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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I can't help, but remember how Norm MacDonald would always burn Michael Jackson with the "homosexual pedo" jokes on SNL.
  2. It’s funny that we hear MJ’s brothers a lot. They love that publicity. Maybe that’s the reason Rebbie left and married early. Janet is definitely more grounded. I think Katherine now is really elderly at this point and I remember Paris posted an Instagram photo of her last year. She appeared wheelchair bound. And she looked like she lost a lot of weight.
  3. What do you think John's next topic would be? Victimization?
  4. Now Corey Feldman is changing his tune
  5. This girl is mentally unstable Being part of that family can't be good for Paris. I am worried about her.
  6. I heard he was such a generous man. I never heard one bad word said about him. Did you know his son is a underground wrestler? What is funny is that Luke Perry is a wrestling fan as well.
  7. There is a statue of him...?!?!
  8. It would make a lot of sense because every time I see him with the Jacksons when he was a kid, there was a sense of sadness in his face when he did these interviews. He always looked downcast when he talked about the family. It was common knowledge that his father was one horrible man. You just had to look at MJ's 70s interviews and tell me that person was on the verge of unhappiness. It was all written in stone and they didn't give a crap about it. Tragic.
  9. Speaking of Paris, Blanket, and Prince....Not surprised at this.
  10. I literally upset that the hardcore MJ fans are threatening Wade and James. I mean, did they forget that MJ was ridiculed by comedians like Eddie Murphy? He did a whole MJ skit on his HBO specials between 1983 and 1987. SNL did it with Tim Meadows and Amy Poehler. Same with Mad TV with Aries Spiers and Phil LeMarr. I didn't hear one outcry from the fans when that was happening. But now with this account, they are ready to pull the trigger on them. Disgusting.
  11. My shock was when Wade visited MJ after the trial to celebrate with wine and Michael went upstairs to sleep. I think what made it sadder was the kids not affected to the episodes of MJ's eccentric behavior as if it was normal. I mean, he just announced his tour earlier this year, correct? I always wondered if he would have lived and a lot of people thought he was pushed because of money troubles, would it still happen at all?
  12. I must admit I am a year younger than Wade, but I remember him with the blonde hair and all during the very first trial. I actually was at first too young to understand all the things that went on with Chandler. Now, when the Bashir interview and the 2nd trial came about, that's when I remember everything. MJ in PJs, Gavin's mother, Culkin and Wade testified before court, the crazed woman with the dove thing, and the not guilty verdict. When the verdict was announced, my family was so split on decision at that point. My aunt said this was a farce, etc. My mom and dad didn't know what to say. All they said was I think I watched a circus. I said, "This is not over." And they thought I was joking. I said, "Something will happen to MJ. I just feel it in my bones. I don't know what, but it is not going to end on good terms. There is more to this. Did you see the look on Wade? It's not the end." After that, they all didn't believe me. When they all heard the news of his death and doctor that administer him, I remember feeling very mixed emotions inside me. I was sad at first, but I remember to go back to that last trial and look at how frail he was. I think he even knew back then he wasn't going to live. It was like something was going to happen, regardless of stopping him. And the sad part was that I believed all the stuff that happened to him. I fell for the trick itself. But with this documentary, I guess it opened my eyes to what happened more clearly to the whole abuse thing.
  13. Hey, Feldman, what about the so called Angels you treated back there? Your ex-Angel took you to the curve. Pot calling the kettle black. He has no right to call out on James and Wade because Michael didn't do anything to him.
  14. Not just South Park, but Mad TV, In Living Color, and SNL were spoofing on MJ's bizarre behavior from the 90s-mid 00s. I remember Phil LaMarr the most out of all comedians that portrayed MJ. I think after the 2005 trial ended, it stopped. Everything was back to normal. Watching these sketches again, I forgot how ruthless the writers were then. And with this documentary out, it becomes not a laughing matter no more.
  15. You know, I forgotten about that, too. Thanks for the info.
  16. You think MJ was closeted most of his life? I know the fans would say he was straight, but you had to remember that even though he brought Brooke Sheilds as his date to the Grammy Awards back in 1984, he took Emmanuel Lewis for the ride as well. I wondered if Joe's upbringing caused MJ to be severely damaged beyond control. I am not defending MJ to what he did to James and Wade, but I wondered how badly damaged he was that he had to resort to a pedo all of a sudden. And nearly every musician had homosexual experiences, like David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Joan Jett, Grace Slick, and so forth..It is not like they are predators or whatever. Their experience was within their age group. But MJ was always a strange case itself when it came to his sexuality. It is just that it involved children.
  17. I wondered how part 2 would end tomorrow.
  18. Ooh.....I need a shower. So uncomfortable. And those faxes...what the hell?
  19. Something tells me my stomach will do jumping jacks by watching this. Well, no pain no gain.
  20. Speaking of Soap, what became of Jimmy Baio? I haven't seen him since that cameo appearance in that Streisand film in the mid 90s. Is he okay?
  21. Oh, no It dipped a bit into the ratings.
  22. Seeing Joan Crawford films, it is so strange seeing what a difference she looked when the 40s kicked in. Those thick eyebrows, clownish makeup, and those shoulder pads. It is strange how muted her look was in the 20s and 30s. She looked like a completely different person.
  23. Not to mention Elton John made an appearance in one of the Kingsman films.
  24. The Reuben sandwich looked good, though.
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