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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    The thing is that my own mother has a big fear of clowns. She had it since she was a little girl. When she first went to Freedomland in the Bronx, she would turn ashen grey when a clown came to town. My mom was the type of person that would not let you mentioned clowns. I remember on Halloween when a scary costumed clown rang our door. I can remember my mom's fear escalating and her pale face turning ashen grey. She just reached the candies she would give to children and close the door. I was eight years old then. I remember when her expression remained like that. I don't think my mom ever got over her fear of clowns. They just remained with her since she was a little girl. You know, mom is like that. That's why I think It would be one she will avoid in theaters. She did the same with Killer Klowns in Outer Space. But that's another story...
  2. The problem is that this movie was released prior to the movie It raking in the dough and killing any box office plans on the way. That's what mainly happened. The movie had zero chance of performing well.
  3. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    Jack Grazer has a new sitcom with Bobby Moynihan, correct? Sort of Wonder Year-ish theme...I am surprised no one thought to cast Fred in Bobby's role. That would have been epic. And they are so much alike, in terms of mannerism and interviews. Remember when Fred was doing Live with Kelly on the subject of Pokémon? Very uncanny...I bet if Fred was born in the same year as the Eddie, they would have instantly bonded together like bffs.
  4. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    Now with Part 2, how would they deal with the deaths of two major characters from It? I know it is in the works now..but it is now going back and forth in flashback sequences. How would that work?
  5. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    While Part 2 is happening, the director is going the use the flashbacks. I wondered how will that work out....
  6. One of the main reasons Japan is pretty much out there when it comes to superstition, beliefs, and culture. Not to mention being lead contenders to video game marketing. As far as Asian countries, Japan remains my must place to visit in the near future.
  7. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    Didn't Eddie looked exactly like Fred Savage?
  8. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    But a lot of small towns from the 80s were like that. If you think about Maine, Virginia, New York, or Connecticut back then with these tiny towns with no update on pop culture, you'll be shocked as to how different it is from the suburbs. I remember in late 1989 when my parents traveled to upstate New York where a small town could have smaller population growth. And that still exists today. I think the town was called Pottersville. It was like a ghostly town with no life, even though there is life. It had to be a mile of one diner, truck pits, a tiny park, a church, some storefronts, seven homes, and just miles upon miles of forestry. You'll be shocked if you go further upstate and see nothing really changed at all.
  9. Joe is just repulsive. He is like a Stephen King character came to life. Disgusting, racist, inhuman, and with no redeeming qualities. He is one that says he smells and won't admit it. This man is not a human being. He is a total monster to anybody within his department or those around him. I repeat, not a sympathetic person to reason with. He makes monsters look good compare to that vile of vomit we call Joe.
  10. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    I think kid fatalities in movies was nothing new. In the remake of The Blob, the purple mass gets the kid from the water and he comes up covered with the goo. Super creepy. Anybody recalled that?
  11. I was really surprised they are making this film, let alone have Kiefer Sutherland. All I could remember was Sutherland getting the shit beat up by a kid with the hoodie on and the obscene black girl cursing at Kevin Bacon. Those scenes stuck with me 27 years, especially for a seven year old. I am shocked that they are making this, knowing the film was not that huge a hit from Joel.
  12. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    Me too. I am glad the director made that decision. Funny that Bill is not a horror fan, but he has the highest respect for Tim Curry in the mini series. I think in an interview he wanted to try something different from Tim's Pennywise. So he made it his own. Reminds me of Elizabeth Bank's Rita in the Power Rangers. She is also not a fan of Power Rangers, but her Rita was darker than both the Sentai and dubbed versions. Her creepiness escalated into a huge threat. She had a new take that was not close to any source material. Like Bill, she made it her own.
  13. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    Bill did a good job getting into the character of Pennywise. Usually, I am a little upset of changes done in movies, but the changes here surpassed the 1990 mini series with Tim Curry. I especially liked the 80s refences, especially seeing Street Fighter on an arcade cabinet. Finn Wolfhard was really funny here. Speaking of the 80s, didn't Bev look like a young Robyn Lively or what! I thought it was a twin or something. Uncanny..
  14. I think Pete reminds me of Jon Cryer a bit. Especially his act bit on Weekend Update. Just imagine Duckie as a stoner kid. Not that there is anything wrong with it. He just reminds me of Jon here on SNL.
  15. That comment about the Wu-Tang Clan made howl with laughter. Oh, to be a kid in the 90s. To return the story about Trump, his speech to the troops was disgusting. I guess the draft dodging president would still hold rallies until who knows what. And his new vocabulary for Ana-ghanistan became his Jina. I guess Trump makes words as he goes along. He definitely didn't need a spell check, did he?
  16. Still with us today are Harry Dean Stanton, Betty White, and Olivia DeHaviland. 91 is pretty amazing for a guy like Jerry Lewis, who had multiple health problems throughout his life.
  17. To return on topic about Trump, he doesn't care about anybody . He is in it for adulation and that's the problem. He wants to be loved. He wants to do things he use to do in the past and got away with it. The problem comes with age and weight gain. He is no longer untouchable. He does things that are so stupid it's baffling.
  18. Cisco Morris reminded me more as to what happens if an anime character became real. Not that it is a bad thing. Hell, I take him over the other guys from the Weather Channel. As for Stephen Miller's white male privilege, this so called actor needs to be taken down for his ignorance and bigotry. And he forgets his parents were immigrants. Scott, you are not special or authoritative . Too bad Oliver doesn't go after this guy. If one day somebody could shut this guy down, be it Ollie or Trevor. http://www.pennlive.com/capitol-notebook/2017/08/move_to_venezuela_the_night_ta.html
  19. Stephen Miller is just a disgusting excuse of a man with no integrity. He is a lapdog for Trump and will be till he is out. That man should not show his ugly mug ever again on TV.
  20. Kushner is one of those spoiled rich kids that says my daddy has money. Being pretty only gets him so far. Remember Wil Wheaton in Flubber as a rich spoiled brat? That's who Jared is. I bet he saw a mirror of himself and says that's me. When Wil Wheaton was young, he kind of resembled Jared. Tall, lanky, deer in the highlights, no experience in politics, and a complete pretty boy. That's who Jared sees all the time. He is one of those that cares only himself. That's why Trump keeps him.
  21. Alex Jones...what a joke of a man. He and Trump deserve each other.
  22. I finally saw this movie. Let's just say if this was 1998, 1999, or 2000, it'll probably would have stared Christina Ricci and Leonardo DiCaprio in their prime. But I think Luc Besson made a huge error making this movie 18 years too late. If released then, it would been a modest hit. The leads...what chemistry? None that I have seen. But watching it takes me back to that time period where movies had leads we loved and did these stilted dialogues in such craptastic films. Remember Battlefield Earth? ..shudders.. As much as I loved the 90s, there is some films that don't need revisiting.
  23. I think Hollywood is trying to make Dane DeHaan another Leonardo DiCaprio(circa 1993-1996) and it just doesn't work. What worked for Leo back then is not going to work for Dane. I think as far as roles go, he's okay. But not lead material.
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