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Everything posted by nightwing877

  1. Yeah if it is 13 episodes. No need to move. Now if they moved SPN, I can see both shows moving. I doubt SPN is ever moving. So WD makes sense to stay in Vancouver. But it is possible they might be based in L.A. Briana will just have to make the move with her family, and I'm sure Katherine isn't tied up with family and would move easily.
  2. Maybe after Shannen was fired, they were afraid to say anything. But that shouldn't have stopped Alyssa from speaking up. They wouldn't dare fire a second actress from Charmed. Alyssa does like to circle around the truth..
  3. I know right. Maybe she had bigger fish to fry and now that it is out will call him out. I know she didn't like being on the show for 5 years and hated being on for so long?
  4. I would compare this show to Charmed, a show based on three witches who happen to be sisters navigating normal lives in one city. WS being based in one location and not a roadshow will give it a family feel.
  5. I'm not surprised, I expected something out of Charmed eventually. But surprised Rose hadn't already called people out from Charmed. But you can so tell with how the writing changed once Brad took over and Constance was pushed out the door and Shannen got fired after season 3.
  6. Yeah the wording is all wrong with what the EP's are saying. And Patience and Kaia seem chosen one like. Because all the other women have no abilities.
  7. I still buy Blu Ray and DVDs for shows I like. I still like the pleasure of owning something forever, without relying on Netflix. Glad SPN is doing well. But SPN is a 13-year show, so most of the fans have started the collecting of the sets a decade ago. SPN is doing so much better than the Arrowverse it seems.
  8. Yeah, it happens when a show originally started out with only two leads. This is how it was for shows like Supernatural and a lesser extent Xena or X-Files. They really do need to liven the show-up. But sucks they had to keep killing characters left and right. Funny how last season even though Mary wasn't a regular, I felt she was. Because she got so much story for herself and it wasn't even tied to Dean and Sam and many episodes she didn't even interact with them. Really they should have kept season 1 with just the two of them, and kept adding new regulars year after year and stuff. Angel started out with just three but kept adding new people into the story each year. Curious if John was a regular in season 1, the show would be vastly different, even if he still died the following season and they added Ellen, Jo and Bobby in S2. The show might be different. I guess they made a mistake not adding new regulars fast enough earlier in the show's run. Yeah, I don't get why they have to always be together. Fans complained like this on X-Files or Xena, which were a two-person lead show. I don't get it. That's why I like WS has 6 characters to develop and pair off all the time. Even if half the time some of them are not even in town, and off elsewhere. But that might be rare. I guess I'm looking at shows like Buffy, which was based only in one location. Not something like Charmed or Angel which was based in a much larger location setting.
  9. I am curious if WS will be a full ensemble show. If all six leads appear in every episode. I could see many episode's pairing certain characters up. Is Donna going to relocate towns. I wonder if the show will make a habit of having a dinner table scene in most episodes with all six women at the table. We've seen that occur back in season 11, and now in the pilot. It could be a staple of the show to make an effort of all six characters present in a single scene. The fact that the show is a roadshow and is set in one location and town really should help. Unless a character is off out of town.
  10. So Jack is with Mary now. I wonder how they are going to get them both out now. Curious if Jack somehow ends up escaping but Mary is still left behind. I can't see the Wayward Sisters backdoor pilot seeing everyone rescued, I could see Jack and Mary's story resting next episode. While Kaia finds a way to rescue Dean and Sam. I still find it strange they decided to put Sam and Dean in this type of world, especially for a backdoor pilot. It's an odd choice to showcase for a potential spin-off series. Dinosaurs appearing in a backdoor pilot alone might give the wrong impression.
  11. I don't see why they don't consider shorter seasons after season 13 or 14 as a way to keep the show going but giving the boys time off. WS could be paired as the replacement show for the timeslot. But I have a hunch they want both airing at the same time.
  12. Maybe even Ellen's husband who died in the normal universe could be alive. I liked Jo much better as an ally than a love interest. It is too bad she died. If she stayed, then we may never have gotten Claire or Charlie on the show. They killed off Jo and Ellen way to early and didn't develop them enough. I really loved Ellen too. Her and Jo were basically the original Wayward Sisters. Too bad they died, I might enjoy a series based on them with Jody thrown into the mix. Actually I would be 100% on board if they did a spin-off based around Bobby, Ellen, Rufus and Jo.
  13. Exactly, at this rate she will need a wheelchair. Perhaps WS will get their own angel or healer. But I guess that is what Alex will provide for the show, since she wanted to get into the field of a nurse didn't she?
  14. Yeah that is too bad. Although without Cas in the show, were getting to see the girls injuries not being healed. Jody rocks up with injuries almost every time she appears on SPN.
  15. Hmm wonder if this is a sign Ellen might be back in the AU later this season?
  16. Yeah the part with the grandmother was the only nice scene in the episode. Too bad the episode didn't turn into Paige helping that grandmother as an innocent only without the Richard and the Callaways plot. It could of made Paige reveal more about her adoptive family. I remember Paige and her story with giving Darryl powers. I didn't mind that, just because it gave Darryl some story.
  17. Of her temp jobs I liked the magicians assistant job at the retirement home, because it reminded me of my own grandparents and the actress playing the old lady who almost lost her husband I've seen in many shows. But the dog walker and phoebe's assistant are a close second and third.
  18. That's right, I have known other shows to not have regulars in every episode. But the Flash for instance seems to have everyone in every episode regardless. I agree, shows with a larger ensemble cast would do that. Funny last season James missed so many episodes, but this season they make an effort to put him in every episode even for small scene's. Yet could of sat him out. Maybe Lena has the deal James had last season missing episodes. I don't know it's weird.
  19. Loved Loretta on the show, nice to see her mention the show again. I hope she reappears on WS someway even as a ghost like Charmed did with Grams. Yeah I think the cast are just as excited to have her on the show and on set in general. I do wish her and the cast good luck. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Danneel/Gen joint con panel to occur in the next year at creation.
  20. Too bad, I honestly think she may have fared better on the spin-off Wayward Daughter in a recurring role. But I'm looking forward to her, and hope she isn't a love interest. But a new female villain or foil like Meg.
  21. Yeah Wayward Sisters chances just rose massively. CW no longer has a spin-off for Riverdale, so now they are likely surely picking up SPN's spin-off. I didn't think CW would consider both shows, because then nearly everything on the network would be paired or have a spin-off. Does this mean the Charmed reboot is back in development without Sabrina on CW. I hope not. It wouldn't surprise me if CW picked up WS alongside SPN season 14 in February at the same time.
  22. I sure hope his redemption arc is a fake. Please, why can't they show kill and stick to big bads and villains staying dead like the earlier seasons. But the fact that Mark P is a regular, I guess him sticking around means he will have to turn more likeable and good. *sigh* predictable.
  23. They might attempt it again, it depends on what days they decide to air what show. I do hope next year they consider not always making it episode 8 of the season and have it being after winter break. I guess I just hate how it interrupts the flow of the season reaching it's mid season break and story plot advances. Especially since SG's flow of S3 has been on and off with half it's cast being absent on and off for the past 3 episodes. But that wasn't their fault. I did hear talk that they originally considered it being after winter break and airing the crossovers in January. I actually think it might be a good idea. Because all the DC shows normally have many filler episodes around episode 10-13 normally.
  24. For someone promoted to regular, Lena sure feels like a recurring character having missed 4 episodes already. She has been absent for 3 episodes. Guess Katie has had a nice long holiday for over a month while these episodes filmed. I'm sure she will not miss anymore episodes though.
  25. Maybe it would be better if the crossovers were treated as specials and not apart of the seasons and numbering. Because let's face it, the crossovers have zero impact on the show's storylines and never get brought up in post crossover episodes. They can just reduce the order for all the DC shows, and just air and release the crossover as a special. So the flow of all the show's seasons doesn't just stop because of the crossover. I also hate how it is always episode 8, and a week before the mid-season break. I really don't like that, it just interrupts the flow of the season. I personally would like if it was after winter break or just aired as a special. Supergirl fans must really be annoyed with the crossovers. I mean if you just watch SG, you will be confused. And Season 3 has already been slow because one episode already featured a flashback to alex and kara as teens with the entire cast absent, then this crossover would be just as confusing. It slowed the pace for S3 down, especially when Lena who is a regular has sat out of 3 episodes in a row.
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