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  1. So that's one way to end Ronnie's arc. How convenient, random shooting on the streets, though guess it was some revenge killing in the name of Coogi. 3 years later? Tiffany and Dom didn't know Smokey Robinson? But Emmet their contemporary does? Douda gets screwed over by the ex wife, Jake and Trig. But why would messing up his candidacy make it easier for Jake to get away from him? The Chi hasn't been always uplifting or happy but this season, they've gone to some dark places. Thinking that is suppose to get them more respect? But the kidnap plot wasn't received that well and now the random murder of Ronnie. Yes there are random killings in Chicago but it's also a convenient plot device. Maybe they wanted to spare us another redemption arc, followed by a big fall, followed by another redemption arc. It's one way to end a cycle.
  2. Only just started, watching the first 3. The cases are very moving. What struck me was that Amanda was getting her ultrasound, seeing her fetus for the first time. She and her husband Kevin were both smiling and then it turned instantly as they saw the problem with the fetus. She was almost frowning and he seemed confused. Then the Hispanic ER doctor, who had to deliver by Caesarian. Holy cow, she's awake for it, though they shield her from seeing what's happening below. You figure if anyone could overcome any squeamishness, it would be a doctor. But they open up her belly and the doctor reaches in and pulls out the baby! I thought the scene of the doctors trying to cheer up the spine specialist on the neck cancer diagnosis was moving. Earlier in this episode, the main neurology guy was having a dispute with this spine doctor about bringing over another spine specialist to the team. The older woman who had cancer under her skull seemed ready to give up, said she would just take a pill and her husband might as well if he decided he would miss her too much. Like she didn't want to go through chemo again. The case of the Tennessee cop just raised more questions. Does her insurance allow them to see doctors in NYC? Because that's probably not the case for most Americans. It would also cost a fortune for the family to stay nearby, never mind the hospital bed they're taking up. Then you see the scenes at the ER where they're caring for patients who are essentially homeless. It's unlikely the hospital is treating people pro bono. They are a part of a larger provider network, Northwell. I guess the people in ER will have some big bills looming over them but I wonder how the TN couple are going to manage it. The other interesting part about their case is that Dr. Langer enumerated the reasons why he is treating her, the fact that she has all this family depending on her. Did he have to agree to treat her but did that decision mean they may have negotiated a good rate with her insurer? Because the reality is that people with insurance are discouraged from going to certain providers or certain policies with flatly not cover out-of-network providers. Dr. Bockvar is treating a couple of patients as part of the clinical trial. Again, it's not clear if patients with little hope are accepted into the trial at the discretion of the doctor in charge or if some FDA process determines who is eligible for these experimental treatments. BTW, there's a Peter Bockvar who's a financial guy who appears on CNBC all the time. The resemblance is unmistakeable that they're probably brothers or closely related. But Dr. Bockvar certainly gave an engaging account of his experience with his father and how be came to choose his specialty and areas of interest. At the end of the first episode, they kind of showed how the doctors left the cocoon of the hospital and went out into the hubbub of the city, all taking the subways like millions of others from all walks of life. One of the doctors had looked out into the Manhattan skyline and remarked how still the city looked from inside. I'm looking forward to the pandemic episode to see how tied they come to feel to the city, in contrast to this first episode. They note the origins of the hospital as a community hospital, in the upper east side, which is one of the wealthiest places in the world. Of course the ER facility is downtown. But they obviously take patients from all over the country, maybe the world. When the pandemic hit NYC, most of the cases and deaths were to people of color, living in often crowded conditions in Queens. Maybe they get some of those patients from other boroughs.
  3. Eliza and her lawn jockey are gone!
  4. I think before the pandemic, especially around the time the last season aired, there were stories bout the market, especially the high-end market in Manhattan crashing. Big double-digit declines. I don't know about NYC but some high-end properties in some parts of the country are said to be doing well, like Seattle for instance. Makes sense, the big tech companies are still making lots of money and their workers are working from home.
  5. The reviews are really poor. Though only a few of them still. I guess we'll see if it's under appreciated.
  6. I wouldn't have minded if they hooked up with past SHIELD agents in the finale, maybe a cameo here and there. Didn't have to be a reunion, just maybe a couple of them having contact with them. Maybe even a message exchanged with Grant or is he really really dead?
  7. You may be right, it might not have lasted as long without the MCU tie in. But that would mean that it was a gimmick all along unless they were prepared to do more crossovers or explicitly link plots. Again, they saved the planet more than once not the Avengers, which is why the MCU tie in is dubious.
  8. OK so I'm not a big MCU or superhero guy, though I read a lot of the Marvel comics. Not so much the DC comics. I've watched a lot of the MCU movies, also the DC ones too. I didn't go out of my way to see them though, I watched several of them on flights. In general they're well-made, acted. Probably fulfillment of dreams of every kid who read the comics or watched shows, to see these characters put on the big screen with special effects. However, I think it may not be the best thing that they're among the most popular movies which are being made. Why do adults, even those who were heavily into comic books, need to believe in superheroes? So I wasn't the most likely person to watch this show. Reason I did, there were some photogenic cast members and you figured maybe some crossover of movies and great special effects regularly on TV. The series as a whole carved out it's own place within the MCU, it seems. There were references to events occurring in the movie and there were some crossover appearances of the movie characters,, beside the obvious one in Coulson. I get that the show runners didn't always get as much cooperation from the people making the MCU movies. I'm not disappointed about that at all. In fact the show might have been stronger if it didn't have anything to do with MCU. Call it something other than SHIELD, just make it about other characters. Because it seems like by tying it to the MCU, they progressively raised the stakes in the show. They started out like junior cadets, investigating strange artifacts or phenomenon. Seemed like they were sent on missions that Tony Stark and Thor or any of the Avengers would be too important to bother with. I actually enjoyed the first couple of seasons, when it seemed like they were kind of interplanetary detectives, going all over the world and triaging relatively low-level threats. But as the MCU movies raised the stakes, going from alien invasions to the death of the universe, it seemed like Agents of Shield tried to tag along, creating highly consequential situations, where the planet is threatened repeatedly. This is when you wondered, if they're dealing with alien invasions, where are the Avengers? Why send the B Team or the JV team out to the state championships? Because as long as they're in the MCU universe, that's what they would be, not the team of superstars which make up the Avengers. So the plots became progressively outlandish over the seasons, where the agents had to deal with being transported hundreds of light years away or being trapped in time, then learning to time travel. Having plots grow in complexity and gravity isn't necessarily a bad thing. For instance, that is the series arc of Breaking Bad, where Walter White gets into more and more extremely existential situations but keeps escaping. But in Agents of Shield, the characters are repeatedly put in predicaments which would end the life they'd know. Instead they'd be stranded on distant planets or in different timelines, separated from their loved ones. They kept getting out of those predicaments, including this last season, where they were traveling through time and to distant planets, switching timelines. So it's not surprising that all the characters collectively win again, defeat the alien killer robots and return to earth with satisfying careers and personal lives. It just seems a little too pat and predictable. I'm not saying it's bad because everyone gets a happy ending. Or that it would have been better if one or more major character didn't make it out alive, like Walter White, maybe sacrificing himself to save the others. But it makes you a bit distrustful over the trajectory of the series, with the massively increasing stakes, with them saving the planet repeatedly, even though once again, you'd think saving the planet would be someone else's responsibility in this universe.
  9. I have to admit, I haven't always paid too close attention to the various plots in the series over the years. So did I miss something that Fitz and Simmons had a child or was the finale the first and only time they revealed it? Also the montage of Fitz, Simmons and Enoch connecting this plan to go back in the timeline to foil the Chronicoms with Fitz in hiding from the Crhonicoms, controlling the timelines. This is the first time they've shown it right? So hiding that is the reason they've kept Fitz out of the final season until the last episode or two? The Daisy rescue in space made me roll my eyes. A big nuclear explosion closes up those 4 giant ships into millions of pieces yet here is Daisy completely intact. Not only intact but among millions of pieces of debris, they're able to find her and then resuscitate her with magical inhuman powers.
  10. Actually surprised they would have filmed this much footage without Alex before his racist posts came out. Did they really dedicate a crew to go with everyone but Alex down to Miami? Or could some of this episode have been filmed after Alex was "fired?" Seems like they're digging up all these side stories like Kelsey being jealous of Juliette's bikini deal. Does MTV pay for people like the bikini designer to participate on the show? Why would Sam, who apparently is loaded, want to take part in this show? There must be tons of women drawn to him despite his looks because as Chole termed it, they like his "lifestyle." Juliette's attractive but why would he want to put his business out on TV? Guess rich people are fame whores too? Especially when the reason they're rich is that they were born into it, hasn't done anything in particular to distinguish himself rather than spend money. He doesn't seem to have Alex's asshole personality though I didn't see his social media. Maybe just young and rich, just copying the baller lifestyle.
  11. They have to back in, because the yachts are set up to board and disembark from the back, not the bow of the ship.
  12. Lot of people would find her physically attractive. Men have chased her, probably women have found her attractive as well. Whatever one may think of her behavior ...
  13. Whether it was professional or not is irrelevant. It's a Bravo TV show. Talking trash and yelling at each other is Bravo's bread and butter.
  14. Malia and others have said it's not an automatic fireable offense to have prescribed drugs abord. So Bravo, not Sandy, chose this as the pretext to send her off. Because what would be the alternatives, that she quit in the middle of a season because of Kiko or some other reason? Or that she did her job horribly, maybe got someone injured? Or that she crossed the line, like hook up with a guest or used something like cocaine on board? Probably Hanna agreed that being caught with a prescription of Valium was a palatable enough reason for her departure, compared to the alternatives. Supposedly the captain has discretion, as there's no law that says it's automatic, zero tolerance thing, like three strikes laws and such. In any event, this "firing" doesn't preclude her coming back in the future. Same thing with Kate, maybe she finds doing WWHL and other Bravo shows occasionally is boring or doesn't pay enough and she will crawl back. If Bravo can't find someone they like, they can throw a lot of money at her.
  15. Terrific mini-series, very well-done, liked how the detectives were meticulous and persistent. I never watch procedurals like CSI but I think this is much more than that, kind of shows why these detectives pursued this case. Grace mocks the women-bond thing but maybe male detectives would have given up, especially if they never connected the way Karen and Grace did. I kept wondering if the detectives would connect with Marie, but that didn't seem likely, they don't have jurisdiction. Did the Lynwood cops never collect DNA? I get that rape victims have a huge obstacle to get over to be believed by cops. On the one hand, they just wore her down making her do her statement over and over again. I can understand why she wanted to get over this. But once she recanted she wasn't cooperative with anyone, including the foster mothers. She only tells the therapist at the end because she'd gained her trust. However when there was another case in the area and one foster mother wanted her to follow through with it, Marie was shut down. Again she went through an ordeal but maybe if she tried once again with the police, the detectives in different PDs might have been able to connect and engage the FBI, maybe the rapist never gets to Colorado. She lost friendships but the guy friend, she shut out. Maybe she also broke things off with the foster mothers as well. Did she go to see the detective as portrayed here or was that something they added? The detective was contrite, especially after he saw the evidence in Colorado. But while Marie didn't come to boast, her "do better" remark, as well as how she mistrusted everyone makes you wonder if she's somewhat insufferable. Her call to Karen seemed heartfelt, about how her faith in humanity was restored and all that but that seems a little too pat and I don't know if people change the way they think so drastically.
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