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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Have a seat young whippersnapper. He's 55, and imo, looks pretty decent for that age, considering the swilling of booze, knoodling with loose women, and the swinging of a polo mallet whilst tromping through horseshit.
  2. Pretty sure, yes. And anything else they could sign on to. I will say that Kelly was right about one thing...Alex & Simon would attend the opening of an envelope.
  3. Sure. The location device did that to for you. The things we have allowed in our lives, and I'm as guilty as anyone, the security and privacy we have given up - we will never get it back.
  4. Yeah, people seem to have forgotten why we (some of us) loved to hate Jill. I for one am not a proponent of her returning to RHONY.
  5. omg, this is awesome! Season 1, Episode 8, Craig on a date with "Karen". He really likes Karen, "because she's as career-driven as I am." I fell off my chair. =================================================================================== Same episode - Patricia touring Whitney's new loft says, "All of the furniture is so brown. Dirty brown furniture bough at Home Depot, on sale. It's so declasse'". Oh goodness Patricia.
  6. I realize that my lifestyle is far, far removed from that of these women, but I am continually amazed by their revolving door-style real estate transactions. So, what do you want, if not this beautiful place Lu? Five years in and listing for two and a half times your purchase price? Will she get that? Damn house porn! I want that house! Has her financial picture really changed that much in 5 years? Does she need the money? I would think she would be better off today than when she purchased this place. The hell I know.
  7. The more I think about it, it does seem like Bethenny is at her worst (with the rapid-fire verbal vomit), when she's nervous or in an awkward moment. Yes, people need comic relief, but if I truly hadn't seen her in more than five years, I would be hesitant to fall back on humor as a crutch. Anyway, you're right about shiva. That was a good thing to do.
  8. Agreed. She had her one great book, it doesn't mean there will be a second bite of the apple. Go sell donuts and take care of the pets.
  9. That was a useless, boring segment. This wasn't so much a tribute to BZ as it was a vehicle for Bethenny & Jill to interact. A tribute, imo, would have been to put up a photo of him at the close of the episode, with the usual "In Memorium" copy. The histrionics at the steps of the synagogue were classic Bravo fluff.
  10. Orrr, if that ^ flailing about ^ didn't scare him off, nothing will? Based on her Instagram, she spent the Memorial Day holiday weekend in Palm Beach, and I saw no evidence of Scott. Not iron-clad evidence of anything, just saying.
  11. No, she keeps tellin' you, she comes from a place of yes. Except we're talking about a 42-yr old who thinks she's 20. So she's thinking her eggs young. I actually don't find that terribly wrong. If she hadn't seen Jill in 6 years, she probably hadn't seen Bobby in as long. Even if she had, not everyone finds it appropriate. Sometimes, even the closest of friends prefer to keep it with family/intimate relationships in a situation like that.
  12. Hard copy is more than an old celeb-u-smut show. Anyone who relies exclusively on the cloud, will find themselves in a serious rainstorm one day. ymmv Only those of us with a twisted sense of humor. My soh is straight as an arrow.
  13. 1990's? We had 'em in the 70's gurl. We were trailblazers. What we thought we looked like vs. what we really looked like:
  14. Condolences on your doggie. Terrible thing losing a pet. Their time with us is far too brief.
  15. Yeah, that's a low bar. They might be a skosh more original... I like Tinsley also, I really do, but that scene gives over-the-top a new lease on life.
  16. Kathryn looks like a cross between Mae West and Tammy Faye Bakker. Shep and Austen need to stop shopping for their sportcoats in the Boys department at JC Penney.
  17. After viewing her choice for a wedding gown, I was curious about Tabitha Simmons' designs. Here is a collection of her footwear (apparently all she does?) available from Bergdorf Goodman. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't see anything particularly noteworthy or even original, save maybe those odd bootie things, which look like they are from a similar era as her wedding dress. Tabitha-Simmons
  18. The fake crying performed by Dale and Tinsley over the facetimed photo of eggs, not embryos, calling them "my babies", all while Tins is sitting in a not-yet-needed* wedding gown, was so much amazing awfulness, it should have its own category at the RHO Awards, which I will call The Wifeys. (howzat for a run-on sentence?) *I suspect that Tins & Scott have seriously discussed marriage, and that there might be an impending engagement. I find it hard to believe that she would risk looking so desperately foolish if not. This was filmed about 6 months ago, right? But I've been wrong like 26 times already this morning, so...
  19. Ramona would stomp a 'real and sincere' man into a frothy, muddled pulp, add ice and drink him down. Turtle time indeed. I don't think Bethenny has this emotion in her database.
  20. I actually understand this. I would much rather talk to someone...you know, old school style, then carry on a lengthy text convo. For one thing, I'm a quick typist, but on the phone, nah. Plus deep conversations lose their true meaning sometimes when done via text. I'm on board with Carole on this.
  21. I realize that you typoed. lol It's Cali Girl. Doctor Freud, is that you?
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