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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. If it is about Thomas, it is no surprise. Even Bravo can't continue to employ an alleged assaulter. Now when will Sonja Morgan get the boot? I don't find her constant sexual harrassment to be cute. It hasn't risen to the level of rape of course, but it's off-putting and a double standard if not dealt with, imo.
  2. @ProudMary - I'm glad to see your take on Hilton Head. I've not been there, but I have always heard about it and assumed that it was an awesome place. It's on my bucket list (to use that tired term, lol). >>>SuprSuprElevated<<< is a chronic phone dropper.
  3. I don't disagree with this. She's a lot of things, but haphazard about business? Nah.
  4. A link to the Sonja Shirts & Tops for Women page from her "collection". shirts-tops-for-women An identity crisis if ever there was one. I did find something for Tinsley though, a white "Lolita" blouse: I spotted a shirt on the linked page that describes a shirt as "created for Macy's". Leads me to believe that this is merely a clearing house for crap that didn't sell. This is Sonja's attempt at being an UES TJMaxx? Wonder if Ramona has a hand in this. Edit - Do yourselves a favor and at least check out the home page. Her "luxury shopping mall". *Barf*Gag*Ptui*
  5. I Googled one particular shoe, the Nike Revolution 4, and it is widely available for between $45 and $50 bux. Sawnya's site has slashed the price to $61.59, down from $67.20. Goofy pricing much? Plus, all the shoes are showing in one size only, 5's and 6's mostly. So yeah, this is some sort of double secret retail Ninja bs. Girlfriend just needs to bite the bullet, sell the townhouse, move to a 2BR in Hoboken and take a job as a hostess at Olive Garden. Time to get real Sawnya.
  6. Okay. I don't dislike Tinsley, but this little girl affect has me kind of skeeved out. Check out the bed, with the fabric canopy that looks like it would be better suited for a bassinet. How sweet that she's wearing her daddy's watch. <blech>
  7. Welp, there it is. Any of us could have written this script.
  8. Sawnya (™Lulu) appears to be on sale this weekend. "A more affordable collection" Translation - The expensive shit didn't sell , and we hope that a 20% discount will get you to order the cheaper shit.
  9. Thought I would post this adorable pic of Jennifer Snowden's son with her partner and the baby's father, Lee. Really glad to see that Ascher appears to be doing very well, in spite of the frightening start to his young life.
  10. He couldn't be elected to dog catcher, as they say.
  11. Southern Charm is on the path to ruin imo. Get Ravenel and his concubine(s) out of there, and it could probably be redeemed. ymmv
  12. Yeah, me too. A couple of accent colors for me. Plus, I guess she isn't planning on a family with children renting the place. Eeks!
  13. She sort of was signed to be "support" for Kathryn, to balance out the negative I guess. She got engaged in 2016 or 2017 to a man 16 years older, (he is founder and CEO of Level One, a software development company that has sold out recently) and they "mutually" backed out of the wedding just a couple of months before it was to happen in September of 2017. She was an "alcohol brand manager" when she first joined the group (not sure if that was for Gentry bourbon, but I don't think so), but now she appears to be an artist, selling original paintings plus she has been designing prints for a swimwear company (db designs). The images can be seen on her Instagram (Danni Baird). I too am confused about her involvement in this show, as it is really limited and uneventful. She does seem to be involved more this season. Edit - I always thought she seemed a little too nice to be involved with this group, but her involvement with Staci Shroeder from VPR give me cause for some side eye in her direction.
  14. Yeah, I'm wondering if they wrote a big check for advertising, or if they are receiving in-kind considerations for the filming. Yeah, my hubs noticed the spit cup. Gross
  15. The definition of volunteer is: a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task. For me, Adam can turn down B's request because he doesn't like the color of the plane seats. I've said it before that he doesn't need a reason for not being her photographer. Charities and a person's involvement with them is and should be of that person's choosing. Maybe Adam just doesn't care for Bethenny. If he has vacationed with her, that likely has more to do with his girlfriend than it does Bethenny. Does that make him an asshole? Totally depends on your individual perception. Is Bethenny an asshole for thinking that she should have photographs taken of her being charitable? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Carole defending Adam is no different than Bethenny defending Dennis (at the reunion with Luann). They're on, they're off, and on and on, but they both have affectionate connections with these men, whether in an active, on-going relationship or merely as friends, and they will come to their defense. It's not that puzzling to me.
  16. Yeah, I think that sometimes these stories begin and end right here, lol. I've seen this "Bethenny paid for expensive trips for Carol and Adam" narrative several times here, but I haven't seen any of the receipts. I know we're not supposed to ask for them, so I haven't.
  17. Ramona did a "reveal" of her Hampton's house renovation with Daily Mail - Ramona-Singer-EXCLUSIVE
  18. Blind items are pretty much nonsense imo, until they are no longer blind.
  19. And her reason for that, exfoliation, is imbecility. One doesn't need a facialist to exfoliate.
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