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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. That Fox News host reading the comments looks like the twin version of the preacher guy who blew air, only younger.
  2. Since Cuomo’s reopening begins in phases, this would not be quick at all. I think we are going to still have Stay At Home episodes right into next year.
  3. I am definitely seeing those signs with Wendy! However, the difference between Constance Wu and Wendy is that Wendy is in the business longer than Constance. She did not do the typical exasperated response on twitter/Facebook of her show being renewed which Constance did last year. She knows how the business works. Wendy has a lot of professionalism and that's how you stay on a show, no matter how bad it gets. Constance is typically following Heigl's path and that's not how you retain your celebrity status.
  4. I can't imagine life without the set. It would probably be back, but I am wondering how Lorne is taking all this now. He is probably missing the action when he was a part of it since Day 1! I can't imagine what those employees who do makeup, costumes, set designs, editing, and all the works feel right now. Those people work hard!
  5. That would be awesome. I am wondering who would play the others as well? It was noted that he did find Bobby Sherman(he was a struggling artist) and he was not known then. It wasn't until Shindig that he was gaining recognition and decided to dump Sal for a better career offer. Sal was quite upset about that because he wrote two songs with Bobby Sherman. Not to mention Jill Haworth catching them in bed while having sex. This was when everything crashed for Jill. She loved Sal, but you could have sense everything was just crashing down for him. He was unfortunately not money smart like Jill. He was financially struggling even during his popularity in the 50s. It would be a great tale to be told, for sure. Ryan Murphy would have fun with this. It had everything.
  6. I can only take Kristen Wiig in small doses.
  7. That is what happens when stars show whatever knowledge they have or don't have. It's deer in the headlights moments like this that make me role my eyes. Otherwise, she looks pretty good for a 66 year-old.
  8. That Nebraska governor was really something, right? Are these Republican governors children or just plain reckless? Never seen anything like this before.
  9. I believe it, too. I know they dated rather briefly. What happened to Erin was just so sad.
  10. My God. Seeing those deserted seats and sets. It's like a ghost town..
  11. I am surprised Ryan Murphy never tackled a Sal Mineo story. That had a lot of stuff to tackle with. I know Ryan likes old Hollywood, but a FX story on him would be somewhat up his alley if you read the recent book. You could do a 11 part episodes of Sal Mineo. His relationship with a 15 year old Jill Haworth, the nude painting hung at the Guggenheim, Bobby Sherman, Courtney Burr, the LGBT production of Fortune and Mens' Eyes, his untimely death, and so much more.
  12. I am afraid they are going to become like Modern Family and Fresh off The Boat at the end.
  13. And the old set with the audience in the 70s era is next to the stage. I was surprised how weirdly placed it was. I went to a SNL tour and the setup of the audience on ground level was very interesting. It wasn't until the mid-80s that you had the split with the middle to divide the audience section where the host faces the camera during a monologue. And it remained that way ever since.
  14. People not wearing mask......we are going to be in this for a long time.
  15. I'll watch it for most of the cast, except Scott Baio. I couldn't stand him then and I couldn't stand him now. I never understood why Gary Marshall was determined to create the character of Chachi for this one. The only roles I enjoyed him in was Bugsy Malone and Foxes, but I never understood the fascination with Scott Baio. All the others, I get, but he was the weakest link in that show.
  16. The part with the numbers of Covid 19 infections in meat plants was horrific.
  17. The best cover is by Johnny Cash for NIN's Hurt. Better than the original.
  18. Does meat carry disease as well? I am pretty sure with Covid 19 being airbase and all that closeness in meat plants just makes it a breeding ground of diseases. Just saying.
  19. Karma got one of those calling a hoax I hope people wake up to this, but doubt it. Ignorance is the major death factor with these protesters.
  20. The others were good, but Crenshaw puts the sudden stops of what would have been a good show.
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