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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. Nice to know I'm not the only one who thought it was strange. That sounds about right. My older brother had it when he was around 8 or 9, and then I caught it from him when I was around 1. Granted, I was in middle school/junior high well after the 1960s, but I do not remember anyone in middle school getting chicken pox. I remember those letters from the school nurse going home in elementary school.
  2. Overall, the episode (5.8) was trippy and strange. It felt like filler and I didn't enjoy it with one major exception. The scene with Leon and Avi was great. Avi was giving him solid advice. The idea of talking to/learning from other revolutionaries had merit, even though it's unlikely Leon will be able to go to Vietnam, the African countries Avi suggestion, or Ireland.
  3. I have a hard time believing that many adults/teenagers would not have had the chicken-pox already.
  4. In terms of her having the best prospects in the family, it's sort of, maybe, kind of. She wasn't in training for a profession or a career with longevity. She was an aspiring pop singer. Even if she makes it big, the chances of her having a long-term profitable career were slim. Her husband is in the military and he clearly cares about doing the right thing so I imagine he will be attempting to send her some money each month. I liked Nancy's storyline and the emotional journey. Violet reminds me of high school or college students in student government who end up with an inflated sense of self-importance and think the position is far more powerful than it actually is. When Fred was dealing with the meth drinkers I got a "there but for the grace of god go I" sort of feeling and I'm not sure why. Am I reading too much into it? Am I forgetting part of his backstory?
  5. @SusanM and @ChitChat I agree with you. What bothers me and doesn’t make sense to me is that Paige’s parents have never ignored her social development needs before, so it seems strange that they have suddenly forgotten that their teenage daughter might want/need to spend time with girls her own age. I am sure they could find some kind of activity that fits in with her college schedule and research responsibilities.
  6. She is not attending classes and doing research 24-7. I am sure her family and the school could find some time during the day/week for her to spend time with girls her own age. Sheldon is in college, part of a research team, and he still has free time. He spends at home or with his friends from the dorm, but the free time is still there.
  7. Missy and Paige bonded over a shared passion for Hello Kitty. I liked that Paige could talk about cutting edge science with Sheldon, but also regular kid stuff with Missy. That was something that surprised me as well. Paige enjoyed spending time with people her own and doing more typical kid/girl things. I don't understand why she no longer has time with girls her age. I have no idea why that type of social interaction is no longer a part of her life.
  8. My understanding was that the mayor's security detail is mostly active duty NYPD officers. Frank made it sound Jamie being transfered to that detail was like any other routine transfer from one assignment to another. Later in the episode they made it seem as though Jamie would be leaving the NYPD for a political position. I am confused and wonder if I missed a line or something. Thanks to anyone who can help explain it to me. I liked the storyline that Luis and Eddie had, and the way they involved Henry. I loved the line about Regans are goody-goodys or hot-heads because he's kind of right.
  9. Missy going to Mary was a good sign and says a great deal about Missy, all of it positive. As much as she tries to defy her mother and thinks her mother is often wrong, Missy understands when a situation is really serious and requires an adult. It was the hairstyle that made her look older like an adult when we first saw her. Later in the episode, when she was wearing her hair in a ponytail, she looked younger/closer to her actual age. I think Sheldon's friends are surprisingly open-minded. They have no problem inviting a girl to play videogames or D&D with them. I get the vibe that anyone is welcome as long as they won't mock them or make fun of them. Paige was capable of making/having friends her age. It seems like it should have been possible to find some way for Paige to still interact with kids her own age even though she was in collge. I thought Mary was overreacting regarding Missy and MeeMaw. I understand Mary not wanting Missy to hear intimate detials of MeeMaw's relationships, but I think Missy is old enough to hear that MeeMaw broke up with her boyfriend. It was smart of George to want to stay out of it. No good can come from him being directly involved in the relationship drama and he knows that. I like that Mee-Maw was able to get through to Georgie by bringing Missy into it. Her point was, you wouldn't a guy to lie about something important to Missy, so don't lie to the girls you date. It's solid advice, and I think Georgie will remember it. I don't know how accurate pregnancy tests were, but my guess is that it's a false positive and just a scare. Also, I hope we get to hear more about Sheldon and Amy's future children.
  10. Personally, I would rather have a series about Avi hunting Nazis, but maybe I'm just eager for the new season of Hunters.
  11. Yes. If memory serves correct, actors make up the largest voting block at the Academy Awards, so pressure from SAG-AFTRA may be taken more seriously than some of the other unions, simply due the numbers involved.
  12. The Black Panthers were too violent for her, and she didn't like that one of them was mean to her little brother. Kim is interested in advancing/improving the Black community and there are other ways to do that other than the Black Panthers. At the Lads and Ladies event, she became more interested in college when she found out some of them had African American Studies type majors. Black Pride is important to her. I'm interested in seeing where it goes.
  13. I love this idea. It works perfectly and solves the problem you pointed out. Narratively (I think that's the word/the right word), the movie still gets where it needs to go but not at the expense of one or two of the lead characters acting like total idiots.
  14. There's a part of me that wishes the show was focused on Kim instead of Dean. I think for now, Kim is still figuring out what role or direction her activism will take.
  15. @Misslindsey and @cheezewiz-I know three’s a crowd, but I can pull up a chair too? I don’t drink alcohol, but I’d love to enjoy a mocktail with you and bemoan the current state of movies. I am not a fan of superhero movies because I find the fight/action scenes go on too long and I get bored. I know millions of people enjoy them and I don’t have a problem with superhero movies existing, but I hate the way they dominate the industry. I wish the studios still made mid-budget movies. Those were great. They were the sweet spot in terms of movies that appealed to a wide audience, but also had the writing, acting, directing that might get Oscar nominations, assuring that most viewers probably had seen a few of the Oscar nominated movies.
  16. For anyone who still doesn't understand why some people liked the song, "We Don't Talk About Bruno," the Oscars version didn't help. They didn't do the actual song. They did what I will call a special Oscars version/remix. Here is a clip from the movie Encanto with the full song.
  17. Beyonce opening the show was a mistake. Anyone who tuned in just to her would turn off after that. They should have kept people waiting. I don’t understand the monochromatic look. I get having the dancers dressed like tennis balls, but not having everything the same color. Was there a projection that was supposed to happen? Comparing this year to the past two years, the Oscars are better without a host. Regina feeling up the guys was tacky and wrong. If the genders were reversed there would be outrage. Maybe they had bad material to work with, but the hosts weren’t funny at all. It felt strange that the speeches were not the political but the hosts kept doing random political shout-outs that weren’t funny. Was there a teleprompter issue? Multiple people had teleprompter problems. If they want something between the awards, stuff like the James Bond tribute or the Godfather tribute were great. I liked those. I do wish there had been more clips from the first “Godfather.” Also, the best Bond theme is “Goldfinger.” “Live and Let Die” and “Nobody Does It Better” are right up there. The Oscars mistake with the “fan vote” was going through Twitter as opposed to a website, because the percentage of the US population with a Twitter account is small. It was guaranteed to skew the results. I like the idea of fan generated top five lists, but maybe do a webform that requires an email address like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I can’t believe this was Branagh’s first win. I’m glad “West Side Story” and “Encanto” had the wins they did. I did not like the focus on the singers during “In Memorium.” It made it hard for me to read some of the names and who they were. What happened between Will Smith and Chris Rock is going to go down in Oscar history in the “live TV anything can happen.” It’s up with here with the streaker, one-armed pushups, getting the wrong envelope when announcing best picture, and very few other iconic/shocking moments.
  18. To make sure I understand your comment- they can afford to pay for/take care of everything, but they also want Kim to learn financial responsibility and the importance of hard work/the value of a dollar. I find that explanation totally believable.
  19. How would she fake the ultrasound appointment? If you want to answer, "it's TV roll/go with it" I will accept that answer.
  20. I did a quick check on Wikipedia to confirm something I suspected. Midge meeting and interacting with George Carlin is the edge of plausible if she goes to California during season 5. This is where we get into many ifs and why it's the edge of plausible. In 1960, Carlin was part of a comedy duo that had recorded an album. The end of season 4 takes place towards the end of 1960. If Midge goes to California, someone might tell her or Susie to check out George Carlin, (he might not have been a household name, but Susie and Midge are in the entertainment industry and might be in contact with people who aware of acts/trends before anyone else) or they catch his act accidently. At this point in his career, George Carlin still had a squeaky clean image and had not yet developed the style he would later be known for. I like the idea of Midge seeing the stage persona and not being impressed, but then seeing what he's like when he's not trying to uphold the squeaky clean image and Midge being very much impressed. (Apologies if this comes off as fan-fiction). Also @NJRadioGuy There is a topic for season 5 speculation, if you have any other thoughts on what you might like to see in the final season.
  21. Agreed. It was very Godfather-the line that's something like "I never wanted this for you. Govenor Corleone, Senator Corleone." The two part episode did seem strange and druggy. Whether or not this is the moment the show jumped the shark depends on if it's just a strange two part episode and the series returns to what we are used to or if it does more weird stuff. The coordinated hit felt in keeping with the episode. Things started to get a bit too weird for me when we got to the darts and the tiger.
  22. There's a really interesting story about race and social class that this episode hinted at that I really wish had been more central to the episode. Kim is earning pocket money and possibly money for college (I'm surprised Bill or Lillian didn't say something like "half your paycheck better be going to a savings account for tution and books." I know college tution and textbooks were less expensive in the late 1960s, but I'm not sure if her parents can pay for absolutely everything). The other waitress is there working to support herself and her son, which is a very different scenario. When Kim started to make suggestions, I'm surprised the waitress didn't say something like "Why do you care? You probably won't even be working here next year." It's the black middle class colliding with the white working class, and there is so much to explore there. Maybe the network couldn't do that kind of story because they were worried it would make the white character appear "too racist." Overall, I liked the episode, especially Dean wanting to fit in with the cool older kids.
  23. @Empress1 and @moonorchid-I understand wanting to keep numbers down because of Covid. There is a major flaw with how they are doing it. Each nominee gets one guest, but if one person is nominated multiple times, they get to bring multiple guests. Someone is nominated once gets to bring one guest, but someone who is nominated three times gets to bring three guests, which I think is unfair. Rachel Zegler should be able to be there.
  24. Do we know how much time elapsed between the Easter event and the rest of the episode? I may be overthinking this, so if I am let me know. If chicken pox was going around, do we know the Turner children were already infected at the Easter event? Is it possible they caught the chicken pox at the Easter event? I love this idea. Maybe one of the women Sister Hilda served with in WAAFs no longer lives in London but is back in London for plot reasons and decides to reconnect with Sister Hilda. They are now quite different people. It could make for a fun subplot. This is why we need the prequel series or a series of movies about the backstories of the older characters.
  25. YES! It's a moment of attempted solidarity by the Jet girls. They realize what is going to happen and they want to stop it, because for a split second they have stopped seeing Anita as a foriegner and one of them, and instead are seeing her as a woman and one of us.
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