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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I know exactly what you mean. I find them to be either too easy or too difficult. Doesn't seem to be a middle-of-the-road version.
  2. Could be, but there's a potentially huge precedent to consider. The courts are likely going to be heavily populated with cases related to streaming/OD for the foreseeable future. Some thoughts - I don't follow the entertainment industry closely, but hasn't the film industry been suffering in general for several years (pre-COVID)? If that is the case, then actors should perhaps be prepared to see salaries drop or at least be differently configured. Let's face it, the studios/production companies are going to get theirs first. As to actors like SJ configuring contracts relating to box office, this is a bit like an independent contractor. I was one for 20-some years; taking a percentage of the sale vs. a salary/benefits, etc., and I made more money BUT I was taking a big risk. A risk that bit me squarely in the ass when the recession hit. My income dropped 70% practically overnight. My analogy may not be perfect, but I feel like it's a similar situation. Risk/reward.
  3. Ramona has attracted some high profile trolling... rihanna-trolls-ramona-singer
  4. Acclaim is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I'm merely some schmuck who actually pays for a ticket, not a highly paid reviewer, so... For me, she is an awesome vocalist who should consider sticking to that. I realize others don't agree.
  5. I saw it last evening as well. I'm a bit stunned that the producers of this film (and the industry in general) feels compelled to include a non actor in this sturdy cast. Was there no talented actor available? If they felt they needed a singer/songwriter in an acting role, so as to draw at the box office, then perhaps they should have just used their resources on another project.
  6. Designers and manufacturers must never dust or clean anything. Can you imagine trying to keep that clean? Yet another example of designing for television/magazines, and not for real living.
  7. There are never words that suffice, but trust that you have all my sympathy. I'm facing the same sadness very soon. Hug his brother double tonight~
  8. I have a cat with a discerning taste for chewing. Cellophane, plastic bags, cardboard boxes, packaging tape (from the cardboard boxes), and her most famous - fiberglass insulation. Things she doesn't chew with regularity: her cat food.
  9. From ^the link - When asked what he'd learned from the situation, Lewis said he thinks he's "the better communicator" of the pair, which ultimately led to their breakup. "We don't speak the same language," he said. "I felt like he wanted to fight, and I don't want to fight." So in Jeff Lewis World, he is definitely the most awesome of the two, and NOT the problem. Color me stunned.
  10. Exactly right. At the risk of generalizing, I'm going to generalize and say that in my experience, men typically move on quickly, whereas women are slower to begin the process. This probably wouldn't be a discussion if the roles had been reversed.
  11. Lemme wade in with you - When developed, my Grocery Bagging 101 app will instruct that hard produce items may be packed together, but soft items such as tomatoes, ripe avocados, Emma's plums and nectarines etc., should be bagged separately, as should onions, so as to keep the dried onion skins from shedding all over every.damn.thing. Bread and bakery items should also be bagged together, with items in boxes or containers on the bottom, and bagged breads, rolls, muffins etc., on top. I don't like having to unwrap the bags to see where the soft items are when I'm carrying as many bags as humanly possible to avoid extra trips when bringing them in the house, lol. (I've considered researching the Guinness World Record on this). Three things - Get trained Be trained Stay trained
  12. The year (yes, year - singular) I decided to grow my own tomatoes (against my better judgement), I became a prolific aphid rancher. I then notified my local grocer that he need not adjust his tomato inventory going forward.
  13. Or have sufficient staff and scheduling so as to enable folks to actually, you know, escape for an hour or so, and enjoy some time away from their work environment. I realize that some don't prefer that, but for me, if you wish to have a meal that requires heating/cooking, it should be outside of the workspace.
  14. No, probably not. Certainly no more (or less) important than mega athletic events in virtually unvaccinated countries.
  15. I too have been on both sides (of the counter), and agree that patrons can be very rude and nasty. I'm not forgiving bad behavior by anyone, and I just feel that all people in all places can do better. Just don't keep preaching to me about the trevails of a singular group, when all have crosses to bear.
  16. They're not old enough (in most cases) to have fully cooked brains, so they have to be trained by someone who has the sense to come in from the rain. I have found that in general, retailers of all varieties are not training personnel. Yes, I know it's expensive to do it, and yes, I know that employee turnover is high and that sucks, but you know what sucks worse? Having your customers start shopping elsewhere. Here's a pet peeve - seeing an endless stream of posts on various social and mainstream media telling me that I just need to be patient and kind with every single person working in every single job because .. reasons. How about the customer who is under the same stresses and hardships because .. reasons, how about the customer gets treated with a little respect and consideration as well. -End of rant-
  17. The grocery store has become my ground zero for horrid customer service, horrid staff training, and well just a horrid shopping experience in general. This has nothing whatever to do with Covid, as these things were in place well before. Our (formerly local, now regional conglomerate) grocery store used to have exemplary service and very well-trained staff, but apparently that costs a couple hundred bucks, so nah. Um, no kiddo, I wouldn't like to have all 5 jars of pasta sauce, or all 8 bottles of ice tea dropped into the same 5lb test plastic bag. (Yeah, we still have those). You know kid, sometimes you have to be smarter than your hair.
  18. A little BGN goes a looong way, right Hilaria? 🤭
  19. Could be. I am horticulturally inept. Re ^this, I make certain that what I have chosen has that sticker, so as to eliminate any question for a likely in-training cashier.
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