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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Speaking of guests, what was with 50 Cents' outfit? That thing was tight everywhere that I was afraid a seam might be out. I know he gained a bit of weight, but still don't wear anything two sizes too small. It just makes you look foolish...
  2. Frankly, I am getting tired of Ed Sheeran popping up on any show. First, it was The Bastard Executioner. Then it was an appearance in Bridget Jone's Diary. Now, it's Game of Thrones. Just stop already...
  3. All I can say about Sara Jane is that Lara Croft is real. Don't believe me? Look at the resemblance...
  4. Another European group of contortionists! Is this a trend so far this season? Those twins were obnoxious to the hilt. I don't know if they will pass with the others. Sorry to see Brandon's life cut so short. He was the best so far...such a shame. Just shy of his 30th birthday...
  5. Is Anderson ill? He looks terrible here. Looks like he lost more weight. Or it must be the camera...
  6. Nathan reminded me of Charlie Korsmo quite a bit.
  7. And if they are from Jersey, that $150,000 contract was already taxed. Sometimes I think my odds are better at a casino in Conn. I personally think the game show taxes are higher due to the location as to where contestants are from. So far three people signed the contract so far...
  8. Yeah and that includes my parents who are not fans of the show. In fact, they couldn't stand the show. But they love the movie they saw recently with me. Which is ironic because you get people that were never fans of the show itself, but the movie kinda did a good job of it. In fact, it opened up to people who could not stand the show itself. A good example is nostalgia critic. He badmouthed Power Rangers before, but the recent movie made his attitude change a bit. I think Dean Israelis(sp?) did a good job here, being a newbie director and all. I hope to see more of him in the future. I want a sequel to this movie, but I am not sure if we are going to get it.
  9. Oh, man....I was looking forward to meeting him at the comic con in Mohegan Sun. Such a huge loss and his Mayor West character on Family Guy was classic. Now, it is just Burt Ward.
  10. That's Navi! He worked for MJ as his decoy for a number of years, including the trial years. He's a famous MJ impersonater in his own right. Not to mention the guy playing Joe Jackson is the same black actor from Poltergeist and was once married to one of Berry Gordy's nieces. Now he is married to Beyoncés mother.
  11. Thank God it wasn't Chantelle. That deer in the headlight look annoyed to no end.
  12. Gal Gadot and Lynda seem to be about the same height. And that's one awesome photo op.
  13. How did it do in the box office so far?
  14. Yes, it had flaws and it could cut the fat a bit, but I did liked the idea behind it. The actors were all good in their respective roles, having Bill Hader is always a plus in my book. I think the problem is everybody in Hollywood is expecting to exceed above everything, but that's not always the case. I remember in the 90s when Power Rangers and Turtles were still in everyone's mind, despite not meeting everyone's standard. I personally think with the Internet and the changes in Hollywood is a huge factor today. What happens is that you expect your movie to exceed your expectations. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. This usually is the case in this day and age. ..
  15. Kenan is staying there until Lorne kicks the bucket...just saying! He's been around since my college years. 2003..Was it that long ago? Damn...
  16. Not to mention when you had Minaj and Lil' Wayne there, Drake was already in the clear to win.
  17. That would be interesting. So is Lorne going to fill in more cast members again?
  18. Thanks. Just not up to date about the latest YouTuber or Vine star unless you are Teo Halm..Lol
  19. Minaj, just please go away. Your lip syncing and strip pole lessons are no longer needed...man, that was just bad.
  20. I finally saw it and it was nothing to fawn over, despite Fassbender's presence. And all the killing of the characters...oh, my God! Reminds of those SNL/Mad TV bits from the 90s where naive characters fall to their deaths due to their stupidity. And the killer is on the loose still when all else fails. I never thought that would happen in this movie, but the writers from those shows were right on the money within this type of disaster. When all else fails, don't question the person next to you. Which is exactly what happens at the end.
  21. So there would be less people in the cast, correct? Like how many...
  22. I guess that shows how out of touch I am with today's music and dancing skills. Is this best you could do, Lorne?
  23. Who's that blank-faced weirdo kid with the backpack in Perry's first song? He looked bored to death, especially in the goodbyes. Is he somebody Perry knows or is he just bizarre window dressing...?
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