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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. If she wanted a bore, she should have just waited until Negan starts talking.
  2. Well, that was just stupid and wasteful. There was no way you were going to carry that bigass pig back through zombie woods all by yourself. You should have left it alive for later and killed a few squirrels or something. Greedy and stupid.
  3. I feel like they've already used this title about five times.
  4. That said, however, I don't think the council is doing themselves any favors by deciding everything in secret "Important Characters Only" meetings while the boys are still free to run around shit-stirring and rabble-rousing. I guarantee King Zeke wouldn't make that mistake. The man understands optics.
  5. The problem with just exiling the little shits is that the only living people who witnessed the fight are them, and of course they will say that they were trying to have a nice conversation with Lydia when suddenly she flipped out and attacked them and then Negan joined in to help her, and, of course, Lydia and Negan, who, regardless of whether they happen to currently be telling the truth right now or not, are not exactly loved or respected pillars of the community.
  6. I'm confused. Surely I can't be the only person who was under the impression that James grew up with Clark Kent in a place called Smallville, not in Randomnewpulledoutoftheirasstown?
  7. Yeah, I was never particularly invested in the idea that Josh was The Chosen One Who Everybody Should Follow Just Because He's The Star of the Show. From the ominous music, I guess I'm supposed to be terrified that a female wants to take power, but she seems to be a lot more competent at politics than Josh is, and since when does he even want the gig?
  8. I didn't like this one at all. Josh may be the star, but he is far from the most interesting character. And I realized about halfway through this that I prefer Sam in small doses. Josh and Sam together just feel like two actors doing a not very convincing job of being into each other because the script told them to. Romantic relationships in general are not this show's strength. But at least Wes and Turbo, for example, add some complexity and intrigue to the existing plot. And they don't take up an entire ep. Josh and Sam actually detract from the main storylines. Why do I care if they had an argument before the apocalypse happened? I don't even care if they get back together. Sam's only importance to the plotlines I'm actually interested is that, maybe, ghoulyism can be reversed through the consumption of sunflowers.
  9. We'd better not lose Ms. Crumble. Her, Angelica, and, actually, Principal Burr are the most fun characters on the show.
  10. The amputation scene was brilliant. I really liked not only that he himself assumed the same contagion issue we did, but that it was immediately subverted. Plus, it was a funny callback to the earlier botched finger chop.
  11. I had a little trouble with the beginning of it. Josh gave kind of a Ferris Bueller vibe, in the sense that the writers obviously thought he was far more clever and adorable than I did. I actually found him kind of punchable at first, but once there were some other characters for him to interact with it became a much smoother show.
  12. Where I live, any rag tied over your head is called a doo rag. Sure, black guys called it that first, just like they were the first ones to call each other "man" or to say something was "cool," but it's part of the language now. Lots and lots of white guys wear them and call them doo rags. And it's not even a "trying to sound black" thing. It's just that "bandana" is more what everybody's grandmother called those things. Of all the things to possibly get triggered by... really? This? What a dork.
  13. The last two eps have made me happy. There's the right blend of fun, drama, and plot progression. What I do have to ask, though, is what the hell did Martha Wayne ever do that makes her so revered as such a powerful woman? I know that she married a rich guy, wore pearls, had a son, and got shot. If there's anything besides that then perhaps they should tell us.
  14. Fuck you, Chris. I've been Dale for Halloween, and you're half-assing it. The hardest part of it was keeping my eyes as wide open as possible at all times. ( I also had the same challenge when I was George Carlin. ) Although on second thought... even though he isn't committing to the costume, maybe his choice of Dale was actually him taking a shot at the powers above him, using the extremely limited amount of balls that he is contractually permitted to have.
  15. Look, the other people were sufficiently horrible that I was willing to kind of side with Lydia, but that doesn't mean I actually like her as much as the writers think I should.
  16. I think he has a key, like Otis on "The Andy Griffith Show." ETA: You know, it just occurred to me: that is some long-ass on that door.
  17. Wait, the unsupervised prisoner wandered off? But HOW?
  18. Oh, shit, that's right. There was an earlier, less Henriesque version of Henry, wasn't there. If I recall correctly, I never really bonded with him because he had such a glaringly red shirt, metaphorically speaking.
  19. I guess it's a good thing he was out harvesting tomatoes at midnight.
  20. I don't even remember who Benjamin is, but I know Henry doesn't belong on the same list as him and Shiva.
  21. Don't offer a fresh set of eyes. Aaron's been upgrading a lot lately.
  22. I love when characters say or do shit and I'm like "Oh, yeah. You exist..."
  23. I tried to enjoy the opening scene, but that crappy song sucked the life out of it. I miss the acorn cookie opening.
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