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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. My only guess was that he was guarding the place since the old man was coming home. Producer driven dramatic moment more than anything probably. Good guess really.
  2. Did anyone else but me, upon seeing Kayce emerge in the distance dressed as the Swamp Creature, say to themselves "oh damn, Kayce lost too much blood and his mind too? lol Seriously though, that was a bit odd.
  3. Am I the only one that is desperate to run a comb through Beth's hair? 🤨 So as not to drop any specifics/spoilers for those who haven't seen it, I'll just say that to me, the first 20 minutes (of actual Yellowstone) were the best of the two hours. Plus the Roarke scene. 🐍 After that, meh. Sure it will get juicy though.
  4. It's true that C's model had trouble walking freely, but I believe the difference is that her dress was very well constructed, and a much better, more imaginative design. I also enjoy Christian as a mentor, and having watched him as a contestant, am truly surprised at how much he matured as a human. Tim was just too vague imo. You're right, Making The Cut (H & T's new show) is unwatchable. For those unfamiliar with Christian from his PR contestant days, here's an image from that timeframe. Just oozes brattyness doesn't it? lol
  5. It is interesting. Betting many would love to know their secret for that accomplishment. Here's a pic (not sure if other links had one). madison-lecroy-engaged-reportedly p.s. & btw -- Yolanda says Zayn "struck" her??!!
  6. Despite all evidence to the contrary (pillow making, Summer House/Southern Charm acting, etc.). Doesn't leave much time for being a dedicated, serious attorney, which is the only sort I would retain. I used to be a Craig apologist of sorts, but I've moved on from pretty much all things Bravo, and look back wondering what I ever saw in most of it, lol. That said, bring back Southern Charm New Orleans!!
  7. Well said. Sounds (so far, very early and speculative, yes) that there were red flags flying all over this production.
  8. @MargeGunderson - Had a cat years ago with a similar issue. It was intermittant, which led me to believe that it was an allergy of some sort. She would lick it until red and irritated. Eventually, the vet prescribed an oral steroid, which was effective. Only took a few doses to work thankfully, so I never noticed any long-term side effects from the med (outside of the expected extra hunger). We were never able to determine the cause.
  9. anywhere I'm a proponent of the 2nd amendment, but open carry is nothing more than a non-verbal 'f*ck you'. You're simply begging for trouble, and eventually, you'll get it.
  10. Revisionist history tellers would answer in the affirmative. I was forbidden from watching Dark Shadows and Johnny Carson, which is why, as with most things taboo, I worked twice as hard to sneak-watch them.
  11. Written from her perspective. Has Mario written his side? lol
  12. One of the lucky ones. He escaped before being mortally wounded.
  13. I'm very intrigued by this news. Their Songs From The Big Chair album (yes, album) was one of my favorites from that era (ca. 1984), and I played the grooves right out of it. Sorry to hear of RO's wife's issues and her death. Caring for an ill spouse can be soul crushing. Good that he has an outlet.
  14. Get yourself a stand fan with oscillation and a remote control. I used a couple all summer to lower the elec. bill and coax another year or so out of the AC.
  15. I just donated ^that rug thingy. Mine never appreciated the hours contributed to the design and engineering of this life-enriching product. 😼
  16. I'm with you regarding Alton Brown. I'll put my finger on it for you; he's f*cking strange. I'm moderately annoyed by Giada. I'm irrationally bothered when people put heavy foreign pronunciation emphasis on words in the middle of a sentence/story, and that is most definitely her m.o. Plus her claw-like hands, lol. Bobby Flay has two gorgeous cats (which have their own Insta of course (Nacho Flay & Stella), which are worth the price of admission alone.
  17. That's where my thoughts are as well. Why would he want to continue to be their pack mule? I've always assumed they were loading him down to justify the big bux he was getting. I don't mind watching some of his shows, but I can bet his head barely fits through the doorway. FN created that monster.
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