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Everything posted by jalady

  1. What are the "Us" costumes? I'm clearly tragically unhip because I had NO IDEA who/what they were supposed to be . . .
  2. Joe is wearing shorts today people. Shorts! You can see his bare leg under the glass table. I just can't, LOL!
  3. I want to see Aunt Denise on Black-ish dating Charlie, LOL!
  4. OK, I absolutely LOVED Beth's hot sauce gift because: 1) I am Jamaican; and 2) it is my very favorite hot sauce from Jamaica (Pickapeppa). You can't find it in the DC area (only the brown one, which is flavorful, but not hot) so I always steal some when I visit my parents or ask my relatives in NYC to bring me some when they visit. I'm assuming she took it from her family's stash as well, LOL. Second, my high school boyfriend always used to pick my mother's roses and bring them to me as a gift. She was NOT amused. But I found that scene with Kate's boyfriend very relatable and didn't ascribe anything to it other than a poor young man trying to make a nice gesture. The scene with the picture at the end says there's more to his story, but I don't think the flower picking/stealing has anything to do with his "issue(s)".
  5. Preach! Well, then they could have made Rachel think he was really nice or really smart or really anything except gorgeous, LOL.
  6. Thank you all for the info on today's panel; now I won't waste my time watching on demand later. The TV in my office wouldn't show ABC today (it kept saying weak signal) - I think it was saving me. No Joy + Newt = Eww.
  7. MM's on vacation until Wednesday!!!! WOO HOO!!
  8. I couldn't think of anywhere else to put this but I had a "brush with greatness" last Saturday. No, not Joe or Ms. KYV. I was in St. Louis last weekend visiting my goddaughter, who goes to college there, and at the last minute got some tickets to the National League Division Series game because we're from the DC area and she loves the Nats. As we were leaving at the bottom of the 8th (Nats were winning and we didn't want to stay for a Cardinals comeback - which we didn't have to worry about, HA!) I saw Michael Avenatti in the stands! He noticed me recognize him and nodded, so I went over and shook his hand. He asked my name and I asked if he was from St. Louis (he is) and then I flashed my Nats t-shirt at him. He was friendly and said we played well and that was that. His eyes are very blue and he's not as short as I thought he was, though he's definitely not tall. My goddaughter said "who was that?" Me: Michael Avenatti. Her: WHO???? LOL! When I said Stormy Daniels' lawyer, she at least had heard of her. She thought I'd just run into a friend 🙂
  9. It's pretty rich for MM and Abby to criticize the "optics" of Hunter Biden getting his board position because of his father's name. RME The family of powerful/famous people - politicians, celebrities, athletes, just plain ol rich folk - have been capitalizing on their family name/connections since forever. Doesn't make it right but it DAMN SURE doesn't make it criminal. Sunny was absolutely right to point out that for this President, of all people, to be criticizing the Bidens is beyond ironic/hypocritical/insane.
  10. Go Ana! Hold his feet to the fire and expose his lies. Apologies to any posters from KY, but I think you all may have the worst two senators - for very different reasons - in Congress!!
  11. UO, and it's not her fault, but I HATE Lorretta Devine's voice. Ugh! Her acting is fine, though . . .
  12. STFU Abby! Sunny was absolutely right that the DNI should have his feet held to the fire for not going straight to Congress with the IG's report. One thing people hate about us lawyers is our propensity to parse words and make things that sound straightforward to "normal" people seem complicated. That's why when you ask a lawyer what you think is a "yes or no" question, 99% of the time, the answer is "it depends". Frustrating but true. But! The words "shall" and "must" mean in the law what they mean in the real world. No options, no opinions, no ifs, ands or buts. So he was dead wrong to bring the report to the White House and DOJ (and I'm not even talking about how ridiculous it was to do that when they were implicated in the report) before sending it to Congress. Point. Blank. Period.
  13. And this is why Nancy is a BOSS. She doesn't allow them to interview her from the Florida bunker, with all the sound delay issues you get with a remote interview. No, they must keep their asses in D.C. and sit outside in the cold (and trust me, we've been having warm days but the nights/early morning have been cool) for 1 and 1/2 hours to wait for her. Then, when it's sunrise and warming up, she joins them. LMAO. On another note, can someone enlighten me as to why Miss KYV has been clutching a clipboard in her lap all morning? She is an odd duck.
  14. She is an entitled idiot. Thank you Whoopi for shutting her up; and she was still silent and sulking in the second segment about climate change so - double thanks!
  15. But Robyn's house is in Maryland. Only medical marijuana is legal here, although the police aren't too pressed about busting people for simple possession - at least in my county. Baltimore may be different.
  16. Yup, ganja. Weed, wacky tabaccky, Mary Jane or just plain old Mara-joo-wanna.
  17. Joy and Tom Steyer are better people than I am. Joy had just asked how he could get his point across to Trump supporters, and he barely got two words out to answer before she cut him off to ask "with all due respect" why he was running. Why didn't the moderator step in and tell her to let him answer Joy's question. Hmm? And MM eff off about only Uncle Joe and Tulsi Gabbard speaking about patriotism. Remember Mayor Pete? The Afghanistan vet? He's pretty patriotic too, nimrod. P.S. - Whoops, maybe you didn't recognize the saying because Cory cleaned it up. It's "all up in the kool-aid and don't know the flavor". I don't know where "dipping" came from, LOL.
  18. I could not agree more. I like Cameran, I really do. And Palmer is cute. But I'm over her whining "I don't want to do this or that because I miss my daughter soooo much". And interviewing nannies but then deciding she could never hire one because she couldn't stand to be away from Palmer (the pill, lol). Her scenes and talking heads are boring and she can afford to stay home and be a mommy. Do it. For my sake, please!
  19. All these bitches, including alleged "moderator" Andy, need to step the fuck off. The continual LVP bashing is desperate, obvious and tacky. And is clearly meant to distract from all of their financial issues, which moderator extraordinaire Andy addressed in ONE question, and then let them off the hook with their "how dare you!" non-denial denials. I'm out.
  20. Gizelle USED to live in Silver Spring, when the show started. She lives in Bethesda/North Potomac now and the new house is in Bethesda (I think).
  21. LOL sd dude. I firmly believe Robert is more than a little in love with Debra and, in conjunction with Marie's favoritism, it's why he positively takes unparalleled GLEE when Ray is in the doghouse with her. To me it's almost psychotic the way he looks forward to any situation where Debra is mad at Ray. I won't even get into how ridiculous I think it is that they repeatedly openly fight in front of his family - usually in their own house. I'd toss them out. Quickly.
  22. I am LOVING what I've decided to call the "Sunny Snub". I started watching for it when I saw it mentioned here and damn if y'all weren't correct. As far as posture goes, Sunny is all the way to the right! You'd think MM might like that, LOL. Even during the book segment she was turned towards Joy. And no chatting with the Princess during breaks. She may be a lawyer but don't eff with my homegirl from The Bronx 😛
  23. LOL! I did watch. But as bad as Roslyn Sanchez was, and she was bad, I still think Alyson was worse. Because English is her native language!!! At least some of this week's misses were based on legit unfamiliarity with some American words/phrases. I think . . .
  24. I also didn't watch this when it originally aired, but find it a much less stressful way to start the day than watching the national news 😣 Hate Robert (as the less favored sibling, his beef should be with Marie - not Ray!), but what's the Cinnamon episode?
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