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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. With a gun to my head, I wouldn't disagree with you, but it doesn't change his 'ick' factor for me.
  2. If he wasn't such a dick, I would love this.
  3. I know they do, and I really do understand it, though I kinda of skeeves me out a bit. I don't like him, so I hate to see these women fawn all over him. He would walk over their bleeding bodies to get to the pot of gold if need be.
  4. I have that same guilty pleasure. There were many.
  5. I'm also thinking that they're contracted to appear at the reunions, and that is part of their season pay. Pretty sure that is why Maloof got canned after she failed to attend the reunion in her (turned out to be) final season. She was ticked about Brandi or how her story was edited or something, I can't remember now. She totally alienated Andy for not showing up and did not get a contract renewal. No loss imo.
  6. lol I wondered what you were telling her! <no good deed goes unpunished>
  7. Yes, the Instagram accounts of the varied Bravo folk I follow, are populated with suck up photos of Andy with the obligatory HB wishes to him.
  8. It is interesting. I recall when the guys accompanied him back home, how surprised they were to discover all of Craig's sports and academic accolades/trophies in his parent's home. Trust me, one doesn't excel in either of those things by being disorganized and/or lazy. Makes me wonder what has changed. It wouldn't seem like he should be booze-addled by 29 years old (actually younger than that considering he's appeared to be a bit of a mess for 3-4 years now). Interesting note - his IMDB shows a credit for a role in a 2018 Bruce Willis film Reprisal. Our little Craigy on the big screen? Too good.
  9. I suspect that Ramona will find it extremely difficult to conceal her glee, Sonja will be sort of matter-of-fact about it, "well there you go", or something like that, Carole will be comfortably smug. Bethenny & Tinsley - can't predict.
  10. I see it now...Vitamin B-Strong. 'Sokay Beth, consider it a freebie.
  11. I don't know the law either, but I would imagine that if she does indeed keep her nose clean (literally and figuratively), stays off of the crazy train, she should get at least equal custody. Now depending on what happens to her baby daddy, she may end up with sole custody, at least temporarily. It would be beyond sweet to see Thomas have to be supervised for visitation.
  12. And yet still a company wants her endorsement. I would have failed marketing in modern times. Integrity, image, reputation...makes no difference.
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