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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. And Sissy. Don't forget Sissy (who by the way, looks fabulous). clearcaptions
  2. Trying to imagine who is bat guano enough to do this scene. Please, please film this scene.
  3. The problem with wholesale extermination of (in many cases) beneficial insects, is we lose the benefit for a short-term solution. Whatever conditions exist that are attracting them will likely still exist when the insecticides dissipate. I would ask the exterminator what is drawing them, and maybe it can be remedied with less environmental impact. I totally understand being eeked out.
  4. Oh, you're most welcome. As to the quality question, my theory is that we should buy the best we can for the budget and the circumstances. Like in your case, if you know you'll be moving in 2 years, you may want to opt for a more frugal choice, in case the item wouldn't be right for the next place. Conversely, If the item will see heavy use, you may not want to skimp on quality.
  5. Why my screened porch resembles a colandar, and will continue to until the kitties have left this life.
  6. That is a good id*a. At l*ast on* job I had years ago used them. I hat*d it, but th* valu* is not lost on m* now, lol.
  7. I consid*r*d that. Som*on* on anoth*r thr*ad shar*d a link on how to pop off th* l*tt*rs and cl*an out th* d*bris. I'll try that first. Thanks.
  8. I think it's also a contain*r / aluminum issu*. Classic supply chain bullspit.
  9. Unfortunat*ly, th* thre* is also aff*ct*d. I susp*ct an *rrant grain of salt. (Irony not*d)
  10. We're in a semi-rural locale, haven't seen rats, but we have regular visits from many of th*ir cousins; groundhogs, squirrels, opossum, raccoons, skunks. Plus rabbits, d**r, wild turk*y, and th* occasional fox. I don't mind it. I would probably mind rats. 🙅‍♀️🐭 This 'e' situation is going to cause me great agita before it's righted, lol.
  11. Including a couple links of places I hav purchasd bird fders and sd from. not: My 'e' is mostly not working on this (*(*&^)_(*k keyboard. ruralking tractorsupply
  12. My intellectual self knows, deep down, that all or most of ^those folks would love to see the problem fixed. Sometimes, my emotional self just needs to go through the process of putting it in writing. No offense intended. Truly. I too know it is going to get worse. It's being engineered so.
  13. I have had to step into ^that space for the last year and a half. I have tried more varieties/brands than I can count in an attempt to increase the available choices, but I'm getting dirty looks every time. That plus I am not of independent wealth, and cannot spend an infinite $$ for higher end alternatives which have not been tried. All I need is for them to decide they loooove that $2/can Special Kitty manna from heaven. Four cans per day = no bueno gatos.
  14. Yet another example of how the use of digital communications has inexplicably devalued proper grammar. Irksome.
  15. My husband and I were having a related conversation recently; one where I stated that I was certain that cemetaries would likely cease to exist at some point in the foreseeable future, imo. I can understand why some may be wholly opposed to the idea, but barring some religious objections, I'm pretty sure crematoriums are the future (irony noted).
  16. So sorry that happened to you. To assign you a task in light of ^this may seem cruel, but I would ask that you spend some time reporting this a**hole to the proper entities, so as to hopefully prevent others from suffering the same fate.
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