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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Actually, Feldman came from a dysfunctional family that could give two craps about him. He was abused way before meeting Haim. If you look at the beginning of the movie, he was already contemplating about killing himself. The damage was already done before meeting Haim. I take that with Feldman's perspective he wants to show that the situation done with kids at ages fifteen or whatever could have serious consequences for a decade or so. l am not agreeing with Feldman, but I see what he wants to bring on the table about child pedophelia in Hollywood. This is not an easy subject to discuss. I take it that Judy Haim and those that are big Corey Haim fans did not like the way Feldman handled the situation of Haim's abuser by befriending him on reality tv. But you have to remember that these so-called powerful men have such control over very young inexperienced minds that it makes it all the more scary. Feldman was in the wrong, I agree, but he was in a situation where there is some things you cannot say then. Haim unfortunately did not have one of these tough exteriors that Feldman possessed. He was vulnerable to the point of falling apart. Especially the years of drug abuse that damaged his immunity system, Haim was already gone at that point. It sucks Haim is no longer with us, but at least Feldman is not letting his son get into the business. That's all I can say about that. I am not saying they were perfect and all, but we have to remember they were human beings caught in that shit where nothing could have been done to get out of.
  2. Streisand's face is so unfortunate. Especially when you are standing next to James Brolin. He had more expressions than her. He looks good for a man in his 70s. Baps looks like a wax figure. How unfortunate to not age gracefully. She became like another Hollywood frozen face. Sad.
  3. Man, Viola Davis looked like a 70s project experiment gone wrong and I was expecting any minute for her to belt Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" anthem. Guess that was the look she was going...LoL
  4. Mariah and her tight dresses...she doesn't surprise me. She is trying to be just like Sofia Vergera with her mermaid dress. Fail.
  5. God, does Steadman look like a deer in headlights or what? That blank expression is cracking me up. Such a contrast between him and Oprah.
  6. I was surprised how many shit words they could allow, not to mention seeing a blow-up doll. Guess TV is changing...
  7. That's okay! Upon having little knowledge of the Coreys' lifestyle, I thought they did drugs because it was the 80s. You know, recreational use. Look how wrong I was. I must admit I got teary-eyed at the end when Corey Haim wanted to start a family when he is an adult. And it is sad how it all turned out in the end. If you want to be technical, Haim had it much worse than Feldman. I can't imagine him being used like that and being threatened by those Hollywood big shots if you do so-so, you'll never have a career again. I can't imagine what was going on in his brain processing all this. Imagine threatening a kid like that. It is enough to damage their psyche. So sad and hurtful. Feldman probably had a stronger enforcement because he had a front and everybody knew his family was nothing to talk about. True, he became abused as well, but honestly I think he had a reason to survive. Yes, he was a weirdo and all, but sometimes that's all you could live on. He had more experience than Haim, so it makes a lot of sense. The kid actors did a good job, right down to their mannerism and all. I take it those scenes were not easy to film for Lifetime, but excellent job on the actors. They deserve all the credit. I haven't seen the Corey Feldman one yet, bit I will soon.
  8. Especially when you listen Cry Little Sister, you never realize how creepy that song is. Keith Coogan! I haven't seen him in a long time. Since Adventures in Babysitting. And one of the officers is the Frog brother from The Lost Boys. Fun to spot who is that actor from time to time.
  9. I know Lifetime would never show that, but those segments made my stomach churn. I can't imagine the mind of a teenager processing all this. My sister was thinking of becoming an actor, but she kind of backed off the thought. I remember my sister getting the photo ops and she right away didn't want anything to do with it. My parents would ask why and the answer is that she wasn't comfortable with the class. This was 2002. Imagine the relief she felt when she worked for a law firm. Upon hearing the news about Weinstein, she admitted that she backed out at the right time.
  10. Real life Beverly reminded me of a teacher I use to know back in the 90s that was kind of like her. Very outspoken and all. I kind of had a magic touch that would turn them nice all of a sudden. Throughout the 90s, you wouldn't know how many teachers I went through that would suddenly mellowed out.
  11. Lucas and Firstborn remains my favorite Corey Haim films. It kind of sucks that Haim was abused by the system itself and suddenly became a has-been in the 90s. I think the reason Feldman lasted longer is because he knew the ropes of how to survive. Haim unfortunately never did. It's really sad if you at those footages from Haim's trip to Germany in 1994, you saw a very frightened and lost individual with no where to survive. I mean, what happened to him was horrible. I hope those pedos burn for what they did to Corey Haim. But when 1990 came, what did they have to offer? Very sad conclusion all around and not for the faint of heart.
  12. I always remember her for her role in To Live and Die In LA. RIP Darlanne. You were a talented soul that appeared in many 80s roles. Too young...and with Alzheimer's disease!
  13. I think the reason why Nolan Gould(Luke) is not involved much in this series is because the actor is doing a lot of political stance on the environment and the LGTBQ community, not to mention featuring in a Logic music video as a gay teen. And this describes his limited time appearance on the show itself. He is taking a lot cues from Nick Jonas, who was doing this sort of thing two years ago with the LGTBQ. Not that I am against him, but, Nolan, whatever it is, follow what is right. You have a high IQ and you could do whatever you want. You are an adult.
  14. Which is funny because Gillian Anderson did guest starred in Reboot as a Skully-like character. Nice connection there. The only one not to lend a voice was DD. Scott McNeil was providing the voice for the Modem character.
  15. I am sorry, but this old episode from The Simpsons remains their very best. This is completely cannon.
  16. Actually, Nick Lea is doing a live action remake of the 90s CGI show Reboot this year, so he will be unavailable for quite sometime.
  17. They are parts that made want to roll my eyes at Erica and say, " You got to be kidding me." She can't be that naive, but the writers turn her into an annoying brat with issues. The saving grace was definitely the Goldberg Girls at the end. That made me put a smile on my face at the end and seeing all them together all these years. And Beverley wasn't annoying this time around. What are they doing with Adam? The writers can't keep him a child forever. He's already past his pre-teen stage. Writers, do your work and follow the Wonder Years' way of handling kids. They matured as the series went on. Adam can't remain nerdy kid all the time. Give him something to do.
  18. I know I am not suppose to feel sympathy to little kids on tv shows, but Joe is just too precious. Especially the yelling part. He reminds me of my little cousin when he was around that age. I am sorry, but Joe kind of melts my heart whenever I see him with those big eyes. He is such a good little actor. The other kids I could take it or leave it.
  19. Can I say I love that weirdo kid Brian. He is the best out of all Eddie's friends. Just his deadpan delivery and awkwardness makes him best out of the best. The cruise thing hit too close to home. I remember in college I asked my mom if we could go on a cruise and she'll lay the ground work you could get sea sickness or some other horrible disease when I am on a cruise. That sort of thing. It wasn't until 2012 that we went on a cruise. It wasn't bad being that we were on the Caribbean, but I agree that sometimes mothers are superstitious that way. Ask my Spanish mother and you'll see.
  20. I know. I know. I just think it's awesome to hear 80s music once in a while, so I am excited.
  21. Gatten Matarazzo at Ashbury Park... Go Dustin!
  22. I just hope it's a step up from Steven Spielberg's 2016 fiasco with BFG. That movie was beyond horrific. Let's hope there is some spark left in this movie. He kind of sold me with the music so far. We will see...
  23. Speaking of bad surgery, is Jenny McCarthy taking the Joan River's route? The woman looked plastic beyond repair. She could hardly move her face at all.
  24. Unfortunately, Mariah Carey would demand too much money and make sure her "lambs" get a place to stay. Judging from Wil Ferrell's experience with Mariah, her personality is not too far from the truth. That's the reason why she was cut from The House. She demanded everything to her own gain. Seeing her performance on stage demanding where her hot tea is might be closest to how we see of Mariah's diva-ish attitude.
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