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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. You mean like dickhead and miserable prick...or is that just in my head?
  2. Well, he lives in China and is concerned for his family. Seems to me the implication is that he is a dissident against the ruling regime, which is not generally considered healthy activity.
  3. I thought it odd that she was drinking from a Moscow Mule mug. Has she acknowledged that she's drinking? (I never really believed she quit to be honest). For the sake of custody hearings and Thomas' nonsense, she should at least consider the impression she's giving with her choice of drinkware. Oh wait, it's Kathryn. Never mind. Yes! Totally.
  4. This falls somewhere between funny and slightly disturbing, so I'll share anyway, and let you all decide, lol.
  5. Personal anecdote involving the two most recent threads here. Brother-in-law had an allergy (not sure it was celiac disease), or something similar that made him have an anaphylactic reaction to wheat. Ordered a hamburger patty, NO BUN. Waitress delivered it, he started feeling ill shortly after beginning to eat. Asked the waitress about it and she said something like "yeah, the kitchen didn't see my note, but I took the bun off before I delivered it to your table." Just the bun touching the meat put him in the hospital. I wasn't around when this happened, and he's gone now, so I can't verify exactly what his ailment was.
  6. I would imagine it has been dumped. Besides, her show doesn't follow their new formula (mostly) of husband/wife rehab. You know, where the wife is the smart, designer-y one, and the husband is the hands-on doofus-y one.
  7. Quite benign really, just referring to the fact that my cats have always been mommy followers, with the bathroom being particularly critical for some reason I'll never quite understand.
  8. I know the info about antibodies/immunity is fuzzy, but she did test positive last summer, so it could be any of them really.
  9. Nancy Travis' Vanessa Baxter, looks like she's aged 10 years at least, and has overprocessed her hair/wig into pergatory. Also, I'll say it...Amanda Fuller's Kristen Baxter looks awful. I realize she's had a couple kids, and weight gain happens, but I'm not really talking about that exclusively. Just looks disheveled or something.
  10. I don't disagree, but I think they could mud wrestle for that title, and both end up just covered in mud. I can't say I'm surprised by his lawsuit. I thought it rather strange that the show was so out there with the allegations and inuendos about him and his business practices. I wouldn't have thought that there would be solid information/evidence at the time they were filming. We'll see I guess.
  11. I ejected the landline back in '07 when my personal recession started. I was an overhead slashing monster, and that was an easy $35 or so bucks. The only complication was that our alarm system was tied into the phone line, but guess what? Got rid of the alarm monitoring too (another $20 something) so it was moot. We've never looked back. Judging by the looks of our phone books the last couple of years (about 1/2" thick, tops), we're not alone.
  12. Speaking of email... Why is it so difficult for folks to grasp the "reply all" vs. "reply to sender" concept? Can't count the emails I receive from people who were on a mass email, and replying to the sender, but clearly don't know how to do that. C'mon people.
  13. I generally only sign on for these assaults if there is a significant savings offered for doing so. Generally, I unsubscribe as quickly as possible after using said discount. I'm not ignorant to the apparent usefulness of these marketing techniques, but yeah, annoying as hell. If they would limit to maybe once every week or 10 days, I think these folks would find it to be far more successfull. I won't give them the reason for unsubscribing, as it seems to me that it should be pretty friggin' obvious.
  14. I have a cat who when she was a kitten, invented the "britches" game, whereby she would hop into the pants around my ankles and then wait for me to play chase the finger on the outside of them (I would pull them up to about mid-calf after she jumped in). Hilarious.
  15. Same here. We are simply not allowed to have a closed door policy, anywhere. I haven't been to the bathroom alone, except on a rare occasion, in probably 30+ years.
  16. I hope you all don't mind these memes. If you'd rather I not put them here, I'll stop, but I just sort of thought that humor was in order, wherever we can find it.
  17. If I were a computer / internet guru, I wouldn't be sitting here banging away earning other people some ad revenue, I'd be earning it for myself, but I would say that the proprietors of this site have some infrastructure issues that don't seem to be getting solved. I'm probably wrong, but whatever the cause, it is annoying as hell.
  18. I feel the same about "I'm blessed." For some I think it has become rote sentiment, but to me, it implies that those who are struggling, aren't blessed. I would prefer 'thankful', 'appreciative', or even 'lucky'.
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