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Everything posted by jalady

  1. I wouldn't leave houseguests to go to a party, even if they were really good friends (family is another story, LOL). But, in this situation, where they were invited to go and decided they'd rather stay home and get drunk? I won't fault Ramona. And I'm no big fan of hers.
  2. I agree with ProudMary; I think Gregory’s mother called him “cher”, meaning “dear”, not chef. Which is adorable 😍 As for Malarkey, I don’t mind him and think the ranking segment was totally producer driven. Was he thinking it? Probably. Did he make a list? Definitely! LOL. But they asked him to do that bit on camera, and he enthusiastically agreed. Because? Publicity!!!
  3. Can someone help me out? When was Sonja arrested and for what? Lu, I love you but that dress and those boots - especially together? Just. No.
  4. Did she say "Mayor Poot"? Ahahahahahaha
  5. I agree with all of that but I want her to get the AG position. 'Cause then she'd be my boss! 🙂
  6. Whoopi really needs to stop spouting nonsense. Nobody was yelling at the people in Wisconsin who chose to go out and exercise their right to vote. And Sara didn't say anything like that when making her point. Her point was - and it's been mentioned by a hundred different people since it happened yesterday - that they should not have been forced into the choice of either risking their health to vote OR giving the Republicans what they want and staying home and declining to vote. One of the voters even carried a sign saying "THIS IS RIDICULOUS". I know she's listening to her books and not watching the news all the time (which is fine; we all need to unplug at times), but maybe if she paid attention to what her fellow co-host was actually saying, her follow up might make sense. Maybe.
  7. ^^^^ Completely agree about California's governor!
  8. Glad to have my NY ladies back! But Tins, I was always told by my very superstitious West Indian family that toasting with water was bad luck; not just toasting with non-alcoholic beverages. Although I did get a chuckle out of her dipping a toothpick in her drink and then dipping said toothpick into Leah's glass before making her toast 🙂 And regarding LuAnn's attire for her last probation appearance: you don't go into the courtroom before a judge when you finish probation; you go to the probation office. So she was dressed perfectly appropriately. Unlike many litigants I've seen over the years - on TV and in real life, LOL!
  9. Congratulations to Gabriel and the entire Hostin family!!!! I can completely identify with Sunny's emotion about her grandmother not being alive to witness his acceptance into Harvard - although she knows Sunny, she knows! I came here as a 5 year old from Jamaica and went back every summer for the entire summer until I was in high school. I was devastated that the great aunt who took care of me during those summers died during my last semester in law school. *sob* It randomly brought me to tears for years after she died. But I know Aunt Merle knows her Niecy is a lawyer 🙂
  10. I actually find Joe and Meeks' collective hysteria somewhat calming. Weird, I know. But they're so OTT and screechy that it makes me feel less anxious because I just feel like they're doing too damn much. So, after 20-30 minutes, I'm like "too dramatic; time for me to switch to reality TV or sitcoms until I get up to make my coffee", LOL. I can get reasoned news information on my local channel at noon - and my weather forecast!
  11. But I don't think she's still in the city. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that she also has a home in Long Island - the Hamptons, I think - and I suspect that's where she is now. I know that's where I'd be "self-isolating" if I had the option!
  12. Great. The one day the Mayor doesn't have a press conference preempting the show Kim Kardashian is on for half the show. Aren't I suffering enough????????
  13. I have - thankfully - never been unemployed, but my understanding is you have to be involuntarily removed from your job in order to be eligible for benefits. True? If so, why did no one push back on Newt’s regurgitation of the Republican talking point that people would be quitting their jobs because the unemployment benefit in the stimulus bill might be higher than their salary??? Whoopi was “offended” at what Graham said but why does no one refute these false claims with FACTS? Oh who am I kidding? ☹️ (If I’m wrong about the way it works, ignore this post, LOL)
  14. I don't think Kevin actually meant what he said to Randall. I think he said the thing he knew would cut Randall the deepest because he was hurt/pissed at what Randall said. Which, by the way, was a lie. But I also saw the regret in Kevin's eyes as Randall registered what he had said. Acting choice or direction? I don't know. But I saw it. And that's why I'm not mad at Kevin. Just my opinion. I loved the scene with Madison telling Kevin she was pregnant, because it felt real. I think Madison absolutely knew it was a HORRIBLE time to tell Kevin, based on what he said and the vibe between he and Randall. But she had built up her courage to do it then and was afraid that if she didn't do it right then, she may not ever be in that place - ready to do it - again. I liked that.
  15. It must be a conspiracy among the governors because mine (Hogan in MD) had a press conference too - that ended just in time for VYD. At least we know Whoopi's supplier is still in business. After Sunny spoke about her virtual happy hours (which are a godsend if you live alone!), Whoopi said "or roll something". LMAO! Oh to be rich . . .
  16. I think MM missed the point Sunny was making re Tucker Carlson (surprise surprise). Love him or hate him, it’s friggin scary that he’s the one that convinced “the new guy” (TM Whoopi) that the virus wasn’t a Democratic hoax. Don’t listen to the doctors or scientists; listen to a host on your favorite cable network. The fact that he’s been responsible in his journalism (and color me skeptical of that, but I’ll concede the point for the sake of argument) is completely beside the point! Meanwhile, the followers who believe everything the new guy says haven’t been taking precautions because, you know, it’s a hoax. And we have to interact with them when we’re out in the world. ☹️
  17. Yes, to both of these quotes! I don't like to criticize the child actor but these writers can't make up their minds. Is Theo a wise old sage or somewhat immature for his age? Because his character veers wildly between these two extremes! RME
  18. The younger woman who was on at the end of the show was Rebecca Jarvis. She's a business correspondent for ABC. And she got her big break as a contestant on "The Apprentice". I kid you not (is there a vomit emoji?). I like her anyway; she's smart.
  19. Our governor interrupted most of the beginning of the show to announce a lockdown of bars, restaurants, movie theaters and gyms in our state starting at 5 pm (Maryland). So I got the Dr's nice outfit - where can I get that shirt??? - Whoopi's blathering and Dr. Shill. What's the point of working from home if Joy's not there and I have to put up with this dreck?
  20. Does anyone know how to correctly pronounce Yamiche's last name? Because Miss KYV emphasizes a different syllable every damn time she says it. Way to make her feel like a "friend of the show" Meeks!
  21. I couldn't enjoy this episode because I kept fearing Jerry would show up while the baby was out. I was on pins and needles the whole time I was watching 😞 And "pass the baby" as a plot seemed stupid to me, although I enjoyed all the interactions each lady had with the baby, especially my girl Wendy, LOL. My favorite scene was Tammy and Adam in the bar: "Whose baby is that???"
  22. Mika and Mike Barnicle need to STFU! Chris Matthews is 74. How much longer should management have turned a blind eye to his issues before he was "cancelled"? (to quote Miss KYV) She's such a ridiculous figurehead for a movement allegedly meant to encourage women to know their value and stand up for themselves in the workplace. I guess her movement should be called "Know Your Value Unless You Work For A Man I Like, In Which Case Shut The Fuck Up And Take It". But that wouldn't fit on a t-shirt. I'm SO disappointed in all these intelligent, accomplished women who give her "brand" even the whiff of respectability by attending her events 😞
  23. I'm in and I pick Anguilla since I've never been there 🙂 Plus, my birthday is in August and I can officially RETIRE on my birthday this year (probably won't but it's nice to have options, LOL) so I'll be ready to par-tay!!! With regard to what people call each other, I have a friend at work who always spoke about her "beau". They lived together so I assumed he was her BF and never asked if they were engaged/planning to get married, whatever. One day we were talking and she said "husband". Of course I was like "OMG! Congratulations!!! When did you get married?", etc. Her answer - "X number of years ago" (I can't remember the exact number) I said "but you always called him your beau". Her answer - "Yes, because I like the sound of that word". LOLOL. Sorry for the double quote above. I can't get the first one to go away 😞
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