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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Wasn't it more than just the new case file; it was the CI's confession. I think the CI had a lot to say about Woods and all of those allegations are what did Woods in and got Voight off the hook. Voight's insubordinate actions were actually just trying to figure out the truth from 17 years ago. Woods called him in to the review board to try to continue to cover his own butt. So yeah, although Voight is guilty of a lot of things, in this instance, he should be exonerated. The review board also probably saw straight through Woods' accusations against Voight as his own cover-up. As for violation of Valentine's civil rights, they could easily still look into those without needing to continue to investigate Voight. They have their new suspect, Woods. And who knows, maybe as the investigation continues, they'll look at Voight again. But for now, it makes sense to me to let him go. There's obviously a good bit of fiction to everything this show does, but I bought it.
  2. The whole car was electrically charged, from the hybrid's battery. That's why they had to cut the power. I presume the guy inside was not electrocuted because the car wasn't grounded due to it's rubber tires. But if the firefighters touched it, then it would be grounded through them and they'd all get shocked. That was my presumption at least; whether it's accurate in real life or not, I have no idea. (Not sure how Severide then used the saw to cut open the panel if my presumption is accurate, but... whatever. :-) ) EDIT TO ADD: http://www.electrocuted.com/2016/11/28/electrocution-hazards-electric-cars/ Looks like my random theory might actually be correct.
  3. I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence, but everyone does know that they had to write in his absence because the actor got injured, right? I'm sure it'll never really be mentioned ever again, so I wouldn't get my hopes up that they came up with a good excuse that appeases fans.
  4. I don't recall Lucas being a teenager. I think Sami may have been, but Lucas was older? Will was born in 1995, so he'd be about 21/22, and I also think he was SORAS'd, so Will could easily be 26/27. (Guy Wilson is 31, Chandler Massey is 26.) Before he died, he was out of college and working as a writer, so yeah - all that makes sense.
  5. I think he's pushing 50, actually... Bryan Dattilo is 45 in real life, and that's a logical age for Lucas as well. We'll ignore the fact that his on-screen mother is only 64... I totally agree. The character of Lani is awful and has been written even worse. She's actually had the same motivation thrice - don't forget that she set her sights on Rafe first, then Shawn, then JJ. I was happy when she went back to Miami; she needs to stay there.
  6. Temporary replacement: http://deadline.com/2017/03/tracy-spiridakos-recur-chicago-p-d-1202045705/ "She’s not afraid to be the lone female in the boys club." Uh... Erin?
  7. Right - in the unit or as a detective is what matters, IMO.
  8. Is the husband the rat, or is he Poseidon? I don't buy this guy (in the picture) as Poseidon. But I guess I don't really know...
  9. I didn't get the impression that they were that great of friends though. I'm not sure they were supposed to be; I think they were just old partners. Al is clearly Voight's work friend. I think Voight was more shocked by Woods' betrayal to the job and solving the case correctly than he was in any personal way. I liked Erin running point. I guess she's the most senior detective after Al? I can understand why Voight didn't put him in charge, since he was around 17 years ago for the first case as well. But man, I miss Antonio... And who figured it before or as Jay did? As soon as Voight made the connection between the two names, the CI and JoJo's friend, it was obvious. Overall, I liked this episode. It was good to see one focus on Voight again; it seems like he hasn't been the focus for awhile. Now if only they'd give Atwater some juicy stuff too. He was great as a guest on Chicago Justice.
  10. Exactly, and especially the part I put in bold. I have a twitter account, but I barely tweet, and if I do it's usually about something stupid and/or tennis related. I have never tweeted at an actor on my favorite show, or a writer, director, producer, etc. I'm sorry, but I don't understand people who do. (And I realize this is mean, but c'mon - some people are certifiable! I have a few specific examples in mind, but I'll be nice.) I am, however, a shameless Linstead fan for CPD, so those crazies can carry on. ;-)
  11. Yep, you know it's not just a coincidence that he works on a ship now... Also, who is Whip? I was thinking that he was another CIA or CIA-esque operative, like Michael, but now I'm not so sure. I don't know if I believe his backstory; he could be a highly trained assassin in hand-to-hand combat.
  12. Yes, there is. And I don't understand it. Derek Haas answers 7 questions from fans on Wednesdays and Sundays, and they are always all about "Dawsey." And lately about "Brettonio." Brett and Antonio were a thing for about an episode and a half - get over it already!!! But otherwise, everyone just loves Gabby. Ugh. I don't necessarily hate her, but I definitely don't understand the overwhelming affection either.
  13. Yep, I didn't understand that either. I hope nobody is leaving. He's a Squad lieutenant, right? A potential Severide replacement? No!!
  14. Was it just me, or was this episode really boring? I'm sorry that firefighters died, but they weren't anyone whose name I knew or cared about. Casey's friend seems shifty. I like that Severide didn't give up on Anna and went to find her. I guess Anna was never meant to be a long term character. At least Severide won't move to Springfield and the writers could still explore him and Stella next season if they want. I also wanted Brett to beat Dawson. I was hoping that Dawson really did fail; what a horrible attitude.
  15. I put it in an anagram maker website, and nothing made sense to me. "Kin lie to us" is missing the "a."
  16. I had to watch this episode twice already because the first time I wasn't paying close enough attention. But it was really good. Of COURSE Sara's husband is Poseidon. Because an economy professor in Ithaca, NY screams ex-CIA-turned-super-baddy. And targeting Sara and Michael also makes complete sense... I love this show. :-) I also miss Sucre, but he'll have to be back soon. I bet they call on him to help them get out of the country or across a border or something. Kellerman. Can't be dead. I think he's immortal. Michael and Lincoln's reunion? All the feels!!
  17. John and Marlena aren't married? I know they are Days royalty, but John has never been a favorite of mine, and Marlena is just boring lately, so I actually totally forgot about them. Maybe Lucas and Adrienne...
  18. Ugh, enough with Julie and Gabi already...
  19. I'm a little late to the game here, but a bachelor and bachelorette party? Who is getting married? I don't see a Paulson wedding yet by September. . . I'm guessing either Brady/Nicole or Rafe/Hope.
  20. All of the babies sound like they are either asthmatic or have pneumonia. Bothers me so much! We don't need to hear the kid breathing to pretend that doll in the crib is real. We get it; we'll imagine on our own.
  21. We'll never know; he wasn't given the chance. Casey's gone on to do other projects, and although I haven't seen him in any of them, I always got the impression that he was a much better actor than the writing was allowing him to be.
  22. I'm happy to join you there, if you want company. I can't stand Gabi, and never have. The rat in the salad and fake stalker story did her in and I've never been able to change my mind. I don't dislike Billy Flynn and he's a good actor, but Casey Deidrick really made Chad his own, in my opinion. Tall, hot, and able to go toe to toe with James Scott's EJ. BF just doesn't fit in for me.
  23. This. So much this. I miss Casey Deidrick, and as I've already sad, I can't stand Gabi. Abby is meh.
  24. How many times has he lost his badge and had to work/beg for it back? At least twice that I can remember. Isn't that why he's not in the FBI anymore? He's smug but they are all smug. That can't be the litmus test for me.
  25. I thought she hired the guy?? If she didn't, then who did? EDIT: Here's the blurb from Wikipedia: "To make Chad worry over her, she pretended to have a stalker, writing fake threatening notes. Chad had Gabi move in with him. So further keep up with her lie, she hired a guy named Andrew to pose as her stalker. Eventually, Andrew's actions became too much and Gabi told him to stop. He ended up kidnapping Melanie, to Gabi's knowledge. Andrew blackmailed Gabi into not telling anybody about Melanie. The truth was eventually revealed, and Chad hated Gabi for it." Close enough. She knew and never helped. Chad should still hate her for it. Gabi knew before Andrew blackmailed her.
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