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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. How did that error happen? I'm thinking of Romano, when his dead arm was about to be amputated, having Corday write "Not this one, idiot" on his good arm.
  2. Even the O'Brien lawsuit went from death to deposition to settlement in like a year -- maybe even less. For St. Crabby, it probably would have been blatant malpractice to settlement in her favor in half an hour.
  3. Well, Alyssa and John seems to regard their daughters -- or at least the second, third, and fourth ones -- as nothing more than placeholders until they got their Golden Penis. It tracks that Erin would do the same.
  4. Oh, she has. She just doesn't care. This is a woman who thinks stumpy, overly thick acrylics and caked-on black eyeliner are the height of beauty.
  5. I thought of that, too, but I maintain that Jill intentionally makes her daughters look worse to make herself look better, or for less competition. I lean toward that being the case with Renee's shitty haircut. It's not like fundies aren't total hypocrites already. Jill cuts (and colors and fries) her own hair, so she clearly has nothing wrong with haircuts for women.
  6. I thought of that as well. I just hate seeing her go back to the person who put her in that place to start with. I liked her with Greg Fisher, although he was pushy.
  7. I'm still cruising through season 3. Al and Jeanie reuniting is a mystery I've never understood. Al cheated on Jeanie, gave her a potentially deadly virus -- one that was deadly for him -- and by Jeanie's own account, they "barely had a marriage these last few years." But she goes back to him anyway.
  8. From the article I posted: "Up to 75 percent of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium. Stones can also be made up of uric acid (a normal waste product), cystine (a protein building block), or struvite (a phosphate mineral). Stones form when there is more of the compound in the urine than can be dissolved. This imbalance can occur when there is an increased amount of the material in the urine, a reduced amount of liquid urine, or a combination of both." Bad news for the Starbucks in Katie's area, I guess. Then again, maybe there is hope that she won't be like her mother or sister Carlin.
  9. Kind of. Having a first-degree relative with stones increases your chances of having one. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/kidney-stones/#causes Topic: Better give up the Starbucks and ice cream, Katie. Carlin will be crushed.
  10. I would bet that the Stews outright invited themselves, or they "suggested" it and Travis and Katie felt it would be rude to say no. I'm sure the Stews' disappointing vacation won't prevent them from doing it again, and soon. Those dipshits act like they're allergic to their own home. I wonder who kept their canine photo op this time.
  11. I miss those TWoP episode recaps. The Cartus! The Weavus! Bummer. I would like to know what the hell the writers were thinking with "Secrets and Lies." Character assassination on somebody? More St. Abby, every man's dream?
  12. I'm kinda-sorta rewatching the early years (it's background noise, and I'm outright skipping some episodes). The first Chris and Kenny Law episode is on now, and I have to say that the racist stereotypes are gross. This shouldn't have been acceptable even in 1995-96. Benton's appendectomy was in the last episode, and that's always good for a laugh.
  13. Interesting article about the dangers of homeschooling, and it mentions my home state, Michigan. I am NOT suggesting that any of our favorite snark subjects are anywhere near this bad. https://wapo.st/3GBtOxx
  14. Seriously. The writers should have had a season-long "Doug is moving to X city to start a pediatric ER, Carol will follow him as soon as she sells the house, but oops, that takes a year and now she's pregnant" storyline. They could have had the ER-classic mass casualty incident on his last day, with everyone, especially Weaver, realizing how valuable he is to County. Not the character assassination bullshit they chose instead.
  15. Except when Kerry Weaver was on her back. I have been rewatching the early seasons, and Weaver was really a bitch to Susan -- nitpicking and constantly criticizing, as opposed to constructive criticism.
  16. I was on a phone call with a client yesterday. The client's name -- Abby Lockhart. I restrained myself from snickering or asking her how Luka was doing.
  17. They especially don't need help from her teenage sisters, who have already been forced into servitude at home. Travis can handle whatever Katie and Hailey need. His penis won't atrophy if he cooks a meal or does a load of laundry.
  18. I think you're giving Carlin way too much credit!
  19. How long will it be before Whitney realizes that she doesn't have to put up with Carlin's antics in order to be accepted by her in-laws? For Whitney's sake, I hope it's soon. It's stupid that Carlin takes so much freaking time away from "their" business while someone with three more kids than she has, including an infant, gets stuck with all the work. Carlin and Evan need to grow TF up and act like adults instead of kids, and immature kids at that. They're embarrassing themselves.
  20. And a dog whom they have apparently forgotten about until they need a cute family photo. I wonder who keeps the dog when Dumb and Dumber are traveling again.
  21. In Tennessee, one has to be seizure-free for a year before driving. I was surprised that Tennessee's time period was so long. As far as I know, Carlin hasn't said whether she has been cleared to drive. They lie all the time anyway, so it's not like her saying so would necessarily be the truth.
  22. I don't know if I'd give Zach credit for enough brains to resent how he was raised. He doesn't seem to be making the connection between lots of kids equals money is tighter. He and Ofzach are going to have a hell of a time maintaining their present lifestyle if they keep having kids, which I expect them to do. I mean, Zach was the oldest and might remember their family life before Gil decided he was too good to work for The Man and before the kids started coming in droves. But he was a boy, so did he really bear the brunt of having breeder parents the way sister-moms do? I don't know. That other huge family's firstborn son certainly didn't. @cereality, I cackled at the mental image of toddler Zade sitting upstairs with a doob and some tunes.
  23. Shipments to businesses are also sent the same way. I've seen them. As far as having too much crap at their cash-and-pose sales, they have too much overall. They don't have quantities of crap that would be exclusively shipped in cartons. Cartons = 50 of one, like big box stores get. Poly = 3 of this, 5 of this, 8 of this.
  24. I get shipments from Amazon and other sites in poly bags all the time, even breakable things. I'm guessing it's the same for the "boutique." They're not ordering mass quantities of crap fashion. I wanted Carnation malted milk powder to make milkshakes for my friend who is undergoing chemo for pancreatic cancer (she needs to gain weight). Only Walmart sells Carnation malted milk here. I ordered it shipped so I wouldn't have to go to the store. I got two separate shipments, both in poly bags, one wadded and one rolled. The truck is what makes me suspicious.
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