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Everything posted by nightwing877

  1. Yeah, this just makes me sad because Ellen and Jo - the original wayward sisters died. I really think the show would have been so great if they didn't lose them, and I'm sure fans would be screaming if Charlie was alive to be on it. If Jo was alive I'd replace Claire with her in a heartbeat. But the best spin-off would have been Bobby, Rufus, Ellen, Jo, Jody, and Alex. Now that would be the spin-off dream team. Since I actually like Jo more than Claire and feel she would fit better for her character type. Ditching the newbies for Bobby, Rufus, and Ellen. With Jo and Alex being the only young characters in the cast.
  2. Exactly right. I hope these next MOTW's go back to being good stories like they were in the original run.
  3. Yeah I hope these don't' continue. They feel so Vampire Diaries and Arrow. I know X-Files does these too with Scully, but at least I can stand Gillian Anderson (Scully's) voice. Claire's voice puts me off.
  4. Yeah making her evil for shock value is terrible. I don't like it at all, it feels so out of character given how she was in s8 and 9. But I have to admit CC wrote a good MOTW this week with Plus One, he is just bad at writing the mytharc. He can still be okay with writing sometimes with self contained stories.
  5. Poor Annabeth. I wonder if Robert Patrick not appearing meant they had to rewrite her whole story. In a perfect world, we never get new agents and Doggett and Reyes just team up with Mulder and Scully in the last two episodes of season 10.
  6. Oh, my bad. I don't watch the show, I was just wondering. Since her response made it appear she was on that show this week. I checked her IMDB and your right her episode airs next week on the 24th, and she is expected to appear in at least 3 episodes.
  7. Agreed. Hoping Reyes is redeemed, I hate her working with CSM. Why they didn't just use Marita instead of Reyes. I hope she betrays CSM and sides with her friends.
  8. Oh no I still don't want that, just if I *had* to choose, I'd go with him over Mulder and Scully. Same With Reyes, and I can't see her dying because no Doggett to appear.
  9. So Kim was on two different channels last night - wow was a Kim night then. I guess this is keeping her busy with work until the spin-off starts.
  10. Exactly. At this point, I would rather Skinner being a huge death than Mulder or Sculy. But hopefully, CSM can be shot and the head or beheaded to give him a true death. I'd be surprised if he ended up living this time around.
  11. It has gotten better with age IWTB. I just really think after 25 years if they kill them, that would upset me. I'd rather they just retire from the FBI for good. But I'm not sure they can wrap up the series with just one stand-alone season final, too bad it isn't going to be 2 hours. But we'll see.
  12. That might be a good pairing. Unless CW is seriously gonna consider dumping arrow on Fridays next season and pair it with Supernatural. But I can see that pairing on Mondays happening. I can't remember what else they have in pilot season, but with no Sabrina and the Charmed reboot dead, Wayward going to Mondays seems likely. I just wonder how the crossovers would work, unless it starts on SPN and finishes on this spin-off the following week. I haven't seen SPN barely this season in the live + 7 ratings it only made the charts this season once and didn't make the top 25 or has someone found the stats and I haven't seem them properly.
  13. I don't either, I just want this show wrapped up properly and end it with season 11. I didn't like I want to believe, but I was happy with how they left the characters happy. No cliffhangers.
  14. I guess this helps not being caught by the cops if they are the police in the town. Something that really will help and not pull the old buffy card with the cops are very dumb in this town.
  15. I wouldn't put it past them for them to be undercover or it is an illusion or dream. Me too.
  16. That sucks, at least it worked out with James. Only Marita and Gibson are the only alive recurring who haven't returned yet. Surprised Gibson hasn't been more involved already, I guess William is enough as the special child, and Gibson is like what 30 now.
  17. Kersh is back. Interesting. If James can get away from Greys to do a cameo, why can't Robert Patrick? Is Robert such a big star on his other show.
  18. YAY!! I'll be glad. I actually wouldn't have minded if Jack was on the spin-off, but I get why the cast is all females. I mean even Charmed had no female regulars except the three leads, they were always men. I don't mind a balance between the men and women. But yeah with Wayward and the new Sabrina series starting this year. I think this is what they are doing. We'll see how it goes. I know right. I've always liked it that way. It might be why I lose interest in shows that are pure mytharc and character development and stuff is pushed aside because writers say they didn't have time. Sometimes you learn some important stuff in non mytharc episodes about characters.
  19. I don't mind myth stuff, but I'm so bored to death on angels. They freaking have been in the myth arcs for way-way too long. I liked more demons fewer angels. But I actually do really like the MOTW stuff still. A good balance is what I like. I don't know, I think I'd get bored if it was a pure myth arc for a whole season, a few MOTW's here and there are great.
  20. Probably why I'm beginning to really enjoy watching older shows from the 90s/00s much more than anything on today. I'm just not feeling they are writing things organically anymore. But the newer generations always want everything to happen asap. Relationships and character development need to happen over time and organically.
  21. I'm the same, I really like those two and seeing them every week might be enough for me to watch, but we'll see. I'm not sure yet. Doing a spin-off 13 years into a show's run to me seems like such a long wait. That I wonder if it will go the way of Joey from Friends, or turn into a decent spin-off like Angel was to Buffy. But again, I don't know.
  22. Too bad David didn't attend. So weird that Joel was speaking, when they only knew each other for 2 years. I guess everybody else was busy. I know Annabeth Gish was in attendance. Good on Gillian, well deserved.
  23. So Jack is now in another AU world. No forests in the world Mary is in unless he ends up somewhere else.
  24. Well if the reviews are really great and Gillian is leaving. Best to end on a high. I think ending the show this season might be the best move. Unless they plan on one third and final film to wrap it up in time for the 30th anniversary in the next 5 years.
  25. I hope not. Bobby already has been paired with Ellen and Jody before, so wouldn't surprise me.
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