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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Jason was my thought too, but only because we see him the least in backstage pictures so he might not be as close as the others? I have no idea.
  2. Isn't it still Hope's day off? They are wearing the same clothes... Why is Joey closing up the pub in what looks like the middle of the afternoon?
  3. Some spoilers for tomorrow: http://tvline.com/2017/05/09/chicago-pd-spoilers-season-4-video-preview-lindsay-halstead/
  4. ^ This! Agree 100%! I never watched her in anything else, though I knew of her. "One Tree Hill" wasn't my thing. But I am so glad that I started to follow her on Twitter because I usually agree with her posts and message. (And I was kidding about Jesse; I doubt he would ever do that. But I still have no idea who would...)
  5. Just came across this article. I know politics aren't for everyone, but she talks about two incidents that happened on the set of Chicago PD. Any guesses as to who she's talking about for the two male actors? I suppose the co-star could have been anyone, but probably not Jesse unless it was just recently after their alleged break-up. The guest star... Nick Weschler? http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/09/sophia-bush-im-screaming-on-the-internet-238129
  6. If they can bring Will back, they can bring Bo back. THEN maybe the show will start to have some semblance of order again.
  7. Actually, I think one of the behind the scenes extra clips addressed the SCBA - they have specially made ones that wouldn't work in real life, but are made that way so that the audience can see the actors' faces. So, they are trying?
  8. Ha, the photo I posted was from a publicity event on March 20, 2017, so it wasn't that old. The photo of Nick you posted looks exactly the same to me, just a little bit longer. It doesn't look like a toupe to me. The worst toupe I've ever seen is nothing like these - guy has naturally gray hair. His toupe is dark brown. So not working...
  9. I don't watch The Blacklist, so I don't know who you are talking about. But... That's bad hair? I'm sorry, but are people just jealous that he's a man who still has a full head of hair? If that's as bad as everyone is saying it is, I'd hate to see what would be said about me...
  10. Thanks, I have. Sorry for playing devil's advocate - I just don't think these "ratings" can be all that accurate anymore. :-) They might have been good for I Love Lucy in the 50s and 60s, but there are so many ways to watch TV now that Nielsen just can't cover it all.
  11. If all of these Shonda shows share writers, can they please teach the Dick Wolf productions how to do that? Those are 4 shows where the characters actually do cross over from time to time, yet they don't all share writers. Lately, a character from Chicago PD has been completely out-of-character when he's been a guest on Chicago Med. It's ridiculous, especially because TPTB want fans to watch all 4 shows. Frustrating. I would highly doubt that all the Shonda shows share writers though. They are all so different.
  12. And how many people have those? Not very many, in proportion to all potential TV watchers. My family was selected for a week back in... the 80s? Maybe the early 90s? My sister and I filled it out; we were children. I'm not sure if any of my mom's shows were counted. I guess my follow-up question is this then: how is that an accurate representation of the American population? If Nielsen sends out 3,000,000 of those things every week, isn't that still only 1% of the population?
  13. Does anyone know exactly how ratings work? When I DVR a show and watch it later, does that count? If I watch it more than once, does that count more than once? Or if I watch it the following day on Hulu? (Etc.) I've seen discussion boards have this conversation before, but no one seems to really know the answer; everyone just speculates.
  14. I don't entirely hate Ruzek, he seems like he'd be fun to get a drink with - but I totally agree that if one member of that unit doesn't belong, it's still him. I agree that Kim "earned" her spot to be there, even though I don't care for her. (And it has nothing to do with the actress; she seems lovely.) I can't stand how Kim the character is written sometimes. I think I said a while ago that her shaking her hips while directing traffic was the last straw for me; so ridiculous. She also seems to make a lot of bad decisions. I would watch 50 minutes of Jesse Lee Soffer reading the phone book... but I know exactly what you are saying. Women always get the shaft. Aggressive men are successful and "good at their jobs;" aggressive women are just "bitches." Happens in real life, too, unfortunately. I started watching this show after the crossover with Severide's stolen car/hit and run. I think Voight, Erin, and Jay are the reasons I started watching. I've binged watched the entire series in the past 5 months though, so it's not like I haven't seen all seasons.
  15. He's talked about his life, living with his mom, and we've met his dad. He called him "Pops" and they seemed to get along fine except when his dad was on an ego trip. I agree that we need to know more about Atwater. He's the most under-utilized character with the most potential, in my opinion. And did Ruzek skip to party or come in late hungover? No, he walked off the job for months, without permission, and went undercover so no one could find him just because his ex-fiancee was promoted. That's mature? Jay may have lied, which was wrong and stupid, yes - but at least he talked to Erin and we are supposed to believe he's getting help for his PTSD and divorce. Ruzek ran away; he should still be on patrol. Has he learned anything in 4 years? Maybe... not much. Also, I think Al, (Antonio,) Erin and Jay are able to "get away" with a lot more because of their ranks - they are all detectives with seniority and experience. Ruzek and Atwater get in more trouble because they are still officers, learning the job, and haven't passed the detective test yet. There's not even any indication that Ruzek is taking it; Atwater made a comment last week but that may have just been a story for the ME. I had a new thought about the new detective and her undercover assignment. Maybe it was related to Ruzek's? SO they already know each other and have a history. Then they can have a little fling (or maybe they already did) and now we've just turned the entire show into "As the Chicago PD Turns" or "Days of Our Chicago PD."
  16. I don't think I see the big deal about Will's hair? It looks the same in every picture of him, so it has to be his natural hair. It might not be the most flattering length/cut, but it's not THAT bad...
  17. Ah, thanks! I didn't realize that. Maybe he needs to respect his patient's wishes...?
  18. I don't watch Med regularly, but I think one of the stories is that Will was broke. Gambling problem, maybe? I can't remember, but when he started dating Nina, he moved in quickly because he needed to save money. Someone said they thought it was odd that Jay said he was going to stay with Will when Will was already staying with Nina... There are a lot of things about both of these shows that make no sense. :-) Re: your spoiler - I think I read the same thing. If it is Will that "asks" something of Jay, I hope it's "what the hell are you doing? Go back to Erin." :-)
  19. Haas said "Halstead asks his brother" or something like that. He didn't say which Halstead, and some people responded that maybe Will asks Jay something? I don't know, I read it the way you did, but who knows. Derek likes to be shady. I suppose it could be anything. Will lives with Nina, right? Jay said he was going to stay with Will. And the previews for Med don't look good for them - maybe they have to find a new place to live.
  20. Nope, that's one of the problems. Derek Haas has said on twitter that they have different writers, and he's not involved with writing Med. I just got my hair cut the other day in 30 minutes. Something uncomplicated and no color can be quick.
  21. I agree, I don't miss Burgess. I thought the same thing about Jay's weird story, but then he said that wasn't his idea of ideal? So I'm still just as confused. **hand raised** He said that the photo wasn't downloading, so that's when Jay said the rig had wifi. Then Atwater asked when Jay was going to let him drive it and Jay said something that meant "never." Uh... isn't it Erin's rig anyway? ;-)
  22. Way too much to hope that Jay asks Will to be his best man?
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