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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I didn't James Widdoes from Animal House had a lookalike.
  2. Even if he never had dementia, the drinking made it all the more worse as he aged. I know there are some exceptions that they are people that could live through 90, despite drug use, however, in David's case, he was addicted for a long time. He had a family history of dementia, which makes it all the more sad. Even if David didn't have dementia, chances are that drinking could be contributed to his death.
  3. 98 is pretty incredible. Who could forget the tough Lolipop Guild fellow handing a lollipop to Judy Garland? RIP, tough guy.
  4. But now there is a resurgence of 80s movies/shows being made into shows and lately a continuation of the Bill and Ted movies with the two original actors, excluding one actor who is no longer with us. So anything is possible.
  5. So this show has been canceled as of right now?
  6. This was really good. I am wondering if they would have done a revival of Goonies as well. I know there was some talk about it in a couple years back, but then it was kind of scrapped out. It was possibly due to Richard Donner's age, even though it was not entirely a Richard Donner film. It was all of Steven Spielberg's touches here and there. Since there is a lot of 80s revivals going on, would it be good to do Goonies as well?
  7. I wonder what 80s movie tribute episode they would do as the new season opener...any thoughts?
  8. I am surprised they got Joseph Mazzello in a lead role as well. Not that I am complaining or anything. But this biopic should be fun, right?
  9. Count me as one who saw The Last Jedi and Rogue One that didn't think they were all that special to begin with. This movie I personally loved and this was a breath of fresh air from the darkness that plagued the prequels. True, this movie had flaws and whatnot, but it was fun. That was missing in the recent franchise of Star Wars! And I think Ron Howard did a good job considering this is not his usual field of direction.
  10. What timeline are they going to end this show? 1987!??!
  11. Boy, Karma kicked Luke in the shins with that Greek mythology question. There is a saying: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And Luke did just that.
  12. Is there not anything caused by Trump himself? He is a person of egotism and incompetency all rolled into one. He is a freakin' real life Dorian Gray. So nothing should surprise me about that. Vanity has no limits.
  13. Man, that C. Thomas Howell lookalike dude last night was on something or probably just nervous. Dude kept looking at the camera constantly. He seemed distracted most of the time.
  14. It wasn't the plastic surgery, but that ponytail hairpiece she supported throughout the whole ordeal. I know she worn weaves and wigs through most of her career, but that hairstyle was a big no for someone in their 50s. At least the 80s, 90s, and parts of early 00s hairdos she had were much better than this mess. Someone who dressed her must have hated her.
  15. The highlight to me was Gayle King's ramblings about bottoms and such was so funny. However, the look the Queen gave when listening to the pastor was the best wtf face I ever saw. The Royal Wedding was the highlight in John's segment. Especially people mimicking English accents. Oh, boy...
  16. I remember RAD! That took me back to my 4 year old self. I now laugh at those ads and shake my head. It was definitely one of those do as I say, not as I do comments. I think Corey Feldman did those, too. Nice 80s flashback.
  17. I love me some Janet Jackson, but this was not her best on the stage. I noticed it with Christina and Demi, too. Just bad staging going on throughout the whole performances.
  18. Nicki Minaj needs to stop for once. She is slowly entering Mariah Carey territory at this point in her career.
  19. That is if he lives past a second term. Judging that's a man in his 70s and not in the image of healthy individual, I wonder how much Trump can take the role of Potus.
  20. Did anybody catch The Goonies and It references at all? I thought I was the only one with Ryan Renolds calling Josh Brolin One-Eyed Willy and Paul getting his arm burned by Bill Skarsgard with volcanic vomit.
  21. This didn't seem like a finale. More like another forgettable episode.
  22. You think we will see Tamyln Tomita reprising her role as Kumiko in the near future? I know she is busy with The Good Doctor, but it would have been nice for Daniel to bump into her in the near future.
  23. I am really excited for this, too. I just can't wait.
  24. I am watching the first two episodes and so far it is pretty good. I was a little off put when they revived a series done by a deceased director, but so far this was done with heart. I am impressed. Would it be awesome to revived The Goonies as well? While that movie has actors that are no longer with us, it would be nice to see what the whole gang is up to after the movie.
  25. Duncan was horrible. Supporting a man like Trump who was a draft dodger, thinking that Trump was somehow manipulated badly because of the Russia investigation, supporting Trump pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, bringing up Obama or Hillary to the mix, among other things. Another Republican who thinks their shit don't stink. Well, Duncan, it does. Killer Mike was too much for me. He was all defensive against Reich's take on what to do about gun control and he brought up a prison inmate still at prison to back his flimsy claim. What was that about?
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