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Everything posted by jalady

  1. Joe, thank you. Seriously. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the ‘70s songs of my youth this morning. I’ve been singing “Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast” all day. (It’s okay; I was off today, lol). Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. I understand your point about the money in politics, but if Trump is spending millions (billions?) on campaign ads the Democrats can’t afford to play by different rules. Joe was right. Win and then change the rules. OMG, I said two nice things about Joe. What is happening to me???
  2. More specifically, it means calling them something insulting other than their name (e.g., bitch, motherfucker, heifer, ho, etc.).
  3. Tammy's fine. I don't love her, and I no longer hate her. But! I'm still annoyed that in her time on the show she's gotten WAY more character development and storyline than Wendy. BTW, did anyone find it funny when Tammy was introducing all her friends that everyone but Jill has an "ee" sound to the end of their name (Christy, Bonnie, Marjorie, Wendy and Tammy, LOL). I never really noticed that before.
  4. Is she really forgetting though? I ask because every Housewives franchise has this storyline. HW#1 says shady shit about HW#2 which HW#3 (and sometimes 4 and 5, lol) dutifully relays to HW#2. Then, when called on her comment, HW#1 says “I never said/don’t remember saying that!”. Cue the editors rolling the tape of the original comment. Unless Bravo is recruiting in memory care facilities, I find all these recurring arguments very coincidental 😂.
  5. Z Dub, I love you to life and live for your comments and I almost gave you a “like” until I got to your comment about Toya, lol. Baby definitely got back and she probably looked the best last night (damning with faint praise for sure), but I just don’t think she’s gorgeous. Definitely an attractive woman though. So you have an almost like 😂.
  6. Most of these women are generally attractive; WTH? Everyone is overly made up, Jackie’s bangs are awful, and Mariah - what the actual fuck have you done to your face??? And that makeup?!?! Yikes 😲
  7. I like Cynthia and I'm happy for her and Mike (although, again, I think she's much better looking than her partner. But when you look like her I suppose that'll always be the case. Except for fine Leon!), but I did not like her dress or hair at the party. I also like Kenya, most of the time, but it was messy and mean for her to "spoil" the engagement. Assuming everybody and their mother wasn't in on Mike's "secret" plan, LOL. This is the most I've ever heard him speak so it's the first time I'm noticing a slight accent from Marc. Do any of you interweb sleuths know if he has a West Indian background? But I agree with Empress1; he doesn't like his wife. At. all. That sucks but she need to move on because that's not a fun place to be.
  8. I just watched Robert and Amy's wedding episodes and something just occurred to me. Aren't the families sitting on the wrong side of the church, etiquette wise? I thought the groom's family usually sits on the right side (as you're walking up the aisle from the back) and the bride's on the left? I have a vivid memory of where I sat at my uncle's wedding and that's how I always remember whose side sits where. But the Barones and Robert's friends were all on the left side. Was that just so the cameras got a good look at Marie when she made her speech? Or is all that etiquette stuff out the window now, like the not wearing white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day fashion "rule"? LOL
  9. Fuck you Shannon, for making me agree with Meghan McCain! You absolutely overreacted to the hit on the head. Was it right? No. Did it hurt? Probably. But it in no way warranted a trip to the ER, you ridiculous attention-seeking hypochondriac.
  10. Sunny knows a LOT about the law and proves it on a daily basis.
  11. I think that was me. After the segment after the smackdown, as they were going to commercial she swiveled on her chair and looked like she was walking off the stage. But they went away from a shot of the panel, so I'm not sure if that's what actually happened. But I'd like to imagine it happened 🙂
  12. Unfortunately her self-imposed silence didn't last. 😞 But she did look as if she was walking off the stage after the second segment ended, when she was very silent on the topic of Hallmark pulling the ad featuring the gay couple. And Whoopi did not kiss up to her when they came back after the smackdown. I'd have thought she'd have made at least one comment in support of gay marriage and her bestie Clay, but I guess it was more important to punish us by withholding her opinion. Thanks Megs!
  13. I do not say this often (or ever, really) but "GO WHOOPI!!!!!" She shut that brat right up and when she huffed "I won't speak for the rest of the show" , Whoops said "Fine with me". Hahahahahaha. I'm so glad I'm watching at home today so I could rewind and re-watch that beautiful SMACKDOWN.
  14. I love Joy; I really do. And she's not the only msnbc anchor guilty of this but she plays WAY too many clips of the lies and misinformation spread by the Republicans, usually while decrying the spread of false information to their electorate. Enough! Just tell me what they're currently lying about. I don't have to actually see/hear the lying liars who lie.
  15. I went to Bronx Science too! And while WE didn't have a pool, Dewitt Clinton right next door did. And so did Truman, which was the neighborhood high school near me in the Bronx. Also, I was a federal prosecutor in DC for 12 years and the bailiff always said "All Rise" when each judge entered the courtroom (local DC court and federal court). Back to the show, LOL. I was surprised they didn't show Georgie and Missy getting punished for lying about being sick OR punishing Sheldon for diming them out!
  16. Man, even when I agree with her, I can't agree with her! I heard on the news this morning that Tom Steyer had made the debate stage and was somewhat appalled. Talk about buying your way into an election! But she was so. damn. rude. to him. And I wasn't even watching, just listening. I can't believe she wasn't looking at him while asking him questions. Oh wait. Sadly, yes I can 😞
  17. I really enjoyed most of this episode too, EXCEPT for Dre's daydream with the pie and whipped cream and two mamas. I thought that was gross and juvenile and not at all funny. YMMV
  18. The scene in the series finale when Debra breaks down after the nurse tells her Ray isn't waking up brings tears to my eyes every. single. time. Unusual for me with respect to this show. Then, back to normal: Debra: Nobody tell Ray. Frank: Or his mother! LOLOL!!
  19. I generally like Jackie and obviously am just getting to know Buffie, but for the life of me I can't understand why she'd share Buffie's fertility issues with the crowd. And then, if the previews are to be believed, act annoyed at Buffie for calling her out about it! Being unable to have children is clearly not something to be ashamed of and is a fact of life for many women (including me ☹️), but it's still private medical information. And Jackie's a doctor. Makes no sense. Unless this is a planned "storyline", in which case - Bravo, you SUCK!!!
  20. Resting Bitch Face. Coincidentally, another Kate (the one on "Below Deck") made it famous on these boards, LOL.
  21. Exactly! Are we sure she graduated from Columbia University in NYC? Or was it the "Rocco Columbo School For Women", where she was taught typewriter maintenance"? (shout out to Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men")
  22. It happens. I know of three people who had that exact situation, and they all adopted the second sibling . . .
  23. What are the "Us" costumes? I'm clearly tragically unhip because I had NO IDEA who/what they were supposed to be . . .
  24. Joe is wearing shorts today people. Shorts! You can see his bare leg under the glass table. I just can't, LOL!
  25. I want to see Aunt Denise on Black-ish dating Charlie, LOL!
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