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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. They're just desperate for content. That's what happens when vapid, boring people pimp themselves out for clicks. They'll do anything to keep the money train rolling.
  2. Kelly will forget about them as soon as the Romeikes are out of US airspace. As far as offering to take the US-citizen Romeike girls, Kelly won't do it because it might involve work. She wouldn't be able to pass other people's kids onto her own B'slaves. I wonder if the Romeikes even talk to relatives in Germany or would be able to ask them for help. If their families aren't cut from the same cloth, I can see Uwe and Hannelore thinking the relatives are heathens to be avoided. (Or the relatives thinking Uwe and Hannelore are batshit-crazy users to be avoided.) Of course they're pro-Romeike. The publications that would point out the Romeikes' patent lying, phoniness, and attention-whoring are too busy focusing on actual world problems, like hunger, suffering, and real persecution.
  3. Might there be some planning and packing going on at Romeike Haus? Or are they waiting until the evil government makes them go?
  4. I've tried regular Tazo, but I didn't know about Tazo skinny chai. Oregon has a skinny chai, I think. I know it's a lot of empty calories. I've cut way back -- it's basically a treat or a headache remedy now, just like with pop. What is in Carlin's pink drinks, anyway? Dingbat medicine? Pepto-Bismol? As an adult, drinking anything that looks like it tastes of bubble gum kind of makes me nauseous.
  5. Chai latte. 🤤 Hot, or cold with no ice. Oregon chai at home. This is probably one reason I am overweight. I hope the Stews have more than one bathroom. They'll need it after all the caffeine. Evan probably won't need a newspaper, though.
  6. Maybe the state representative was homeschooled, and can't spell "Tennessee." I'm sure the mid-South will just collapse on itself if it doesn't have a piano tuner.
  7. Are they hoping for a sponsorship from Starbucks? Also, damn, that's a lot of empty calories to go with their empty heads.
  8. Idiot fundies hamstring all their kids. I think that is what I hate most about them. My father isn't a fundie and he did his best to do that to us because his tiny little ego couldn't handle it. So much for parents who want their kids to do better.
  9. In this case, beyond their comprehension might be the absolute truth. I know almost nothing about Hannelore Romeike, but we know Kelly Bates is a dingbat and hypocrite with no common sense, and she homeschooled Ferret. He really might not be able to understand what he is being told. I would bet that is nearly the case for Lydia, too. I Googled to see if I could find out anything about Hannelore and Uwe's own education. I found a 2010 New York Times article about their asylum ruling, which of course was later overturned. The Romeikes are idiots who have also been used by the HSLDA. From the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/01/us/01homeschool.html Another telltale quote from the article: (Bolding mine.) That's exactly what the Romeikes don't want. The article said that a German homeschooling family had moved to Tennessee before the Romeikes did. Gee, we don't hear about them. I wonder if they immigrated the legal way.
  10. I feel so sorry for the Webster girls. They deserve better than John and Alyssa.
  11. According to Expedia, the cheapest one-way plane tickets from Knoxville to Munich (I chose a city at random) on October 4 are $1498.20 apiece. That's with checking two bags each. (I chose this option because the slightly cheaper one had only five seats left, and the cheapest option did not show airline or time details). So with two kids, seven adults, and maybe a baby in Lydia's lap, that's $13,483.80. Who's paying that? Will the HSLDA-whatever pony up for a lost cause? My aunt was stationed in Germany in the Air Force when she had her youngest. She came home when he was a month old, and she said the flight home was really unpleasant because he threw up on her at each takeoff and landing. Good luck, Lydia -- and whoever is in your vicinity.
  12. I wish the deportation would hurry up and happen just so that the hypocrites would shut up and stop whining. This means you, Romeikes and Bateses. Kelly will move on to the next thing -- probably the next wedding or baby -- as soon as the Romeikes are airborne. Schadenfreude isn't exactly what I'm feeling now. I don't care enough about them to feel joy. I need a similar word, though -- anybody know where I can find a few German speakers to help me out?
  13. My first thought was that they're gearing up for an "excuse" for her to not be deported. "But oh, my child was so sick two weeks ago, we had to take him to the ER! Oh, you mean you saw the social media posts of him being slobbered on by 697 relatives and 14 passersby? Oops." Second thought was these people are stupid and they think their child's health is not important because they can just have another one. These morons are quantity over quality.
  14. Much less at gunpoint. Everything is so performative with these dipshits. I've since read that the statute of limitations on the fines ran out around 2015. If that's the case, I'm disappointed. These bible-beating liars deserve to have to pay the fines.
  15. Quoted on Reddit: "They owed $9,000 USD in fines when they left Germany." I wonder if those fines are still in force, and if so, whether they have anything at all to do with the Romeikes not wanting to go home.
  16. They need a freaking magic wand because there is ethically and legally no reason why they should be allowed to stay. "Being an attention whore" is not a reason to be granted asylum even if that ship were still docked.
  17. She should have thought about that before she had 267 kids.
  18. My snark mind was thinking earlier that Carlin must be beside herself at all the attention Lydia and Ferret are getting, and maybe she'd try to deport herself (somewhere) so she could get some, too.
  19. I feel sorry for them only because it will be frightening and unsettling for kids who don't remember Germany or have never been there. These people are brainwashed, and sheltered to an unnatural extent. They probably think that Germany is full of baby-eating sinners who are just waiting to turn them into atheists. I really wouldn't be surprised if they sought sanctuary at a bible-beating church pastored by some of their friends -- Gil's or David Waller's churches, or whatever den of sanctimony the Romeikes attend.
  20. Next up, sanctuary at the Church of Gil Bates? It'll be interesting to see what happens.
  21. I rolled my eyes at Ferret Face's statement that he's trying to keep his newborn son (and his mother and her family) from being deported. Your son is a birthright citizen, you bonehead. He can't be deported.
  22. I feel sorry for any Romeikes who don't remember life in Germany. I'm sure it will be scary for them, although not as much as for others since I doubt Uwe and Hannelore will allow their kids to go to school anyway.
  23. They'd have dual citizenship as the child of a US citizen. I have cousins who were born overseas (one in Germany -- his mom was in the Air Force), and they were all US citizens at birth.
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