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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I am with Stephen on Kimberly. Straight out of a 1960s Joan Crawford screaming transition. I was expecting her to say Trog any day. However, I was rolling with laughter at the cartoon critique of the RNC. I needed that.
  2. I felt the pain for the Native American expressing anger and frustration. I mean, how can you not see this? Also wall erosion and the possibility of the fences falling down to the river....why pay for it? Waste of money and resources.
  3. DNC....I just hope there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
  4. I could tell why Bill loves Stone! The proof is in the articles. Oliver Stone accused of groping a Playboy Model in 1991 Oliver on Harvey Weinstein
  5. Brian De Palma did Scarface! Not Oliver Stone! Bill should check his filmography. That was such a big wrong-o! Give me another director over Stone! That's how I felt about him last.
  6. I think Scott was anachronistic no matter what!
  7. Thanks! I probably read a rumor or something. Thank you for the article.
  8. Can anybody explain the issues Geri Jewel had with Charlotte Rae? It surprised me because Charlotte has an autistic son and Geri saw her in such a negative light. I don't know which side is right, but it seemed that Jewell had no good memories of Charlotte herself.
  9. That whole birtherism thing is so stupid! Who would believe that? Unfortunately, people would believe those things and that's the sad reality. And that woman from QAnon can go where the sun don't shine...using that metaphor about if she was a black person about honoring Confederate statues....disgusting.
  10. It's scary how things hardly changed and yet here we are now. My mother experienced this as a child growing up in Connecticut and New York. I know the 60s and 70s were different, but I remember her words echoed me witnessing how my mother lived through this. She was an Hispanic woman and I believed they looked at her as some low level being not worthy of the white race, despite some Spanish, European, and mixed blood on my grandmother side. Watching this now, I just can't believe this stuff still happens. It sucks to be sheltered so much and think everything was fine. I was a kid in '89 and lived a pretty happy life. Turns out stuff like that gets a pass. Disgusting. Anybody saw this?
  11. Scott Baio was 15-16 years old when he played Chachi. He was hardly a tween at all. Probably the character was supposed to be, but he was not when he played his character. In all seriousness, I think his cousin Jimmy was the better actor in that family.
  12. That Connecticut race should not have been that close with that Republican who was arrested for domestic violence, especially the Q-Non woman running for the Georgia GOP Senate. What is going with this party? They just threw dignity out the window.
  13. The ironic part is those roles that Norma had Joan Crawford wanted. Norma being married to Irving Thalberg was the only way she had those roles cherry-picked due to that. When he died, that was the end of Norma's career as an actress. The only role Joan Crawford got was Paid and that was due to Norma being pregnant. All the rest she couldn't due to who Norma was married to.
  14. I think that second show of hers lasted only a season. Probably less than that.
  15. You think this show would be canceled? This show doesn't seem cheap to make!
  16. And I don't think Ellen was asked back at SNL. You think they would have invited her in 2004, 2007, 2009, or when she did get her award presented by Kate! Nope. I think she only hosted once back in 2001!
  17. Now a former dj is talking about the toxic environment as well.
  18. And that's what happens when the cat is out of the bag.
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