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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. It is almost like she is exhibiting phonemic paraphasias. So, she is shooting for a word but substitutes out for a nonword while keeping either the syllablic count or part of the original word. It is usually caused by a lesion to the brain from a stroke but some people will just exhibit them for no reason. I have seen chronic drinkers exhibit these issues too.
  2. Isn't she also wanting them to apologize for how they treated her about the whole cancer lie and that fallout? Vicki's cognitive dissonance is just astounding.
  3. Ok, possible explanation. Cilantro is also called coriander. So, she might have been combing cilantro and coriander and that was how she came up with corrado. I see it all the time with people (I'm a speech therapist so I spend a lot of time analyzing random people's language). She was having trouble coming up with the name and combined the two names.
  4. I'm hoping she taped the hell out of it or has impeccable posture. That's the main problem with those dresses. If you sit down and have the slightest slouch or lean or tilt, it will fall open and all your bits will be out there for people to see.
  5. Luanna: Khalas! Yalla bye! Ok, Lu's really horrid Arabic accent killed me on that Morocco trip. I need to go back and watch but I also think they were misusing habibi (without even going into the whole habibti is for women but pretty much everyone uses habibi).
  6. Tins: I feel like that is Monique Lhuillier. She had a similar dress (sleeveless though) in her line about 1 year ago. I think it is still at Neiman's. Carole and Bethenny: They are easily the best dressed. Love love love. Ramona: Yeah, I had a similar evening gown when I had to go to a gala at 7 months pregnant. Dorinda: Hmm... I'm not sure about it from what I'm seeing. It doesn't seem like it "fits" with the others (same complain with Tinsley's too). Lu: Oh hell. This has the potential to turn out to be REALLY embarrassing for her. I'm really hoping she doesn't make comments about how the marriage is so great and look, wedding dress! I'd love for it to turn into a Hunger Games moment where she spins and the dress sets on fire and the ashes reveal a rocking LBD underneath. Sonja: God, Sonja. Those dresses are made for women in their 20's. I'm 36 and I wouldn't wear anything like that.
  7. I think some people are reading too much into Carole's statement about having the best breasts. She wasn't saying it to be mean and I doubt anybody's heart would have been broken over it. Hell, with this group, it probably would have started a topless competition to see who had the best breasts. LOL. There are also different types of intellectualism. Are we talking about someone who can debate between Chaucer and Shakespeare (per someone) or are we talking about someone who can discuss the neurochemical differences in a brain with autism versus a neurotypical brain? Or are we talking about someone who can discuss particle physics? A lot of these topics don't come up in the average conversation. You can also be an "intellectual" and enjoy having lightweight discussions with your friends. I love my statement tees. LOL. I don't see Carole as a braggart. I just don't. I see her as a confident woman. There is, unfortunately, a double standard for men vs women. If my husband went around talking about his professional accomplishments then he is assertive, self-promoting, and doing a great job at lining himself up for a promotion at work. If a woman does it, she is a braggart, conceited, fishing for compliments, etc. It is the same thing as if a woman is assertive at work. A man is assertive, a woman is bitchy. A man is the boss, a woman is bossy. As women (and men! We need the men too!), we need to stop promoting these practices. Examine your own actions and see if it furthers women or sets them back. As long as these double standards exist, women will never truly be considered equal to men.
  8. I saw that and wondered if maybe it was the angle of the shot that made it look like it was the lips but it was just to the side.
  9. My kids refuse hats. I'm not going to fight the 5 year old on it. I can normally get her to wear a pair of sunglasses. My 16 month old is a lost cause. You put it on him, he rips it off. You tie it on and he will figure out how to rip it off. I give up. LOL. Screw public place. LOL. Oh, I'm all about beating a dead horse. Vicki has not taken any responsibility for this. She is now lying/spinning it to make herself look innocent to the new housewives. I'm all about calling her out every single time she lies.
  10. Oh, that awful Lamborghini. First off, not special at all. Yellow is one of their normal stock colors and actually an incredibly popular color for Lamborghinis. If you want to talk about "designing" a Lamborghini then we are talking non-factory colors with fully custom interiors. Not stock. I just wish Meghan would have specifically brought up the faking cancer and cancer scam bit in front of everybody. Stop dancing around it and just call it out. Vicki isn't the victim. You faked cancer with your boyfriend, got found out, and went off on everybody.
  11. I don't necessarily agree that Jason isn't commenting publicly. I think he is but he is just usually going as the unnamed source. Think about all of the anti-Bethenny articles that have come out about this. Someone close to the situation is leaking information. If it is Jason then it is somebody close to Jason that is probably doing it with his blessing. I also think Bethenny does respect Bryn's privacy. We don't see pictures of her that often. There are none of her on Bethenny's social media and you rarely see a pap shot. Bethenny was livid with Ramona for basically outting Bryn as attending public school which makes it easier to figure out where Bryn goes to school. We don't know that much about Bryn. As far as Jason... She will answer questions about him with usually pretty vague, meh responses. Stating that going through a divorce is hard isn't earth shattering or any great revelation. I have friends who have had the most amicable divorce possible and still said it was horrible. People could also argue that Jason knew what he was getting into and signed up for it since he was happy to be on the reality show for all those years. Ultimately, nobody wins in this situation. It is going to suck for all parties involved but especially Bryn.
  12. I enjoyed how Bugs complained that she was being left behind to deal with cleaning up after the dinner while Hannah got to go off to party. Dude, she was supervising/hosting the guests and arranging for special things like cage dancing. THOSE are the things that a chief stew does. I'm interested to see how this reunion plays out. It seems like it is going to be very Us (Hannah, Adam, and Lauren) vs Them (the rest of the crew) from what I'm seeing on social media. Also, Malia and Wes are currently in Africa together so it looks like they might still be a thing. I'd be fine if they brought back most everybody for next season but I don't really want Malia or Bugs unless they get put in their place.
  13. Yes, you have to have a reason. You fill out a form, present your evidence, a judge evaluates it, and then the judge determines whether or not a restraining order is indicated in that circumstance. I'm not sure if it can happen with or without charges though. I've always seen where it has happened in conjunction with criminal charges. I agree that Jason should have backed off. I'm not sure if the school incident rose to criminal levels but I'm wondering if it was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. Like, Bethenny was keeping an eye on the situation when it was the emails but was able to deal because it was just emails. But when it happened at the school, in person and in front of witnesses that it was just too much and spurred her to action. I agree that they both need counseling and they both need to figure out some way to coexist and coparent because it is what is best for Bryn.
  14. I think it was even mentioned briefly during an episode right after the wedding. She said that she had changed her social media names to Luann D'Agostino and someone (Sonja?) made the comment that she moves fast.
  15. I don't think she looks photoshopped either. I do believe she uses filters on some of her photos (usually the closeups of her face) but those pictures don't look 'shopped to me. I think Bethenny is just a victim of Tall Poppy syndrome.
  16. Women are taught not to compliment themselves and it is horrible. Why not? My hair is fantastic and my ass is even better. If women compliment themselves, then other women have to tear them down and talk about how gauche they are.
  17. Uh... I didn't say that. I'm not sure whose quote that is but it wasn't me! ETA: Found it! It was @breezy424 . Not me!
  18. I'm not sure I would see them lying about something so easily proven false. If it was false then you would see pictures of Hoppy picking up Bryn at school. We've seen them in the past.
  19. I don't believe the restraining order is public. I'm not even sure if it would be subject to a FOIA request.
  20. http://www.crimeonline.com/2017/02/01/bethanney-frankel-files-restraining-order-against-real-housewives-ex-jason-hoppy/ https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2017/02/bethenny-frankel-granted-restraining-order-against-jason-hoppy/ https://www.realmrhousewife.com/2017/02/01/bethenny-frankel-restraining-order-against-jason-granted/ http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/bethenny-frankels-ex-husband-jason-hoppy-arrested-w464142
  21. I read somewhere (maybe TT?) that it was the same subdivision/area but a different home. I haven't personally verified that info and we all know TT isn't the most reliable but... I do think Mauricio had a hand in it though. I'm thinking he has a deal with the developer.
  22. If it is like most restraining orders, he can go up to a certain point but anything after that is in violation of the restraining order. So, it sounds like he can go up to the line of school property but not actually on it. Now whether or not that includes the sidewalk in front of the school (which is technically public property) is unknown. Sometimes they will state things like within 200 feet of ____ to include public spaces.
  23. I actually had to call my mom over this revelation. LOL. Her mom was German so we wonder if maybe it is just the European way to make scrambled eggs. I now understand though why my husband has always said he prefers my scrambled eggs to his mom's version. LOL.
  24. I had to look up the recipe. Dude, this was how I was taught how to make scrambled eggs. I know of no other way to make them. Well, minus the chives because euw, chives. But yeah, that's how I've always made scrambled eggs.
  25. I would love to move back to NYC but we are stuck in Dubai for God knows how long. My husband has said if we move and manage to get NYC, he wants Westchester or Connecticut. Meanwhile, I'm going, Manhattan! I'm not a bridge and tunnel girl.
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