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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. ? No apology required. I just wasn't sure what happened there, lol. S'all good.
  2. All of this is why I admire Cameran for her ability to remain grounded and seemingly devoid of nonsense. This through two stints in realty tv. Her mama can be proud! (Please Cam, don't blow it! lol)
  3. To clarify my Loch Ness comment - I wasn't comparing her business sense to the history of or marketing potential of the Monster. My analogy was meant more like her business sense is non-existent, much like the Loch Ness Monster. It wasn't that deep.
  4. I've been in sales all of my adult life, but not marketing. I know that modern marketing via social media is a different animal than traditional marketing. I'm in Dorinda's demographic age-wise. Now all that said, I question the wisdom of using someone as a brand ambassador/paid endorser, who is solely (I'm pretty sure) known by their appearance on a reality TV program; one where the're often seen as a mumbling, slurring, alcohol abuser. Especially when my brand's name is FabFitFun. Do those 'followed by' numbers mean absolutely everything at the exclusion of anything else? Must be. The screen grab includes her caption. eta - She is shown as having 537,000 followers on her Instagram account.
  5. She has gotten more "ink" than she deserves in this thread alone.
  6. Yes, pet ownership like parenthood requires much sacrifice. Sonja really doesn't come off like someone with that chromosome. The parenthood thing has likely been handled by others; nannies and headmasters, etc. The pets, though perhaps initially traumatized, will definitely realize a better life post-Sonja.
  7. Luann's IG has been has been littered with bikini shots over the weekend. It's like a dating site. That said...dayum! She looks amazing. I am jealous. 53??!! Those bresteses don't look like 53, but they don't look augmented either. She's either got a top-notch surgeon, or the gene pool was very, very kind to her. eta - I realize that she must work very hard to keep things looking like ^this. Can't all be gene pool.
  8. This is the one that she was arrested for breaking into his house or something like that. The mugshot guy.
  9. Definitely looked like someone was going to need a trampoline to mount/dismount. (Er...the bed I mean)
  10. I did notice it! The 2nd bed was definitely an ad-lib, lol. That's the room that I commented about those ghastly green walls.
  11. The photo that she posted with the ^above^ item: Very sweet. Gives me the sadz.
  12. So here's another link that Sonja provided on her IG acct., for the http://sonjamorganonline.com/ site. Mainly a montage of photos and pablum blurbs about nothing, but a "shop" widget which takes you to a shoe page with a very small selection of shoe/slipper knock-offs options, in the mid $200 range. Sonja's frenetic disconnect with reality business sense is still a bit like the Loch Ness Monster.
  13. Pet Peeve - when the nearby asshats neighbors confuse Memorial Day, a day to remember the sacrifices of the war dead, with Independence Day, a day clearly designed to allow them to literally blow up their money with fireworks. Grrrrrr
  14. Jill Z had a bad experience this weekend. Her little doggie, Ginger, got in trouble. From her Instagram: "My best friend And companion Ginger almost drowned this weekend. She definitely saw Bobby as her Tiny frail body lay limp with her tongue hanging out of her lifeless body. My friend revived her and I believe Bobby sent her back to me. She is recovering at home but has become blind and is walking in circles . @drcindybressler says it could be temporary and will know more after a Nuerologist sees her and ophthalmologist to assess her cataracts. She is 14 and we are losing her. But she is a fighter and we will do everything possible to even have her 1 more day. Thank you @townesouthanimalhospital for saving her. #prayforginger #mybestfriend #icantloseyou"
  15. I watched on and off the first season. Couldn't believe it was renewed for a 2nd. So, no. ymmv
  16. Being that it is a rainy day in the Berkshires, Doris has nothing better to do than sell cashmere mufflers... ...in May, whilst perched on a concrete lotus flower. <ouch> Slightly odd.
  17. They've all done some things for money, that would rest cases. This, by her own words -
  18. I've not heard or read about any sort of "greener" version, but I suppose that's possible. As for people not knowing? It's possible that the Amish community is unaware, but that'd be it I think.
  19. Boy, I'm surprised they let her play, what with her unfair advantage and all. ?
  20. If he were to go to jail, she wouldn't have any problems receiving child support. Someone either employed by him or by the State would administer his affairs while he is "away" (™Teresa Guidice).
  21. I'm going to have to push back on this. While I would agree that these shows are probably not completely unscripted, I don't believe that she is a professional actress. Some of the things she has done and said, for me, remove her from the "normal" column. Is she the worst on this show? No.
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