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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I was going to withhold mine but thought I'd share. No one has to agree with me, but that's the way I see it. I also wasn't responding necessarily to you, but a few who have brought up that scene. I completely understand this show is fiction - it's bizarre and unrealistic and completely far-fetched. That's why it's awesome. But there is still a bit of realism to it, like these war-torn people. Yemen is in the midst of a civil war, though it may not be quite like it's depicted on the show.
  2. Exactly, it's like no one remembers her complete obsession with Chad, or that she kidnapped and nearly killed his girlfriend. Gabi is a basketcase, but yet fans dislike Rafe instead and think Gabi is the good Hernandez? I don't get it.
  3. I used to think the same thing when I was watching the Harry Potter movies, but then I realized it was just the settings on my TV. I mean no offense, but try that? I didn't have a problem seeing anything. One comment on the "tic tac man" that people are finding funny. I also mean offense with this opinion, but I don't find it funny at all. These characters are representations of the real people in this world who have absolutely nothing. To us, a tic tac is laughable because it's a cheap, common item - but to them, it means the world. These kids have no idea when they will ever have another tic tac, and maybe have never had a tic tac before. This is their treasure right now. Linc is helping them but also using them. Sorry that I don't find that funny.
  4. So I caught up on Monday's (I think) episode, and it was all kinds of awful. Reminded me why I hadn't watched in a few weeks. I did, however, like Andre's description of Gabi. She is narcissistic and aggressive and selfish and all those things he said. Not to mention a kidnapper and convicted murderer. And the idea of Gabi as a pitching coach??? WTF? That's beyond absurd. Chad and Gabi together make me want to puke; no wonder I got sick with the flu over the weekend. Gabi was best off in prison.
  5. Thanks, a couple comments made me think I'd missed who it is.
  6. At the risk of sounding stupid and asking the "duh" question... Who is Poseidon? (Not the Greek god, but "Poseidon" on this show. :-) ) This is what we don't know yet, right? Or did I miss something?
  7. Ok, so Michael is CIA in exchange for Sara's innocence. That's a given now, right? Or is it... T-Bag's hand freaks me out. Sara's husband is totally in on it. Where is Sucre? And Linc... you big dumb lug. They're really going with the nothing-in-common-including-blood-and-brains-but-still-brothers thing, aren't they?
  8. I re-watched Season 4, and I have to say - it wasn't as bad as I remembered. So I'm just going to have to hate Season 3 from here on out. :-) The made-for-TV movie that aired after the series finale however, I'm still going to hate. That was so unnecessary.
  9. All of this. We don't even know what happened to Atwater's parents.
  10. If you watch old seasons on Netflix, they still have it. I don't miss it, but I didn't hate it either.
  11. As long as they aren't trying to pair her up with Jay, I'm ok with that. But it was still weird, whatever it was.
  12. One more thought, and then I probably won't pay much attention to this show again this season - What was with Jay and Natalie? Was that flirting because Natalie all of a sudden likes Jay? Or was that an "I like your brother but we aren't together and it's super weird sometimes, can you help me?" kind of implication? As a Chicago PD fan first and foremost, and a Linstead fan, if that was flirting and they might try to go there - that's just a big old "no" from me.
  13. Voight didn't need to do anything the time that she was held at knifepoint and almost raped - Jay shot the guy in the head. So at this point, maybe Voight thinks he can take a step back because he knows that Jay will do the dirty work.
  14. Nope. There is no background except that when Will came to town two years ago, Jay said he and his dad hadn't spoken in several years. I watched this show tonight to learn some background or a resolution and got nothing. He hadn't been to work in 2 days so I guess we're to assume Jay is his emergency contact in the HR office? Otherwise, why is Jay there watching a ballgame? I don't know; so many holes.
  15. Yep... I didn't get much out of that at all. All of a sudden Jay is speaking to his father with no explanation why? Oh well...
  16. Yep, I totally buy that too. As for Jay, I guess we don't really know how old he is? Erin is 32ish. The actor in real life will turn 33 in a week or two, and Sophia Bush is 34. So I don't know. I know we had this age discussion over on the IMDb forums, but I can't remember the conclusion! :-) But Jay's background is always changing - someone pointed out that the dates on Ben's headstone don't match up with the dates that Jay says he was in the Middle East. I remember Erin admitting in an episode that she bounced around for a bit after high school before becoming a cop, so we don't really know when she started. Is a military requirement still a minimum of 6 years?
  17. That makes sense too; Rangers have extensive training and certifications. I know that they use him as the sharpshooter/sniper when needed because of his military training. (Al, too.)
  18. I never watched The Walking Dead or have seen SWC in anything else, but I think it's a character thing so far. I agree that she wasn't as boring before, but for now, the writers aren't giving her much to do. I'm hopeful that we'll see the old Sara once Michael's escape starts and we learn more about the truth.
  19. I think you're right, I think he was already a detective - in vice, maybe? He worked with Antonio, as far as I could tell. But he got shot, and they say once you get shot, you get to pick your assignment. He immediately picked Intelligence. I'm not saying Jay isn't qualified - I think he's the most qualified after Voight, Al, and Antonio. But I also don't know how old he's supposed to be; he's still young either way. Ruzek and Burgess are the least qualified, in my opinion, but they are still there. I guess my point was that at least Erin seems qualified, nepotism or not.
  20. So I watched this again last night since it was the re-run, and yeah... Burgess. She doesn't get a warrant, then she doesn't know what warrant she needs, and the whole time is some sort of weird combo of perky/determined/annoying. I get that she's excited to start her new job, but the abnormal perkiness wasn't needed. She also seemed to be on a bit of a power trip? But a power trip with who, she's the lowest on the totem pole now in Intelligence. Was she supposed to come across as nervous, instead? Because that's not what I got. As for the make-out session; that was definitely a cover. They had just been talking about a serious topic (Erin's dad) that wasn't going to immediately lead to romance, but they had to do something as soon as the suspect's car's headlights were on them. They were in the direct line of sight. They were also barely making out, they were talking the whole time on the radio, and Erin was getting her gun ready. I didn't see that "make-out" session as going too far at all. I also liked that they didn't make Jay out to be the jealous boyfriend, but that he was mature about Severide. I also wasn't offended by Al's comments to Burgess. She is getting a reputation as a Badge Bunny. She had to testify on the stand that she was sleeping with Roman, and everyone knows she was engaged to Ruzek. That's two in two years? Erin has only been in one relationship with a colleague, and never flaunted it unless it was convenient to use as a cover (the casino and now this episode). Burgess also needs to learn to be a detective and I wasn't upset that Al was trying to show her the ropes, either. Someone needs to; she hasn't always shown she can make the best decisions. And this episode just reminded me again - when can Atwater get a personal story? I need more Kevin.
  21. He'd do worse than a Burgess... where is Justin's killer? At least it's been said several times that Erin was a beat cop for a while and did work her way up, but I'm sure you're right that her relationship with Voight was a big influence. But on the flip side, Al pulled Ruzek straight from the Academy, and Atwater, Burgess, and maybe Jay are all on Intelligence and younger than Erin. So maybe experience doesn't really matter... Yes, I didn't like Voight here. Why does everyone bow to Burgess?? Platt does it, her patrol partners did it, and now Voight too? Maybe she did what she had to do to get these rapists, but what if something went wrong or took much longer and she didn't make it to the hospital in time to get her stomach pumped? She's a bit too impulsive too often, in my opinion. They all can be once in a while, I'm sure, but she seems to be the worst so far.
  22. If Chicago Justice does bite the dust (and you'll receive no complaints from me), I hope they can find a plausible way for Jon Seda to rejoin PD. It would be a shame for him to lose his job entirely if PD is still going. I guess he knew that was a risk he was taking, but still.
  23. It said "A storm is coming" and then something like "keep everyone safe." What got me was that Sara compared Michael to a storm in last week's episode when talking to Mike Jr., but how did Michael know that?! Coincidence? Me thinks not...
  24. This may be one part where I missed the dialogue (even with the closed captioning), but I thought Whip meant just crawling through the ceiling. They obviously have been on numerous recon missions, and Whip was saying that it should just be the two of them escaping too, like all their recon missions have been. In other words, when they actually escape, Whip doesn't think all the other people should come too. Obviously, I could also be very wrong. That's why we'll watch to the end! :-)
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