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Everything posted by jalady

  1. Maybe I dozed off, but did they ever figure out who tipped off the bad guys so they could empty the storage locker?
  2. Why are they having a high school reunion during the day on a weekday? Why is Katherine vandalizing school property in a school that probably has security cameras? Why doesn’t Gary ever work? Where were the rest of the students during the showing of Rome’s movie? So many questions . . .
  3. Oh how I wished it had been Adam who called off the relationship! And for one brief moment, I thought he was going to do it. But no, as said upthread, the writers deemed it better for Kim to kick him out and send him back to the depressing UC apartment right after he'd recovered from almost OD-ing. Way to go, show. RME.
  4. Right, but that's an open relationship with rules. Joy was talking as if either partner was bringing one other person into the relationship with the couple. But I'm with Sara - one at a time. Or I should say, I'd be with Sara - if I was dating anyone! LOL.
  5. Joy was misinterpreting what an open relationship is vs. bringing someone else into the marriage. She was asking if you'd bring in another man or woman, and implying a menage a trois, as opposed to separate relationships that each partner would be having with someone else. But then she said "unless Helen Mirren is in the hot tub, I won't be watching!". LMAO That's why I love Joy. Raise your hand if you didn't know Whoopi was going to say her brain was both male and female. Anybody? That's what I thought :-).
  6. According to the NY Times, the Academy has "officially started a formal review around the incident and will explore further action and consequences in accordance with our bylaws, standards of conduct and California law.” Lord I hope Whoopi doesn't get a vote!
  7. EXCELLENT point, Joy! If anyone should have bitch slapped anyone, it should have been Judge Jackson at the hearing last week. But keep on apologizing for your Hollywood friends, Whoopster 🙄
  8. Excellent points made by a lot of posters. I came here to say I thought Kate’s/Chrissy’s hair looked terrible in this episode. Shallow, I know. 😄 Carry on with your deep thoughts.
  9. Sunny, it’s saluTAtorian! If you’re going to brag about your achievement, you should be able to pronounce it correctly. 😂
  10. Nope, not at all. When a person is represented by a lawyer, you must contact the attorney. Point blank period. If she had initiated the meeting, there may have been some wiggle room. But to have her pulled form her cell, in the middle of her trial, when she has TWO attorneys? Beyond unrealistic and violates her Constitutional right to counsel. OK, getting off my "this isn't how it's done in the real world" soapbox now, LOL. I know it's a TV show, but that scene was just so unrealistic to me.
  11. OMG. Neither a DA nor the police, Bernard (no matter how big a tennis fan you are), are allowed to meet alone with a defendant who's represented by counsel. This is so freaking basic! Do better show! I've loved and defended you for years to people who always ask how a prosecutor can watch this "legal" drama, but now you're starting to annoy me :-(
  12. What did Chuck say at the end of the episode about what Roseanne cooked? I rewound twice and still couldn’t hear it. I know it was something “on white bread”. TIA!
  13. Was that the same child actor playing kid Kevin at the pool? He looked different to me.
  14. Jennifer needs to keep her children off TV. For many reasons.
  15. Oh brother. The uncle and his wife should have won custody, with Kim and Adam allowed generous visitation. And no way they're behind the kidnapping. What. A. Stupid. Plot. Unless, as said upthread, the jailed father is behind it . . .
  16. Good grief, how old are Christina and Douglas?!? I don't think Abishola is old, but I certainly thought she was older than them. But maybe it's just the way she carries herself and the fact that she's so serious most of the time. I think she's at least in her mid-thirties so that makes the twins pushing 40 and still acting like children? Yikes!
  17. Did anyone else think Dolores looked scarily thin in her talking head with the blue dress and ponytail? Her face was so drawn that she looked sick to me. I hope it's just weight loss and nothing medical. And how the hell did people manage to lose weight during COVID??? I didn't get that diet plan! :-(
  18. Same old Whoopi. If I don't care about the topic (splitting up items during a divorce), I will declare it stupid and then talk over everyone else so they don't get to express their view. Glad she took the time off to listen and reflect, LOL!
  19. Hillary didn't destroy classified documents, Alyssa! Ugh, just when I was starting to think she was tolerable. And I think I'm going to watch that Lucille Ball movie, based on interviews I've seen on this show. It'll be nice to take a break from reality TV for a while, LOL.
  20. Not sure if this would work, since comprehension seems in short supply in the Giudice household, but maybe ask Gia how she’d feel about someone whose behavior landed one of her sisters in jail? Would she be willing to just say “bygones”? Joe Gorga shouldn’t discuss the situation with her, but I think she should understand why he doesn’t have the warm fuzzies for her father. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  21. What a fun show! Even Alyssa didn’t really bother me, nor did the over talking. Whoopi is not missed by me (sorry, not sorry).
  22. Of course she is 🙄. She didn’t mention him at all. It’s like Camilla forced him into an affair against his will. Clearly it wasn’t a good situation, to put it mildly, but there’s plenty of “accountability” (to use Sunny’s favorite word, lol) to go around.
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