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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. I like the Olinsky story; I think he needs more stories actually. But I guess I just bought in to the teasers a little too much. They said they were opening a cold case and that they'd get stuck in the middle of a gang war. So I think I was expecting one of their old cases, or at least a name/victim that had been mentioned before? And there was no gang war. There was a short shoot out, but with the hype, I was expecting more. It's my own fault for buying in to the teasers! I did like the episode though. I like how they all have some interesting twists and they aren't all immediately obvious whodunnit. I didn't understand that either. He should have remained in patrol for several episodes. He wouldn't even know what to do! Also, I liked Kenny. That's unintentional? Yikes. I totally agree. I hear people think Halstead is a tool, but Ruzek is definitely a tool in my opinion. If Halstead is smug in any way, it's because he can back it up by being smart and a good cop. Ruzek? Not as much.
  2. I didn't find it to be a big deal. The excuse the character gave was that he freaked out about Burgess moving up to Intelligence and ran away from the situation. Voight said that Ruzek just left (without Voight's blessing, I guess?) and people asked a lot of questions that Voight couldn't answer, so he didn't appreciate that. I don't like what the spoilers are implying. I like that the writers aren't immediately going to revisit "Burzek" but I hope they don't break up "Linstead."
  3. You're right, I would hope that no one actually hates Galen. No one knows him. I follow him on Instagram because he posts pretty pictures of ski slopes. I think all characters are a bit sanctimonious; seems to be the nature of soap operas, in my opinion. I guess I personally can't hold that against just one character. I also understand that maybe the chemistry is lacking with Hope. But, no one will ever be Bo... Rafe is at least way better than Aiden!
  4. I kinda find it funny how much people hate Rafe/Galen. True, he's not the world's best actor, but no one on Days is that great in my opinion. And the character of Rafe is a bit boring, fine, but he's not that bad. So I'm just mostly indifferent towards both the character and the actor. He and Hope have potential if the writing ever gets better.
  5. I know I'm late to the game, but I just have to say that this might be my favorite episode of the series so far. This and the one after it. I like all of the police cases and the work that they do, but I also like the few minutes of the human sides of the characters that we see, and in my opinion, Halstead and Lindsay are pretty perfect for each other.
  6. Mouch and Herrmann's new house was the same set as 51, just redecorated. Remember how they moved the couch and Mouch thought that was the end of the world? I think their new colleagues were the ones who were sleeping, too. A thought on the number of trucks and hoses, and how Otis was the only one who took water to the fire - they can't put hoses on the fire from the outside from the trucks and ladders while people are still inside, both victims and the firefighters themselves. So Boden couldn't order water yet until everyone was out. I assume that's why Otis took one of the smaller hoses and went inside by himself alone; that's all anyone could do until it was clear.
  7. I'm pretty sure he was just a guest star, and I have a feeling last night was his last show. He's not still with the cast, as far as I can tell from their social media posts. Last night's episode was a little bit of a letdown, but I'm looking forward to the big crossover event next week.
  8. Same for me. I have the same name as I did there.
  9. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out in the future, whether she feels guilty or if the writers just drop the whole thing and move on. She may rationalize her actions by being temporarily insane and overcome with grief, and Stefano goaded her in to killing him, to relieve the guilt. And the fact that she thinks he didn't die (and did he or didn't he?) definitely changes the facts. As she testified and the court agreed, the "murder" wasn't premeditated; she didn't really intend to kill him.
  10. She showed guilt for months before she was caught. And now she thinks that she didn't actually kill anyone, so if she thinks she didn't actually kill anyone, what does she have to be guilty about? That was one of the goals of Steve and Shane's plan, to make Hope think that she didn't kill anyone.
  11. True, and she was given Chout (or whatever his name is) as a partner, so that was good punishment. Brett's partner seemed to be the most normal of all of the replacement guys.
  12. There's a preview with her awake and talking to Deacon in the hospital. So obviously she could have a relapse or whatever and then fall into a coma or die, but isn't that exactly what happened to Beverly? Yawn... recycled stories...
  13. Then how did she get to stay? Because Chief Anderson said last week only officers remain in place, all others reassigned. She was given special Gabby treatment, yet again? If Anderson really wanted to punish the house and those in it, he'd have split up the married couple...
  14. I'm new to the show but have now binge watched the entire series, and I have a question about Al. Whatever happened to his daughters? Specifically, the last time we saw him on a personal level, he and Michelle moved in with Ruzek. Since then - nothing. Does he still live with Ruzek? Is he still Michelle's guardian and lives with her? Can we say "dropped storyline" five times fast?
  15. I've tried to answer my question, and according to the Google, there is no such thing as whatever Boden said in the real Chicago system. So I don't know. :-)
  16. I'm getting the DVDs in the mail from Netflix. Old school, but it's working so far. If there's a better (faster) way, I'd also like to know please! (I ended up just buying the Chicago PD DVDs from Amazon for a few reasons - I like that show better, and I had a gift card. I don't really want to buy Fire.)
  17. I think that sums it up pretty well for everyone. I agree, at least. The show has been pretty bad now for several years, but it would still be a shame if if was cancelled. I'd miss it, I guess.
  18. I was going to comment on the other firefighters as well. That is very disrespectful, and can't possibly be true that only Chief Boden's beloved house has the smart, in-shape, dedicated firefighters and that every other house in the city has lazy, overweight, incompetent firefighters. Those guys that joined Severide on Squad - are you kidding me? The episode would have been much more likable if the other houses weren't so laughably awful. It would have been fine to show the other houses as nearly the same as 51, with competent, dedicated firefighters. It would have made for a better story, in my opinion, if they all just sort of fit in and weren't acting like children begging Boden to do something. Although the episode was entertaining enough for an hour, it wasn't nearly as good as it could have been. And of course it was all wrapped up at the end with a pretty little bow... It would have been more interesting had the separation storyline lasted longer than one episode. One question - what is Gabby's title? She wasn't called PIC, but she was allowed to stay as one of the three officers in place? She was called RBM or something?
  19. I agree. Describing Ruzek as a lost frat boy is a good description as well. I've just referred to him as a tool. :-)
  20. I never watched Castle, so I don't know what you mean. :-) I also agree that most people watch Chicago PD for just the police cases and many don't want to see any relationships at all. But a minute or two in each episode really doesn't take anything away from the rest of the show, and it makes the characters more human with more depth. If viewers still like the rest of the show, it's pretty easy to ignore any of the couplings; for me though, I like the little bit we've been given (and wouldn't mind more, but it's ok). Speaking of which, whatever happened to Olinsky's family and his two daughters? I'm new to the show but have been binge watching all the previous seasons so I'm all caught up now - and I feel like that's a story that they just left hanging. Last I saw, Al and Michelle had moved in with Adam, then nothing since? Did I miss it?
  21. I haven't seen the actress in anything else (that I know of). She doesn't bother me at all; I'm sure she's lovely. It's the character that annoys me. I like Platt as well, so that also makes those interactions tolerable. Platt is great with anyone. I think that "Linstead" will keep working through their issues as well. Sophia Bush has revealed in interviews that the writers told them from the beginning that Halstead and Lindsay would be a thing, but didn't reveal how far that thing would go. They were supposed to be attracted to each other and close from the start. Now that they are there, I doubt they'll go backwards. I'm wondering if the spoiler about Jay's past relationship isn't actually about a woman, but his father? That shouldn't break them up, though I can see why Erin would be hurt if Jay lied to her or kept secrets from her. Or it's a woman. Who knows.
  22. Three mini spoilers from Derek Haas #2 #3
  23. Nope, that's true. Also don't have to be a card carrying member of the Burzek fan club either, so we're all good.
  24. Well, they're a cute couple, and social media seems to have two opinions, so who knows! Not really our business anyway. :) They deserve to have private personal lives.
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