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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. True. I read the whole thing and I wished I haven't. Especially when you considered the two former bodyguards who were at MJ's side for only brief periods of time.
  2. Those 90s inspired music videos were so much fun. Evan really blended in with those cosplay videos. They even got the color scheme quality right.
  3. Will.I.Am thinks Leaving Neverland is racist smear campaign Really? And your evidence is.....thought so. Case close.
  4. That was a beautiful statement and I wish some MJ fans could take that in consideration about abuse. Some might argue it is about money or whatever. I don’t think it’s that. It is about living with it for years and exposing the truth. I know hardcore fans don’t want to think MJ as a child abuser, but sometimes that’s the truth. He did the deed after all.
  5. Oh, my....don't make me laugh. Though you never would know..;)
  6. I am surprised the Jackson Estate didn't attack Trevor Noah 's thinly veiled shade of MJ jokes for the 2nd time on Wednesday. Not that I mind, though.
  7. Ann Margaret?!? That's it. I'm sold.
  8. Paul McCartney shocked by Leaving Neverland allegations
  9. I know Michael was 5'9, but James and Wade are a couple of inches taller than MJ. I recalled the teenage James with Lisa Marie and Michael during the trip and James seemed to tower Michael then, too.
  10. It's weird how Wade Robson had the biggest MJ connection by far. I remember his rap duo called Quo back in the mid 90s, as well as a couple of appearances on 90s shows like Picket Fence and Family Matters. It always amazes me as to how much of a dominant force he was then. Those 90s styles were on point back then. You might laugh at the fashion, but we all wore that look. Flannel shirts, buzz cut hairdos, you name it.
  11. Jack Dylan Grazer was also terrific in It as Eddie. He even outshines Finn Wolfhard in a couple of scenes. This young man has a bright future already. I can't wait to see this film.
  12. People forget that MJ was part of Studio 54 in his youth.
  13. As for Diana Ross, all I remember is the 1999 VMA incident with Lil' Kim made on national television.
  14. Not to be prudish or anything, but Blanket's long hair makes him look like a dead ringer for SNL's Cecily Strong. They look really identical to one another.
  15. Juror believes Michael Jackson abused Wade Robson and Culkin Is that the same juror that winked at the camera and told the woman not to wag her fingers at her?
  16. I was never a fan of Diana Ross or Streisand because their divatudes always seemed so off-putting. Judging from the comments, it seemed my opinion of them hardly changed.
  17. It's a hard choice. You can't make a decision of so and so did this or that. It gets really complicated after a while. I think Wade said it better than most is that it doesn't matter if you will listen still to MJ music or not. All that matters to him is the abuse is told finally.
  18. Listening to Michael Jackson's music will never be the same Wow. The beginning with the woman and her child on the subway. Just wow... If R. Kelly gets this treatment, then MJ deserves the same disgrace. Unfortunately, that won't happen. With the mural in the East Village and a MJ musical heading to Broadway next summer, I doubt anything could change.
  19. I think his plastic surgeries ended him looking like an Anime character as time went on. In my opinion, MJ was afraid to age. He wanted to stay young looking for life.
  20. That mock interview with James solidified that MJ was a master manipulator. James sounded so confused doing it. I know that recording was years ago, but it was so much wrong there. He even left a telephone recording to Wade with a faux Aussie accent. Sick and manipulative.
  21. Read the whole thing. Very informative. I wish the hardcore fans could read what went on, but I am afraid they continue to wear rose-colored tinted glasses still. Keep on the good fight, Wade and James.
  22. It involves politics, too? Oh, well....it's July 4th.
  23. Fascinating article about superfans of R. Kelly and Michael Jackson
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