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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. I knew exactly what was coming, and I hadn't seen the preview. I don't think they were looking for the shock element for viewers.
  2. Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run. Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.
  3. One of my other favorite shows is Outlander, and they include a bunch of deleted scenes on their DVDs. (Then people are nice enough to upload them to YouTube for those of us who don't buy the DVDs.) I agree that all shows should do that!
  4. Thank you. (But I probably still won't remember them. ;-) )
  5. I don't think it will compete against Game of Thrones (that will be over by September I believe), but I do agree with you. It can't compete with football.
  6. Might be nice for that scene to show up on YouTube as a deleted scene then. I like the Erin/Trudy relationship; it's almost as if Trudy is a surrogate mother to Erin, since we all know Bonnie is a piece of work. Rumors abound that they have split up in real life, but there are also plenty of others on social media who say they haven't. So, we may never know. I think I said before in a different thread though, I would hate to think that the actors aren't mature enough to have foreseen this and realized they could continue to work together, or that the writers would allow personal lives to dictate the fictional story. I never watched One Tree Hill, but Sophia Bush worked closely with her ex-husband for years after their relationship ended and the show continued. I also watch for what new and exciting prop will cover the bump! So. Many. File. Folders. I also find it slightly amusing that they are keeping her on desk duty without actually officially keeping her on desk duty.
  7. I agree, Olinsky's scenes were all well done. Even his hug with Ruzek was good too. I thought from the promo photos that Erin and Trudy had a scene in the locker room. I guess not? It was hard to look past the Linstead bombshell in this episode for me, as a Linstead fan. They didn't have to go that route in the first place, and then have Jay walk out when Erin didn't want him to? Weird. But there was plenty of good all around in this episode for every fan. Just... Jay... ugh. Yeah.
  8. Thanks, I must have recognized him from there.
  9. That was actually a pretty excellent episode. But I hated it. Jay's personality just took a 180 turn, eh? Very weird.
  10. I guess Joey may have had one standout day or two, when seen in a vacuum. And he has improved since the beginning. But still, Theo is better on any given day. (Sorry, I don't know all of the actors' real names, so it's easier to refer to the characters.)
  11. The kid who plays Joey is nominated and not the kid who plays Theo? Are they joking? What are they watching?
  12. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like crossovers. I watch Fire and PD already though, so I'm barely forced to watch anything "extra." Med is hit or miss, but I don't mind it if it's part of a crossover. Re: Severide, maybe he was working out? Since they were eating breakfast, I guess it was still the morning. Also, appeared to be a slow shift. I guess there's any number of reasons why he was taking a shower. I think a shower also makes more sense than just using the restroom because he needed to not be able to hear what was happening either.
  13. That's interesting, considering her small role on Chicago PD hasn't even aired yet (it will tonight). And from the spoilers for tonight's episode, I can't imagine she's in it for more than 10 minutes, so to put it on her resume? Sorry, but that seems like a stretch.
  14. The SWAT leader? He looked familiar to me too, but I'm not sure. I thought this episode was good, but didn't blow me out of the water. I think I wasn't entirely paying attention though, so maybe I should watch it again. I liked that Herrmann, Otis, and Cruz had larger roles and weren't just sidelined to Casey and Severide. I did not like that Severide had to get dressed... ;-)
  15. I just saw that myself. Is Freddie Smith okay with Brady being Freddie Smith?
  16. Ugh, that bothered me too! And obviously is was dried, fake blood - like paint - because she didn't leave footprints. (I think her name is Laura Nagel, not Sarah.)
  17. Catherine, yes. But April? No. He can't just dump her, or he'd be in essence dumping his daughter too, and then he'd be no better than his own deadbeat dad. He's not like that. Whether he and April are together romantically or not, I think they'll always be part of each others' lives to raise their daughter.
  18. It's 75 for Judges. If they have one for the state's attorney position, I'd imagine it would be the same, but they probably don't have one.
  19. Honestly, there is so much out there on Twitter and Instagram that it's just ridiculous. Some people say they broke up in December, some people say they are still together, some people say Sophia is with Zach Braff now and Jesse is with some girl from The CW's "The 100"... who really knows. Only they know, and I kind of get disgusted with all the people on social media who want to speculate and spread whatever they're spreading. It's no wonder the actors try to keep everything so hidden! I agree that Sophia still acts pro-Linstead, and definitely in recent weeks since their alleged split. I'd think they can both be professional and that the writers should write whatever they want and tell the actors to suck it up. Jesse and Sophia also worked on a project together several years before PD, so they've been friends - they'd know what they can handle and what they can't. Getting back to Burzek (gag...), Derek Haas answered a Twitter question saying that they'd be getting closer again. Really? Now there are two immature characters who don't need to be in a relationship.
  20. All foundations fundraise. Sure, they could be funded with millions of dollars from some family's trust, but why wouldn't they want to keep raising even more money to do even more good in the world? I don't think this has been said or proven, but it's my impression that Catherine must have been adopted in to the Avery family when she married Robert. Her money comes from them because they didn't disown her when they got divorced; the family could easily have provided her with her own trust. She may have had control over a large sum of money as Jackson's sole guardian and care-giver, too. The Avery family would surely provide for him - he's an Avery. Catherine is also a world-renowned successful surgeon in her own right, so I'd bet that she can make her own money as a doctor using her skills and not just her name.
  21. That's what I figured as well. Especially because Robert said something like "Catherine was made for that life and I didn't want it." (I paraphrase, not an exact quote.)
  22. For anyone interested in Jay's backstory, he and Papa Halstead will be on Chicago Med on April 13. Chicago Med Scoop: Westworld 'Patriarch' Cast as Papa Halstead
  23. Ha, I liked it though, so I guess that's where we'll agree to disagree. ;-) Anything without awful Minnick, whiny Meredith, whatever Amelia is doing, self-righteous hypocrite Arizona, and everyone else just brooding and complaining is fine with me!
  24. Short answer - yes, Jackson really would have been able to do that. If he doesn't run the Foundation, then his mother does, and his mother never denies him anything. It's a television show; we have to suspend belief for reality of the real world and work with the "reality" that the show has created for itself. And that's my understanding of how the Avery Foundation works. I also agree about Eric Roberts and how Robert Avery was portrayed.
  25. I enjoyed this episode. I liked that it was something different, and outside of the hospital. Also, Jesse Williams is a fine, fine man... I would like to see more episodes focused on Avery just so I can see more Jesse Williams... As for Jackson and his father, I never heard a backstory. If Jackson or Catherine talked about him before, I guess I missed it. I knew that he was the one that was part of the famous Avery family, that it's Catherine's married name, but that's all I knew. I thought Jackson's reaction was realistic and well done. I can also see how his father wouldn't recognize Jackson if he left so long ago, but it was also vaguely implied that maybe he never knew Jackson in the first place? Either way, it was an interesting storyline, and a much needed break from the Minnick melodrama awfulness. Final note... are Jackson and April back together? I mean, they do live together, after all...
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