phoebe was only a few hours but I can see how someone dieing while your having sex with the would fuck you up. Or was it the kidnapping Cora for 5 months. Cora was coked out so I don't really blame her for freaking out at the "party" and I'm not entirely sure she knew she was having sex with the weirdo. From what she was snorting and what JD put inside her I'm surprised she could function. JD is such a pussy he can't over power a 110 pound woman he needs to smash her head with an astray. Loser. Ok so Cora was missing for 2-5 months. (Someone posted 2 but I feel like I remember 5 but it really doesn't matter.) When the old guy finds her she had stitches in her had. JD wackes her in the head. I don't know how long stitches stay in but i feel like that's a long time. I always assumed she didn't remember because of the head injury so unless she gets hit again it's irrelevant. The keep her drugged up and use her for a sex slave??? I can see the weirdo saying he would take Cora off their hands. So if there is a sex cult they sure are waiting for the last minute to bring it up. Where did JD get the limp from? If it didn't mean anything he wouldn't need a limp. The drug deal woman with the baby is that JD's old lady? Maybe she didn't feel like walking in front of a car was necessary. Why would they ever let Cora go? Did they know that she didn't remember anything that happened? If Phoebe did die at least she went out happy. She was sex crazed and got some. It was her choice to go out that way if that how it ended up. I don't think Frankie would have been charged with anything. JD was the one supplying the drugs so he would get possession but he wasn't selling anything. I don't know the proper term but I feel like it would be the accidental murder charge. Like no one meant for her to die but the drugs she took lead to her death. I'm sure a good lawyer would say it was the cancer but what to do I know.
  15. Right. Sign me up for the redemption house. Oh Camilla what a horrible person you are. This the only time a wish Aneesa was around. She would have lit Camilla up for her racist tirade. I'm sorry Leroy but your wrong she is totally racist. You don't say things like that without have some type of racist beliefs/feelings. She sure was crying in her TH and with Tony but she had no feelings when apologizing to Leroy. She just seemed so over it. And what was with her packing a suit case and then coming back the next day wearing the same clothes. Did they even take her stuff to the hotel. I must say I do agree with Nelson and Hunter about some of the guys being attached to Johnny's banana. Because any other challenge Johnny wouldn't give a damn about these fools. I feel like the Johnny/CT/Derek thing is just because they have been together for so long. Are Nicole's eyebrows real or are the drawn on. Its like this is the first time I actually looked at her. Because damn those are some intense brows. The preview from last week gave away how one of the returning redemption house people is. But seeing what some of the challenges are I'm not at all surprised. I don't know how I feel about the show spending over half the episode on a racism is bad PSA. Most people already know this and the people that don't (Camilla) aren't going to change. How many episodes are left. They seem to be stretching this one out.
  16. That was gold.i thought it was pills of some kind. But I was barely paying attention. But I do think it's dumb to leave the entire stash without any protection.
  17. Anyone else feel this is rigged for Alex. Like there is no way she could win everything every time. So not at all surprised she moved on. It feels like the chopped competition they did with Robert Irvine where he completed against the people that won before they moved to the finale. So you know that they contestants can't win until the final episode. It's just like with Alex the judges won't say a single negative thing about her food. It takes some of the fun out of it.
  18. When the first commercial break started and I seen I've only been watching for 17 minutes. It felt like at least twice that. So boring. I'm trying to figure out if I have a shit TV or if the show doesn't know how to film in the dark and still actually make it possible to see whats going on. The whole Troy and Nick think fighting in the house and the militia meeting I couldn't see a damn thing. Yes Stand. Does he seem to be the only person Madison cares about. Sure she "cares" about her kids but it just seems like something more with Strand. I don't get why he didn't tell than about Daniel. How hard is it to say "you know who didn't die in a fire." But nope it needs to be a face to face surprise. I want Alicia and the Indians looking for water to find it. Just so all the work Madison went through is for nothing. Riding in with a tanker full of water like a savior only to have no one need it anymore. Wonder how Daniel will feel when he finds out Walker turned his little girl into a murderer.
  19. I don't know what it is but Aaron comes across fake as hell to me. I don't know why. It's like he is trying way to hard. Ugh and his see through shorts. No just no. I don't need to know how small your penis is. I still love Kantaro. I hope he makes it to the end. But I do wonder did he understand why saying "anal" over and over was hysterical or did he just keep going because Samantha (name???) was laughing. Maybe we just never see him as a funny dude because the show spends 10 minutes each episode on the twins running around like chickens. Samantha was robbed. It's Samantha right with th green hair. Who wouldn't love to sleep in that. You can even just lounge around in her outfit.
  20. A whole lot of nothing this episode. Half and elimination and a challenge. We didn't even get to see who gets picked for the next elimination. They spent way to much time on the trivia challenge even with them skipping the questions and only showing us the wrong answers. They also spent alot of time in the redemption house. I don't care about the 3 people having lunch or Aneesa throwing herself at Cory. Could have missed this episode and not missed a thing. Noting interesting happened. If Tony wants to cheat on his baby mama that's his deal. If Camilla wants to hook up with a different dude every challenge that's on her. There adults that can do what they want.
  21. Is it bad that I feel worse for the model going home then I do for Kudzanai going home. I guess they need to get rid of the other plus size next. I'm glad the other designers excepted Brandons Zen mood and not talked shit about how rude he is. Like they have tried to paint people in the past. It's nice to have someone that's just keeps their head down and work. Not run around like chicken with their heads cut off. (Cough twins cough) Kantaro (sp?) had me scared because I really like him. Oh poor Maddie you are so young. When she said she wasn't sure she was going to love Brandons looks all I could think is she is just agreeing with what the judges say and doesn't really like it. I did love her line about a young child wearing Kudzanai's look. It does seem like something a kid would do if they got to pick out their own outfit without any adult input. When Margarita was explaining her look to Tim I thought it sounded costumey and even after he changes it still did. It was an alright look but I don't think it was top 3. I must say I loved Shawn's look. It was some super cute pajamas she sent down the runway.
  22. Ugh I hate when shows don't tell me they are over. I don't want to watch an unnecessary commerical block. I'm think it over because it an hour but some shows like to be longer. So I wait only to see a preview for the next episode. I'm torn because JD is such a bad guy going after the father in-law like that. But he's also deputy Tim so Team JD. It doesn't help that Mason is so damn dumb. Anyone else transported back to middle school when you were on the phone all night. Keeping the landline busy Cora and Detective (what the hell is his name.) acting like it's puppy love. Are you crying about your failed marriage Detective why don't you go back to your waitress. Oh wait you did. I did want him to tell off his wife in the therapy session but whatever. I did wish that Cora confessed to the second murder to only find out that those bones have nothing to do with Cora at all. Just to make lady detective look incompetent. She doesn't even know who the body is and she is trying to pin it on Cora. I'm glad Cora didn't fall for the detectives bull shit. What type of DA makes a deal when they don't know who the body belongs to or how they died. That's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. That waitress must have gotten s great settlement because if I woke up naked in the passenger seat of my car straight to the police I go. Burn that place to the ground. So Phoebe set her sister up on dates to steal money from the guys. What!?! So how does that guy with $1000 fit into it. Did she sign her sister up on a prostitute website. Was Phoebe really concerned for Cora that she didn't come home or did she fake an episode so that their mother would flip out. I can see Phoebe pretending she is worse then she really is. Maybe JD and Phoebe work together to get Cora to turn tricks for them.
  23. So I seen a promo for the new season while watching Deadliest Catch. I'm sure it's all manufactured drama but damn why does Todd have such a hard on for Parker. It just looks bad. Mr. Prays alot wanting to beat a kid half his age. Yes Parker is a dick head but he was actually taught how to mine where Todd seems to be on a very poor get rich quick scheme. It just seems pathetic. Especially when the only gold Todd can find seems to be planted by disco. If it was 2 miners on equal footing the rivalry would work but a 5 year old with his finger up his nose will find gold before Todd.
  24. I totally forgot he was on cupcake wars. I don't remember how well he did but you need to know how to make cupcakes to be on the show. Maybe they are hoping that people won't remember. I sure didn't. And I don't want to hear about someone can bake but not cook. You sure as hell can do basic cook.
  25. It has got to be the glasses. I could look at him all day. He is one of the players that has come so far. At the beginning you hate the psycho now absolutely in love with him. I was right there with TJ laugh as Camilla got knocked into the pillar and Leroy not giving a shit was great. I could watch a whole episode of that. Did Marie even try in her elimination. Because damn she got taken out so damn fast. More redemption house. No thank you. Now that Darrell is gone for good I dont care. Don't blame the show Aneesa was the one spilling your dirt. Am I surprised V/R hooked up? No. Did I know they dated? No. But don't really care about these people when the show ends. Had Aneesa faked/milked an injury before or am I thinking of someone else. Doesn't matter I'm glad she is gone for the time being. And shut up about how Cara and Camilla feel so entitled. If you had any friends in the game you would too. Acting like your some big deal because you were on so many originally challenges. Did she ever win? I can't remember 30 seasons. Oh and enough with the "they didn't talk to be before hand" they don't need to Aneesa it's a game and they owe you nothing. I really did think most of the teams had ringers with CT, Johnny, Derek, Aneesa, and Veronica being the old school kids but that didn't really seem to be the case.
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