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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. I agree, I don't miss Burgess. I thought the same thing about Jay's weird story, but then he said that wasn't his idea of ideal? So I'm still just as confused. **hand raised** He said that the photo wasn't downloading, so that's when Jay said the rig had wifi. Then Atwater asked when Jay was going to let him drive it and Jay said something that meant "never." Uh... isn't it Erin's rig anyway? ;-)
  2. Way too much to hope that Jay asks Will to be his best man?
  3. I feel like that was Jay's attempt, maybe, at reconciling. A metaphor that he doesn't want to move back in yet, but he also doesn't want to lose her? I don'tk now. She said something about him thinking that was ideal, and he said "I never said that was ideal." So I think it's foreshadowing? But it could also be a red herring. The look on his face at the very end of the episode was more promising.
  4. LOL, what has Ruzek been through? He's a frat boy. He was pulled straight from the police academy into the most prestigious unit in the police force (or what we're supposed to believe is the most prestigious). He never had to walk the beat or be a patrol officer. He doesn't deserve to be where he is. When it comes to his personal life, he had a good upbringing with both parents still alive, right? Sure, I think they're divorced, but compared to everyone else on the show, that's nothing. He treats women like objects and lied to his second fiancee. He lied to Burgess too by not revealing that he'd been engaged twice. He took her for granted. So... what's he been through? Lindsay is awesome. She has her demons and downfalls, sure, but at least she's her own person. I agree though that they do not belong together. She'd eat him alive. (But then again, maybe that's what he needs?)
  5. Maybe whoever let her in to the morgue didn't know that Jay and Erin were there? Or it gave Jay a chance to "protect" her?
  6. This is why I think it was a poor attempt at a double date, and why I made my original comment about how I don't like how this show is treating Jay. Either she wanted to see Jay, or she's trying to "play it cool" with Will (and it's not working). I haven't watched this show from the beginning, so I don't entirely hate her like everyone else does, but I can see where y'all are coming from. She's... odd. And stay away from Jay!
  7. There are adults on the show who haven't used the bathroom in years. Xander is just prepping her now while she's young.
  8. I thought Natalie got the haircut because two of the themes of this episode were new beginnings and innocence. Jeff and at least one if not more of the patients (the Hawaiian guy, the patients who received the ALS guy's organs, Robin kinda?, etc.) all got "new starts" and Natalie's patient was young and innocent and being protected by her family. It seemed to me like Natalie took that to heart and wanted a new start to regain some of her innocence; hence, a new look. Now whether she did that for Will (or Jay) or not, I don't know.
  9. I'm definitely not a medical person, but maybe it was because the baby wasn't developed enough yet? No idea, just a guess.
  10. Tony, on squad, is a real-life firefighter. So are a lot of their extras. But yes, I agree with you that it must be sensationalized and can't be completely like real-life. They probably do get frustrated. But we have seen them vent the roof. Isn't that usually one of the first things Boden says? We rarely ever see Engine though, so I see what you mean there.
  11. I didn't really think of this before, but it dawned on me now as I re-read your comment that this is probably a reason why I don't find Burgess believable as a cop. They have her way overdone too, in my opinion. Not all the time, but often enough. Interesting observation.
  12. Loose-leaf binders might still be generous. Sometimes I feel like if there are any at all, they are just on Twitter...
  13. Whatever it is, it's something weird and I don't like it. I guess I didn't realize the backstory - Will and Natalie have known each other for a long time, and not just since Will got a job at Chicago Med? I'm still not sure that changes my opinion though; Natalie and Jay are clearly flirting to me but even if I'm reading it wrong, it's unnecessary, whatever it is. I agree that I didn't understand why Jay needed to move out. I don't really like how he's being written on either show right now. It's inconsistent with previous seasons, but it's still inconsistent between the shows. As another example, I don't get how on PD Jay says he hasn't talked to his father in years, but on Med they are telling each other dirty jokes. Just all of it is bugging me... I think I'll stick to Fire and PD and try to forget Med unless there is another major crossover (which is how I started watching this earlier this season).
  14. That's a great opportunity for her, but it'll be rough to live in separate cities. It doesn't look like her husband is leaving the show too.
  15. You don't watch PD then, I take it? Jay is a smart, by the books detective who always preaches never going anywhere without backup. So yes, it's just a hospital, but he should always have a partner with him when investigating a case. But moreover, he's completely in love with Erin. He's also supposed to be suffering from and seeking help for PTSD from his time as an Army Ranger. He moved out of Erin's condo to get help (and a divorce from a one night marriage in Vegas 8 years ago) because he said he needed to be alone for a bit to figure it all out. He didn't take a break from Erin to hit on and/or date his brother's love interest. This is ridiculous. The way she said she was glad that Jay liked her haircut? Ugh. On just last night's episode, he and Erin made some progress. Now we get this? Two different writers' rooms don't work for one character. No consistency.
  16. I need to stop watching this show. As a fan of Chicago PD first and foremost, I hate what this show is doing to Jay.
  17. I didn't notice it in this episode either. In the last episode, when Linc is running in to the prison, you can see the special effects then. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. At least it didn't last long.
  18. I know that both Chicago Fire and Chicago PD work closely with real firefighters and policemen as consultants, to try to get their stories as accurate as possible. I don't think firefighters can just rush in with water blasting away when they don't know that the house is empty. The force of the water could injure or maybe even kill a person, yeah? They have to rescue everyone first (squad) and then put out the fire (truck and engine). I don't know much about firefighting, but it makes sense to me. (Plus, water is extra special effects, and if it's not absolutely necessary, then they probably want to keep their budget down.)
  19. I don't think Linstead is fine. They bantered about her remembering his birthday, and then he told that weird story about the married couple? But at the end at Molly's, they came separately, he told her she didn't have to get him a present, then she left. The hug was awkward (but nice) but he still let her walk out the door alone? That's not fine. They're back to being friends and flirting a little, but that's about all. I hear the finale focuses a little bit more on them, and also has Bunny. I didn't even catch the new girl's name. How could a detective from robbery-homicide have seniority over a sergeant in Intelligence though? I get that she'd been working the case already for a few weeks, but for there to be the debate I thought she'd at least have the same title as Voight and be on his level. The captain made the right decision - plus, she'd already been working it for weeks and gotten nowhere. Voight's team solves it in 2 days. She'll be gone at the end of the season; I'm sure they'll write her off like they did Rixton. (So far in my opinion though, both replacements are better than Burgess, so I wouldn't mind either one staying/coming back.) The case had a lot of twists and turns; I liked it. Did anyone else think that Erin was going to discover her brother, Teddy, when she removed the helmet? A 14-year-old kid is bad enough though. She better not go down the dark road again like she did after Nadia's death. I think Jay can help her and they need each other right now. I hope the writers agree...
  20. I feel like it's just a constant reminder that he's an eccentric rich guy? I don't know.
  21. But that makes sense - that's a cute exchange! Not blaming the actor for something the character did, or something like that. ;-)
  22. Ha, yes. I agree. I like Ruzek as a cop and a "bro" with the boys. I'm not a Burgess fan. So yes, that's why I didn't like Burzek. I think the relationships are just an afterthought for the writers. They obviously want the cop drama (or fire or med drama) to be first and foremost - which is what I think all viewers want too - but then just throw in the "soapy" stuff for no good reason. I like seeing the personal lives of the characters, it makes me more invested in them, but I agree that it doesn't need to be a soap opera. I wish it was written better. And if it was, then we'd all probably be fans of all relationships, and wouldn't have people who only like Linstead, or only like Burzek, etc.
  23. Hasn't he been in prison long enough that he should have detoxed? I get that he's a junkie, but at some point, he shouldn't have all those urges? Is he still going through withdrawal because he was only in Ogygia for a short time? I don't get it. It did, however, finally dawn on me that he could have funded T-Bag's hand. The Korean guy is super rich, right?
  24. OK, so... this isn't a spoiler, because it was in the previews for next week, but... the baddies aren't in jail in next week's episode. CLEARLY Jake is in on it, and got the police department in on it, and I think Sara's best friend I-never-caught-her-name is in on it too. Oh, and the tech guy at the college is in on it. Everyone. Everyone is in on it. Sara is being played up, down, left, right, and center. I feel bad for her; she was never this stupid in the original series, was she? Michael and Lincoln arguing was a bit weird, if I'm honest. Why didn't Linc just say that C-Note and Sheba were waiting there with a plane? I feel like Michael didn't even know about C-Note's help until he called on the phone? (Or did he see him with Linc in the first episode at the prison? I forget, maybe he did...) Anyway, I kept yelling at them to get their shit together and make a decision. I also want Michael to contact Sara ASAP. What is he waiting for?
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