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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. That knife infomercial/show is I think, an offshoot of one of the shopping networks. They used to be the standard overnight product offerings. They have been selling these sets for years and years. That's the what. I can't answer your why.
  2. I'm envisioning an air horn. (Have earplugs at the ready). I answer zero calls from numbers that do not appear on my contact list. If it is an important call, they will leave a message.
  3. The ad looks to me like you drop them down into the drain hold of a sink, not a disposal. They sort of sit at the bottom of the P trap. I think.
  4. I fell on my sword for everyone. It's an ad for NectarSleep mattresses. "Sleep like a baby", predictably. A little creepy yes, but I've seen worse. I think.
  5. I know that's right. Hay 2 gatos en la casa de Elevated
  6. Tinsley is awash in baby doll dresses and ruffles. Fat chance she'll ever cut her hair on the idea that she has too many trunk rings.
  7. IMO, what you're seeing is the result of the push for $15/hr.+ No matter what side you fall on the debate, the reality is that businesses that were paying $8 or $9 aren't going to nearly double their direct labor costs without fallout to the consumer. Everybody pays, one way or another.
  8. If you look up ostentatious in Webster's, you'll find a photo of LVP.
  9. He sold his business, including the QVC stuff, in 2011. He clearly is still on a work contract for appearances with Xcel Brands, the buyer, and it is probably a lucrative deal, but I would imagine that his only involvement with the actual design/fabrication of the garmets is walking past the office twice a year. jmo
  10. That didn't escape my side eye either. Ridiculous. Also noticed that the wiping away of tears didn't affect her makeup, not one iota. That professional chit must be some rawk solid stuff.
  11. I would imagine that they would have to dissolve. As a general rule, I stay away from products that are placed into plumbing parts, toilets, etc. Seems like asking for trouble IMO.
  12. Hubs and I think that when he was strip searched, the guy with the blue latex gloves that manipulated his ears, had poison on his gloves. Is that the prevailing opinion here too?
  13. All I can tell you about it is that if it were some sort of voodoo game, where the player could target the subjects of the game (ala KK, or KK, or KK, or EJ), I would buy a gross of pins and download that app so fast, your head would spin. Beyond that, I got nuttin'.
  14. That was about as close to losing composure as I think I have ever seen LVP. She looked very uncomfortable.
  15. Someone who doesn't want to have any discoverable assets. *cough*IRS*lawsuit*cough*
  16. This gave me anxiety just reading it. I have a recurring dream nightmare about driving my car and suddenly I'm flying off of a road like you describe, like I was in a slingshot, flying through the air. It's horrible.
  17. I have to say that I loved Dorit's hairstyle at Lisa's bday party. Gorgeous. They were really beautiful, and probably responsible for about $1480 of the $1500 price point.
  18. I can't help but notice that these sorts of articles have a tendency to appear, very close to premieres of new RHO seasons. Though I don't find any of it particularly hard to believe, the timing is pretty standard.
  19. And so did those of us participating in this forum, to the tune of about 3 or 4 pages worth? lol Doh!
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