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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. That was really neat, Wheezer. Nice.
  2. Man, another I liked. Loved him in Miller's Crossing. A lot of people may realized that he plays another character as a maid in one scene and it's one of those blink if you miss him scene. He briefly does the sign of the cross as he walks out of the room when Byrne bursts in the scene.
  3. Ugggh....Bill, don't invite Jack Kingston ever again. He was pathetic. What a disgrace. Go away, Jack. And take that Cheshire grin with you. What a whiny bitch.
  4. I wonder how the Elton John biopic would do? Does anybody have thoughts about the trailer?
  5. It is sad that Haim was sexually abused in both films(Lucas & The Lost Boys). RIP. He even said that Lost Boys was the start of his drug problems. I can't imagine what was going on in his brain. He definitely left this world too young.
  6. I can't believe this is getting a TV show. CW Lost Boys reboot
  7. Alex also does a very good Anderson Cooper impression as well.
  8. He's actually a New Yorker.
  9. I was never a huge comic book fan. More of a funnies type guy with the typical Little Orphan Annie, Curtis, Winnie Winkle, and Peanuts story to keep me interested. I admit, I am still a gamer, but I was a late 80s-00s kid that grew with every arcade and game system I grew up with. I hope I am not guilty of that.
  10. I keep hearing about this movie being bad in the last 15 or 20 minutes compared to the 1st or 2nd Act of the film.
  11. More like an focus on Schooled. It's becoming annoying. Damn, it is not going to be the same without Couch Mellors. This is going to be a difficult one to digest.
  12. I must admit I did get a good chuckle of Dylan's mom being an 80s vixen in a typical Whitesnake/Cinderella ripoff band. I had a good laugh about that. I know I wasn't supposed to chuckle at that, but I love the whole cheesy 80s hairband vibe that most videos like that had.
  13. Too young. She had so many opportunities going for her. I remember her last performance movie being heavily played on TV at the time of her death, Queen of The Damned. Beyoncé was close to her age. I always wonder how Aaliyah would have made it as an artist. Usher told some funny stories about Aaliyah being a big horror fan. That was neat.
  14. Is that shirt Park's son wearing real? I couldn't help staring at it.
  15. And now in the next episode Jessica is tormenting Eddie to run errands since he could drive? Jessica wants to have it her way or the highway. Writers, what are you doing?
  16. I haven't seen it yet since I have been hearing mixed opinions about this show and the actress herself.
  17. Did anybody noticed the satanic reference when Stephen asked about the Black Sabbath shirt the kid was wearing? I had to laugh because Stephen was in that cheesy 80s horror flick called The Gate when he was only a kid. That movie featured a scene where the nerdy rocker kid was listening to a record that had satanic references. Funny.
  18. I did laugh at their take of You Got Mail. Out of all 90s movies, that was one movie I never understood the praise for. It wasn't even Hank's best role. And the one actor of the elderly couple that Louis felt bad for was from True Blood! Did anybody catch that? I did like the description of the ribs they tried when they went through great detail as to how bad it was to begin with. I had a tiny bit of sympathy for Evan going through that. What Jessica did was just diabolical in nature.
  19. Kind of like that South Park episode spoofing on Dawg The Bounty Hunter's Beth where her boobs were up to her chin and you couldn't see her face.
  20. I think it was because Patricia wants to be young again and I feel for her. I remember she was this slim cute chick from True Romance and Little Nicky. My guess is the apparent weight gain and the children she had that made the pressure all the more sad. Damn, Hollywood. Let her be comfortable into whatever she wears instead of that dress that looks three sizes too small. As for Timothee, he seems like he is always playing dress up. At 23, you think he learn how to dress like his co-star, Armie Hammer. I actually thought he looked more like a 1950s county singer to me.
  21. I don't want Gaga to win anything. I was so glad that wasn't the case.
  22. It reminds me of Joanie Loves Chachi. It is like you give two unimportant characters a spinoff and expect the audience to like them. I feel the Lainey character is going to be a one season deal and nothing is going to extend it. Judging from the previews, it looks pretty terrible.
  23. But he is not relevant anymore. He is already a has been at this point in his career. All that is left are the skeletons in his closet.
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