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Everything posted by TessHarding2

  1. A virgin ball player? I'll say a definite no. These guys get married at 18 to have sex. This one's I'd say has had lots of sex. 22? More babies! More babies! I really do wonder if Michelle thinks her daughters will have 10 to 15 kids? Now my big money is on Jana. I want Jana to find a really rich land owning guy (or the son of one) who has big ranch or a mountain home in another state. Maybe he'll own strip malls that are always cash cows. They'll build a home from the ground up and she'll decorate for one year without thinking about babies. They'll travel around the country looking for properties to own. She'll learn to buy beautiful clothes and get weekly manicures. He'll pay for her to go to a university and he'll send her to Paris to study how to cook delicious food that is recognizable as food. She'll be the one singing I'm Free!
  2. I hadn't paid any attention to Adam until the scene I just watched. He's always seemed bland and innocuous and their ages made no difference to me, I didn't care. Carole stopped by his apartment and brought him a plant. He was making a dessert. I get it now, I'd bet money he's gay.
  3. Haha! Yes, I meant Sarah Brown! Thank you! I had stopped watching in 2002 so I missed Sarah Brown as Claudia Zacchara but watched what I could find online from that general time period. I thought she rocked as Claudia. I totally believed her as completely different character.
  4. Sarah Braun will always be Carly to me. The young woman who blew into PC and tore it up. I've never paid attention to Laura Wright, I couldn't bear her style of histrionics and spitting all over the place. She had a mature look to her compared to the ingenue look of the Sarah Braun. What looked ridiculous was when Robin and Laura Carly would fight in public over, I guess over Jason. and Laura Carly looked like Robin's mother - not rival. I must be 7 or 8 years older than Laura Wright so when she'd call Bobbie "Mom", I'd cringe then laugh. And if you haven't had a good laugh lately, watch Jed Allen as Edward Q (a temp), when Tracey calls Jed Allen "Daddy" and Alan Q is two years younger than him.
  5. I don't watch GH unless I read that someone I like will be on, but I did look at it online today and ff'd for one minute. Long enough to see outdoor scenes. What are they doing outside? Did someone tell them to go play in traffic. Damn it looks cheesy. Don't they know what a General Hospital park should look like?
  6. Marry Alan Q Shag Jeff Webber Kill Steven Lars Webber Skye Quartermaine Jimmy Lee Holt Anthony Zacchara
  7. Thank you. It's sad. I remember my best friend begging me to watch GH (after L&L rape). I said Not me! I'm not going with what's popular. Then the first GH I ever saw was the day L&L were in the police station when they returned from the Left Handed Boy. I thought what craziness, what's going to happen tomorrow? And watched every day from mid 1980 through 2002. I'd watch when Genie would return. Then one day I turned it on in 2010 and began my tour of hate watching. I was finished when Luke left. I peaked when Easton returned. They don't want a fan like me, they want people who like one minute scenes.
  8. Thanks for the pics and results. I feel like when you're finally over a relationship when you wake up one morning and know that this is the day you no longer care for real. I have no emotional attachment to the present, only to the past.
  9. Mine too are in the past. Robert's townhouse was fantastic. It was a modern structure and then Holly added English traditional furniture. They recreated the set from photos. Tristan Rogers said they got rid of the entire set and there were no floor plans. I don't remember Kevin's lighthouse - could it have been Bill Eckert's lighthouse originally. That was a very expensive set. I loved Luke's casino in the early 80's. That was some set and very authentic looking. The Governor's mansion was another elaborate set. Other than the Scorpio townhouse, I give props to the set designer who did Luke's club when it was exotic and Moroccan. Alan and Monica had a very glamorous bedroom suite.
  10. I tried to look this up before asking here - If Josh is "home", where is he? Living in The Duggar's house?
  11. Joe and Rose were close, they were family. Nothing more. Watch how funny Rose is starting at 5:00 https://youtu.be/P-Iu0im3h4k?list=PL4191108F2B25C21E Scorpio meet Devane. https://youtu.be/84j9AJ9r8yk?list=PL9D1BC1F203BE1793 Just silly trivia - "The Swede" (Allan Fawcett) was my neighbor for a while in the early 80's when he was doing Edge of Night. He wasn't particularly friendly. He was close to my friend and neighbor. He should have been walking around on a cloud being on an ABC soap in the early 80's. That lineup was gold back then.
  12. Thanks. You really remember a lot about different stories. I still watch them over and over but I miss stuff. I would have to say I'm a Luke and Laura expert if anyone needs one, lol O'Reilly - when she came on and I heard her voice I said wait a minute....and then knew it was Witchipoo from HR Puffinstuff (a kids show in the 70's). She was a pistol. Luke kept calling her the nice old lady.....(she was 49, so kill me now). She still does a lot of cartoon voice work.
  13. Thank you, Francie. Is there a video of this or did you just remember it? I'd be so grateful if you could post it. Robin was conceived before the mission when Anna was exposed as a double agent. I
  14. Ugh, I hate when I don't remember everything! Tony had temporary blindness, but I'd have to do my research to answer you, Ulkis. Sean played both sides as he saw fit. He liked riches and money. Anna and Robert were besotted with each other. When they washed up on an Italian shore, kissing to a Stevie Wonder song, they got married in a big group of people also getting married. That's where they picked up Filomena. If I may, I can still hear my best friend breaking out into hysterical laughter when Robert said "Si" (as is will you take this woman...). We would rewind the tape (yes we taped it every day) and just keep playing the Si over and over again. Good and silly times. The joy that show gave us has not been matched.
  15. Joe Kelly fan here. Joe was great. Doug Sheehan was matinee idol handsome. He was a good egg and easy going. He tried hard not to be drawn in by Heather in some of her most femme fatale moments. There isn't much online of his and Nurse Anne Logan's relationship (she was in love with Jeff Weber - Liz's father), He did kiss Bobbie under the mistletoe. They were always friends but the audience could only speculate if they had fooled around off screen. There was a brief explanation about how he and Rose Kelly may have been lovers (before being seen on the show) for a time but she chose Joe's father Paddy Kelly over Joe and married him. They were strained in the beginning when both came onto the show but remained close friends. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'd have to go back and find it.
  16. Three years really? I wonder when they're contracts are up? I've never watched Nina and Franco for them coming onto the screen. She's like nails on a chalkboard and he's so aimless. They seemed like a spinoff of GH. Don't these actors know that their characters and storyline's suck and don't they ever want to act in anything else?
  17. Totally agree. The son's in law have it made. They have wives that can manage anything and bring THE paycheck because they are Duggars. They don't appear as if they are looking up to them like their mother does. When Jessa looks at Ben it seems like she's thinking - he's dopey doperson, but I got out out that house!
  18. I clicked on the beginning of this thread instead of the last page where I found this. However, I'll deny I ever reading about this delicacy. I'll deny it all! Thanks, that's the story where I couldn't remember the facts.
  19. This needs to be tattooed on Frank and the writers foreheads. Not watching the show now, but I'll find some with Dr. Finn McBain. I only like Easton with Kelly Monaco, any chance of that? I read that Laura has a no story story which makes me sad and angry.
  20. I was also thinking along the lines of sibling rivalry, the daily antagonizing, teasing, fighting over stupid things and then making up the way brothers and sisters do until it happens all over again. I don't have siblings but of course my friends did, so even though I didn't experience it, I get the dynamic. Nobody feels loving every day. Sometimes you want to bash your brother's head in - is it that this has never been shown on camera, or are they conditioned to pray on it till it goes away?
  21. I liked your explanation. I guess it's all about punishment and faux forgiveness. I remember an old episode (I can't recall in full detail) with Jessa and Jana and a jewelry box. They weren't little children. The folks should have stayed out of it and let them work it out between themselves. Oh wait. They wouldn't have learned a lesson just between siblings.
  22. How did none of the teenage kids not go through the awful teen stage? They'd be punished? The Bible readings help? I mean, hormones do happen for all of us.
  23. I was just surfing and I see this show is on tonight. I will watch because to me, nothing is better than Sierra planning a party. Ever since the root beer float debacle, watching her is like watching a car wreck where you can't look away. I haven't watched any of the shows except for five minutes when they were ALL putting a light or a fan in a room. How many Duggars does it take to....? The boredom I experienced was beyond. WHO are their true fans who are giving these episodes ratings? These people are dull. What they do is dull, their personalities are dull. My whole reason for watching 19 Kids was for the little kids.
  24. If there was ever an actor I forgot about.... Not sure if was the character or the actor, but he was unbearable.
  25. TO Grrpants09 You said Anna is living in Adam Chandler's old house........please clarify or I won't be able to sleep. Adam Chandler from AMC? Help!
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