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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Where is John Oliver when you need him? That is just batshit insane.
  2. I remember a lot of the blame was on Dr. Conrad Murray, but MJ was definitely at fault here. He was doctor shopping, after all. Even if Dr. Conrad wouldn't participated, he would have found another quack to fill him up. Especially in Leaving Neverland, Wade found MJ a little on something when he visited him for a drink and the children were really use to it. That part was very telling to me when MJ never returns down stairs. He was already doctor shopping.
  3. And to think he is the only musician to get both an arcade and Sega Genesis game of Moonwalker. There is nothing childish about that. He was in charge of the making. His Peter image was a front. A facade to make us pity for him. I remember playing both versions of it at Planet Hollywood Video store/Pizza Hut and thinking that it was weird that your goal is to save captured children who always called you "Michael" every time you find them. At first, I didn't think of it, but watching this documentary now, you noticed something is not right.
  4. Seeing that Stan Lee cameo made me teary a bit. What is ironic is that the film itself takes place in the mid 90s and Stan was doing voice acting guest spots in cartoons around this time.
  5. Unfortunately, her uncle had his share of porn inside the mansion.
  6. I am glad GMA cancelled Brandi's interview. They made a wise choice. Hell, Gayle would have wore rose-tinted glasses throughout the whole thing. On a lighter note, Wade's wife is very pretty.
  7. Excellent article, Giant Misfit.
  8. That's a good argument there. I wish to hear more from the other staff members than the typical maid fired by Jackson.
  9. Former maid of MJ comes forward Not surprised at this.
  10. Seeing those photos of James with MJ, I was surprised how much they got away with in the 80s. No way that would happen now.
  11. A perfect example would be say a priest abused this boy and this boy hasn't said a word for let us say 20 years ago. Things like that are traumatic for people who experienced this and don't want to tell a soul about what happened. It is because this priest is very important to the community and maybe this priest have a special hold on this certain boy. People do have power on certain individuals, even if that person that did the bad deed is wrong. It is not just MJ, but others that committed more horrible crimes than him. You see it in offices, restaurants, public places, and it doesn't stop there. It is sad when people confessed that this certain person did was wrong and usually that person is long gone. It happens a lot. It is not the entertainment industry, but anywhere you could think of that set red flags and not report it a number of years.
  12. Janet's silence enrages Jackson family Good. She is the smart one, anyway.
  13. What is makes all the more sad is that while Janet wasn't abused by Joe, she was more abused by the men in her life that she married or dated. Remember James DeBarge? Jermaine Dupri! Or her recent one with that Arabic millionaire who gave her a child? She was reported being abused by him more than once and he was so controlling that there are reports that he vowed to take his son away from her since the divorce happened. The reason I say this is because I been to her concert last year and there is a new song about abuse and she sings live in it. She demonstrates through dance about the struggles and everything she went through. I was this close to her and I could see the pain in her face. Tears streaming down her face, she owned that dance and you could tell the way those dancers played a role in it. It was pretty incredible to see. I can't describe it, but her vocal emotions were there. You heard the pain. It was an awesome concert, though.
  14. I am sure you are right, but it makes me angry they will still attack these two who had to go through this abuse. Sorry if I have to vent this out. But Aaron did drugs, so I roll my eyes for him thinking he would even punch Wade in the face if he ever sees him. I actually thought that since he made that bisexual claim, he reported that he was only 17 when he had sex with a man. After all, Aaron is in the music business.
  15. Now Aaron Carter is on the attacking Wade and Jack bandwagon. Excuse me, but wasn't Aaron abused as well?
  16. My parents' just turned grey upon seeing this documentary. It's like everything died inside and they can no longer trust this man. Really something else to see my parents who grew up with the Jackson 5. It's like everything they enjoyed, they can't anymore. Really something. Took a while to get them to see this.
  17. Gee, Susan Collins, really? That was awkward on so many levels. Also, I love cheese, but Rachel Ray is over the top when she does cheese. It kind of makes me vomit she puts a pound of cheese like it was nothing.
  18. I think the Michael Jackson float is there because of a music video he did in Brazil called "They Don't Care About Us" from the mid 90s.
  19. I always thought Blanket looked more Native American and Paris bares an uncanny resemblance to Madonna, but that is just me.
  20. I think you maybe right on that. That’s something l didn’t know. To return to the topic, I remember all the spoofs on MJ, but color me shocked when I realized all the MJ jokes dated back to Eddie Murphy’s HBO 1983 special. I find it interesting that the jokes stopped in 2005 when he was announced not guilty, leaving Aries Spiers and Amy Poehler the last comedians to spoof on him. I wondered what the comedians are thinking about this documentary now. If you watch any SNL or Mad TV skit on MJ, they were really savage in attacking MJ himself.
  21. You think if MJ was diagnosed with this unhealthy impulse much earlier by some psychologist or doctor, would he have spared the kids he was with altogether? Or was it too late either way? I mean, he could have started a PSA or something.
  22. Those photos of James with MJ were so unnerving. He always looks like he is trying to stay happy.
  23. Paris is a pretty girl, but those tattoos do her no favors.
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