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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. That's why Trump is the do as I say, not as I do individual. Everything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt.
  2. I think it sucked that all the iconic 80s movies like The Lost Boys and Lucas are the ones where they were sexually abused off screen. I really can't imagine what stress that puts on 15 or 16 year olds when your career is on the line. That whole ordeal must have been terrible. Haim probably had it worse because he was taken advantage and was a very fragile young person. The reason why Feldman had that tough exterior is because he grew up in that toxic environment. With Haim, I didn't think he was prepared for anything. He probably thought this was the norm and what sucks is exactly what happens when you mess a young teenager's brain. It stays with them for the rest of their lives. Would it have been different had Haim not decided on acting and focus on his hockey career? Who knows, but then we would not have those movies they did in the 80s. Unfortunately, Hollywood comes at a high price for fame. Haim just had it worse. It is interesting that Feldman is trying to get his book(Coreyography) into a movie, but I don't know if that is possible. Weird guy, but whatever floats his boat to get the message across. We'll see.
  3. That's the reason why Fresh Off The Boat works. It keeps with the time period and this could have been any year. It just wasn't worth it. I'm all for 90s nostalgia, but you need to have characters to make me care about. This one had none. I remember That 80s Show. I think it was in response to VH1's I Love The 80s segments or something. They thought they could have done something similar to attract 90s kids to watch the show, but it backfired.
  4. That's the same thing with another series called The Ropers. Norman Fell and Audra Lindley were best used as comic foils than carrying a season on their own. I love Tim Meadows, but the man was never lead material and it shows. If anyone remembers the movie Ladies Man, you know how limited he is there. Best use in small dosage, but not entire episodes dedicated to him or his family. There were some successful spinoffs that worked, but if you have this meh feeling with the other characters, you know something is up. Good idea, but just poorly executed.
  5. What was the point of this spin-off? Nothing. Oh, well... Did Nia Long have plastic surgery or something? Her face never moved at all...!
  6. That is super scary, indeed. And it always goes back to cardiac arrest or someone with a history of heart problems. Same thing with River Phoenix, Michael Jackson, and Corey Haim. A lot of people don't realize that the heart muscle is the most important organ that keeps you going and mixing it with other drugs just makes it even more at risk for your health. Especially if the person ages, your entire body is at risk if you take chances like that. There is always so much a body can take and once it is damaged, there is no turning back.
  7. I am sorry, but Orin Hatch taking off his imaginary glasses makes me spit out my milk. I have to agree with Trevor. I know am I not supposed to laugh, but that was the funniest thing I ever seen. And this guy been around for four decades as senator. If you been around since 1977 when the 80s child stars were just kids or toddlers, you know it is the time to retire now. I am sorry, but four decades as senator from Utah? Too long.
  8. And the plastic surgery did her no favors. Now, she looks like Janice from The Muppets.
  9. I have only 6 of 7 episodes from the old NBC show, Roomies. Very obscure 80s show featuring Corey Haim and Burt Young. Anybody remembers this show? It's pretty rare.
  10. And that would make sense. Feldman was acting a long time before Haim and for him to feel jealousy, it is understandable. When one person is starting his career later, like Haim, I could imagine what Feldman must have been feeling. A lot questions goes in one's mind like Who's this newcomer or Why him, etc. It is the age old rivalry in Hollywood that never gets old. I actually like they kept the jealousy during the License To Drive segment. I just wish there were actually tapes showing the Les part. I would believe they were sold by Haim's role because he had a very innocent approach to the character. Feldman would have made a snarky characterization and possibly the movie would not have become the classic that is still enjoyed by people of all ages. Actually, Haim was lead three times in the Corey movies.
  11. I would have never guessed Tom Petty to OD. Just too young either way.
  12. Hooters. My favorite is All You Zombies. Probably the most iconic song of the 80s.
  13. I swear, I always confuse Karin Konoval with the late Helen Hanft. They always have that crazed woman from Hell acting bit I could never separate from.
  14. 239!!??!!? He is closer to 300 in terms of size and girth. The man could barely walk. Don't believe for a second that is a healthy man.
  15. How sad. Be it drugs or bi-polar, any disease is the hardest to overcome. Her music lives on. God bless you, Dolores. And I hope the angels let you become solo for now on. Zombie for life...
  16. As for Feldman's jealousy of Haim, I think it was because he was closer to River Phoenix in terms of friendship. He even became a vegetarian because of River. Despite meeting only one time at Stand By Me, Feldman actually said a lot of positive things about River Phoenix. He was even more shocked of his death than Haim's. It is not that he was distant with Haim. It was just that they were from different parts of the world. Haim was a Canadian and Feldman is a Californian native. True, Feldman is a narcissist and a weirdo, but I think it was because he had only mutual interest in Haim. It was never going to be long lasting. He even described the Stand By Me set the best he ever had in terms of movies. I think Feldman enjoyed River's screen presence because he was not for Hollywood pretentiousness and he enjoyed that he would do everything that he supported like animal rights. River was a different type of actor that was rare, even for Feldman. With Haim, it was more a publicity to keep the game rolling because of their first names. It was not that they despised each other, but that they were totally different people from different worlds.
  17. Zombie! No. Not Dolores! I am going to miss that voice.
  18. That's my life, too. In the 90s and today, this sort of thing happened more than one. My dad's ordering is like my dad's ordering. So close to home. What is funny is that this sort of thing happened more than once.
  19. You never know. It was the 80s and drugs were kicking in. Everybody who was anybody did this. Though with the rape and all, I can't imagine what goes on one's mind thinking this. Drugs were your comfort zone if nothing is going right, which is an ongoing theme with abuse is general. It's ridding off one bad habit after another, but keeping the other habit ongoing. That's why today's child stars are finally aware now and have terrific parents. It's none of my child is a meal ticket and I could live their lifestyle like a pariah theme. It's about protecting and loving that child all the time. Remember Finn Wolfhard leaving the talent agency after a molestation charge at one of the agents and finally being independent? Smart move by him.
  20. And the chemistry between Ed O'Neal and Little Joe is great. I know Ed always had chemistry with his cast members on previous shows, but this shows him what a good actor Ed is. Those big eyes on Joe talking about death and being immortal....oh, Joe. Never realized for Fred Savage to part of the Mitch and Cam storyline, but I remember he did direct an episode for this show. So this must have been their Thank You to Fred, I guess.
  21. That part made me spit my milk. I could take all the liberties, but that one was for the birds. In 2003, I was in college and I remember how everyone at the Quad hated that dude's guts when they were watching The Surreal Life. He was not loved at all. As for the young actor playing Feldman, yes, a very young 80s John Cusack! He could play his son in a sequel to one of his 80s movies. C'mon, Hollywood, make it happen. Especially when they interviewed him. All I saw is John, not Corey Feldman. I could see why Feldman cast Justin Ellings. Might not have the look, but his mannerisms are so like Corey Haim. Especially the way he speaks. Very much like Haim. Imagine if Haim had a son like him. He seems like a real down to earth kid. Just like Haim was. His YouTube videos/Facebook clips are incredible.
  22. But they made some great 80s movies. You have to give some credit to that. I think my favorite Haim movie is Silver Bullet, Lucas, and Firstborn. Upon hearing Corey Haim's death, I think It hit a bigger nerve than Michael Jackson's death. Now, I know I am a guy and all, but I use watch his bad movie phase. Haim reminded me of my best friend, Mark. He was a Jamaican kid that would make me laugh a lot and we talk of video games. He could have been aggravating, but he was a good person and we sadly grew up. I wish we kept contact, but I was such a workaholic then. I somehow wish I could've catch up to him, but I changed. My best recall of Haim movies is when Cinemax or Showtime will play the bad ones. They were bad, I know, but I remember staying up late and watching them at night. Funny 90s memories. I also remember Double Switch, which was a Sega CD Console game in the vain of Night Trap. I remember those cornball lines that stuck in my head and seeing Debbie Harry in a Cleopetra getup. So worth the price of admission. I recall that era when Sega was introducing this live action choice role playing which was innovative for its time. It lasted from 1992-1998. Then it kind It of died out and originally turn to graphics. I think the X Files had that as well, too. In 1998. Funny.
  23. And that would make sense because when the 90s came, Corey Haim's skin didn't have the healthy tone that was prevalent in his 80s films. There was a sharp contrast to his skin and facial features when you see his 90s bad movie phase like Double O Kid and Blown Away.
  24. It was the movie called Blown Away. I can't believe remember that one. And you are not only one that had an experience with Feldman. I didn't actually met him at all, but I was at Mohegan Sun waiting for my room and took a nap at one of waiting chairs. My mom went to get a drink at one of the shops. So I was taking a nap and just when I was in a deep sleep, I heard this obnoxious yelling. It was loud. Never heard anything like that. My eyes scanned the room and there he was, yelling at the top of his lung to this young pretty woman who looked pissed at him. Never seen anything like it and I saw trainwrecks. I must have been a few feet away from him and I think it was around the time he was promoting his Coreygraphy book or some 80s theme. After he stormed at this young woman, he took her by the arm and dragged her to the elevator. Never seen anything like it. My mom never witnessed what I just saw. You could see the heads from the employees turning to see what I just saw. What a sight.
  25. Probably. We may never know. I hope to see more of Justin Ellings. His portrayal of Corey Haim was incredible. I hope to see more of him in the near future. His YouTube videos are incredible. I didn't know he did stunts and tap dancing. An all around talented kid.
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