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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I don't know how many if any here are actual psychologists/psychiatrists, but we are all of a similar mind that Bethenny is somehow damaged by her parents and her upbringing (justified or not - up for debate). She is a smart woman, she should spend at least as much time in a therapist's office (no, not the one who agreed to have her sessions filmed for Bethenny Gets Married), a real honest-to-goodness therapist, as she spends filming this shit show (a shit show I love). She should be smart enough to know that she is visiting her demons on her daughter, and will continue to do so. I really believe that she thinks her successes cancel out any baggage she carries around. That because she has a lot of zeroes and commas in the bank, she surely has overcome. She hasn't.
  2. From the link @HunterHunted shared, now this is rich - "I reflected, went to a therapist, talked to my doctors, tested all my bloods. I wanted to see, ‘Do I have a problem?’ And it came out, ‘No, you don’t have a problem." Ladies and gentlemen, you'll be glad to know that all that's required to determine whether or not you or a loved one is an alcoholic, is to "test all your bloods". Turns out that if little images of Carrie Nation show up under the microscope, you're in the clear. Oh Sonja.
  3. I'll help - http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2018/MAY.html
  4. It's beautiful, but I just couldn't live in a magazine like that. Too sterile for my taste.
  5. I'm not mad that Tinsley inherited lots of money. If it couldn't be me, it may as well have been Tins.
  6. I know where you're coming from, yes, my mother is 87. It frustrates my sister more than it does me. I understand the objection, I just choose my battles differently.
  7. The paragraph @film noire refers to ^above, in discussing the various charities: "All of us get involved in charities and programs that we are passionate about. My mother was a victim of domestic abuse, and I have worked for years with different domestic violence charities .Currently I’m involved with Safe Horizon, a national organization for women and children of abuse. Dorinda volunteers each month at her church and works with the homeless outreach programs. She was recently awarded for all the work she has done to better the community. Carole supports political campaigns (don't get me started on that!) and animal rights organizations. She ran the marathon this year for North Shore Animal Shelter. I gave her a party!!! Luann volunteers with ACE homeless program and the American Red Cross, and Sonja has her passion projects as well." Two things stand out; like FN mentioned, try as she might, she couldn't name a Sonja charity, and even though she credits Tinsley earlier in the blog for donating to the BF cause, she does not mention her at all in the back-patting paragraph. I get her point though.
  8. KD from season one, KD after Kenzie's birth, and KD from current Instagram. I'd say she's gained a bit. She's down a lot from her heaviest, after giving birth to Kenzie, but I'd say she's bigger than before motherhood. Edit - I think she looks great right now. She looked perfectly skeletal in the first photo.
  9. It may just be a habit. Lu refers to "the girls" frequently. My mother calls any and every female "the girl who"...
  10. If 'Moaner is making a plea for Missy to join, is Lulu working the "bring Jill back" angle? They played tennis in Central Park. Uh huh.
  11. I now understand Ramona's affection for Missy. She was Ramona's chest out-tits up prototype, even though she failed as a fascinator tutor. Is RS making a push for M to be a RHONY? I'm thinking yeah.
  12. I would love to have a job like that. Spend other people's money in an attempt to make them look nice. A bit like grown-up paper dolls, for pay. I can see two types of people hiring such a service; those with impossibly busy schedules, and those with no ability to put together a competent look. From what I can tell, there are plenty of both walking this earth.
  13. Wasn't the conversation that it would appear in the "March" issue? I would think that was March 2018?
  14. That's the rub. Things produced even 20-25 years ago are far superior than the same item produced in the last 5-10 years. My husband and I built our home 22 years ago, and we are on our 4th, yes 4th water heater. We are now and have always been two working adults in the home. I got 10 years out of my Krups coffee maker that I bought new with the house, and have averaged 3-4 years on the ones since. The original dishwasher lasted 14 years, the range/oven about 16, the fridge 17, and the W/D about 18 yrs. We bought good stuff and it paid off, but all of the replacements pretty much suck, and if I hit the lottery, they're all going into the recycle pile. Planned obsolescence stinks.
  15. I actually am not a fan of "manspreading". I know what's in there, I don't need you to try and prove it or air it out. Hey now, it's a real problem. canidae.com
  16. Mama Elsa was the single redeeming factor of the Miami franchise. Big swing and a miss Bravo.
  17. I'll just say that putting aside Ramona's general haughtiness, her uptalk alone should get her throat-punched on the daily.
  18. Hahaha! The Apologizer strikes again! “I apologize that she felt offended,” Singer told Page Six. “I had been working on my marriage at the time which resulted in a divorce. I was very wrapped up in my own world. That period of my life was very difficult. My intent is never to be rude or disrespectful towards people.” FWIW, I believe that her intent is pretty much always to be rude or disrespectful towards people. MJ's got her pegged. gmta
  19. Gotta tell ya, if I were in need of a divorce attorney, I'm fairly certain that Bethenny Frankel's would be the last one I would retain.
  20. Maybe an eclectic mix of generations would be interesting. (and smart marketing)
  21. I don't watch The View, but I could swear I saw this Sunny woman on an episode of Chopped recently (probably a rerun). She's a chef too? Interesting that she and Chef Beth got into a Twitter spat.
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