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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. Rose! The strongest woman on this series since the start
  2. I think Lisa felt bullied to change her hairstyle after being mocked that she had the same one for decades. But guess what? IT LOOKED GOOD! And she should go back to it.
  3. LOL I had forgotten about the day Scotland wedding until I came here. More than the not great des I had to laugh that she wanted to be married in a castle and clearly they stuck her ceremony in a tiny dingy looking office room. Definitely not what I was expecting! What a let down
  4. Just saw my first Nate and Jeremiah show tonight. yuck... not my taste at all. they seem like nice guys, but would not let them design my house.
  5. Damn, B&B’s timing is GOLD if this is the last new episode for awhile!
  6. People I haven’t been watching this show all season. Turned it on tonight in time to see the “Missing You” duet. All I can say is both those people should have been sent home. (I actually turned it off and didnt see the result but I have to think the guy got sent away, right? Both had no sense of the song but he couldn’t pick a key at all)
  7. Damn I want the name of Ramona’s plastic surgeon. Those breasts are perfection
  8. I’m with Dorinda on this one! not convinced Lu is an alcoholic. She just got caught. my sentiments exactly
  9. Sally is an exhibit of “how to change a fan favorite into someone nobody can root for” 101. Nice job show.
  10. Saw the show tonight- Lori has longer hair. Is this the new season?? Cut your hair Lori! It looks SO much better short! I do love both her and Monty though. Fun team, really know how to take good care of their clientele.
  11. I agree! it cracks me up though how schizophrenic this show can be about timeliness- the Beth reveal took F O R E V E R, and then this week we get Sally’s surprise AND the Brooke/Bill reveal at rapid-fire pace! I think they could have gotten more play with some longer anticipation of the Brill story, but hey, I’m loving it!
  12. I am just so happy to have Quinn front and center again! Love me some bitchy Quinn! Really, given how much spit he has swapped with Shauna, Ridge has no right to get upset with Brooke for kissing Bill. So I do agree with Brooke she should just tell him- except, Katie...
  13. I know, a lot of people on this board like Sally. But faking a terminal illness to leach onto a guy who doesn’t really want to be with you? PATHETIC. It doesnt even make her a full-on villain AFAIC. Just makes her weak. Thomas is psychopathic so this kind of nonsense made more sense for his character. It’s embarrassing for Sally to stoop to this.
  14. Did anybody else notice that in her speech Jazz referenced choosing to be homeschooled to escape the “pressure” of traditional high school? This girl should never attempt the Ivy League.
  15. Do we think this is the time when Steffy will FINALLY take down that huge picture of her and Liam?? It’s carried the stench of desperation for over a year now.
  16. Somebody mentioned earlier that they would watch a Coyote/Jessica spin-off. My dream spin-off (although I would settle for a storyline next season) would focus on Joan-Margaret and Bruno. I think they are adorable together!
  17. Nah Sol is probably already 80, and prostrate cancer could take DECADES to cause problems. They can do genetic typing now to tell if you have an aggressive strain, and if not then I agree it was an unnecessary risk for Sol to have surgery. There’s a reason mammograms are often stopped at age 75 or so...
  18. Did you see the picture of the giant house MERI is in now? It’s WAY above the trees BEHIND it
  19. I guess you have to be even smarter than Harvard level intelligence(insert eye sprain level eye roll here) to figure it out
  20. Well as the lonely Flo fan on this board, I am not looking forward to the inevitable Wally pregnancy 😩 Also: if I had one month to live the last thing I would be doing was struggling at a job I can’t do well anymore. More like “hello Tahiti!”
  21. Ok I am only part way through tonight’s episode, so maybe this gets resolved... but are you telling me there is NO drag queen community anywhere near where Jazz lives? She is so upset that Peppermint couldn’t fly down from NY. I live in rural nowhere and now and then there are drag events in the area. I have to believe a quick phone call could have found a supportive local group of Queens to help out. and pretty hypocritical for her to try to force her family members into gender roles that make them uncomfortable.
  22. HOLY LOOSE LIPS KATIE! I promise not to tell your secret to anybody.... that I haven’t met yet
  23. Courtney is far too intelligent to spend time with this crew. That is all.
  24. Harvard and everyone associated with it should be embarrassed by Jazz being admitted. And I am by no means referring to her gender identity, I am referring to her intellectual laziness and lack of accomplishment. Hundreds of more-deserving students who worked their butts off will get denied, but they let in Jazz??? Shameful fame-whoring.
  25. I just thought Kate looked exhausted all episode. When she’s too tired to be bothered to put her contact lenses in.... also these guests were chill. I think they were so easy-going that she didn’t feel pressured to put on that high-maintenance servitude attitude that some primaries seem to expect. Lastly, I do think over-inflated lips tend to create RBF. I really hope the admiration she and Jemele are expressing for each other is genuine. I like when strong women support each other!
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