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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. I too love in a mobile home, does it work on build up of grime? Without a pressure washer or a lot of scrubbing?
  2. I get my internet through CentruyLink. They are also the landline service in my area, though I do not get that (cell only through Verizon). You should check to see if the provider of cable in your area also internet only. I was going to do that with Spectrum but the internet is spotty on my road.
  3. Lol, I'll eat iceberg like an apple. I'd eat it before I'd eat an apple!
  4. Somewhat related. I still get tickets if everyone I watch one of my Married with Children DVD's and I don't hear Frank Sinatra opening up the show.
  5. I do Direct TV Now because I prefer "live" tv as well. For the most part it works great with most networks being on it. The only show I have to watch a couple of days later is Whose Line is it Anyway on the CW. Everything else I watch when it airs regularly.
  6. I know this isn't a super active thread but I thought the guest star on the most recent episode Tinashe was hysterical. I tend to not like the guest start episodes and I'm really not a fan of the props game (where the guest and Wayne are the props) it always seems awkward for everyone but she was fantastic and seemed really into the whole thing. I was laughing so hard I had tears!
  7. This show just made new laugh for a good solid 5 minutes. I've never seen the one where Tina breaks her leg (ankle?) and stats conversing with Jimmy Jr via video link. The two blond girls (can't remember their names) state that tuna must be working AI in Jimmy Jr. AI meaning As If. Zeek, not the brightest bulb there, looks at then and states "you guys are making me feel smart". I'm still laughing.
  8. I've never watched American Ninja Warrior so I didn't know who the two guys were but they both were fantastic. The Cher performance was next level. When the camera shot over to LL and Akbar they're faces were priceless.
  9. Actually, I don't say any of them are okay (or even not okay). What I did say is that I am not surprised that a major non- cable network, owned by Disney, bleeped a racial epiheit in an assumption that the FCC would very possible have an issue with it and impose fines. Whether it not that was a good/valid/smart/logical assumption I do not know.
  10. Yes this. Sorry it I wasn't clear. ABC isn't going to let that fly due to likely fines/warning from the FCC. Fwiw, the special after the show indicated that they kept the word in knowing the network would bleep it. I think the reason was that keeping the word was showing respect for the script and time frame the show was in but having it bleeped out acknowledged the society we are in now.
  11. Setting Kerry Washington freaking out in the background when the panned long at the end was adorable! I'm guessing at Marla Gibbs based on the hug at the end.
  12. I'm not. There's no way in hell that word is getting by the FCC at 9pm on Wednesday.
  13. The only one I'm not liking is Ike Berenholtz (?). But then I never really liked Meathead.
  14. Paula Zahn doesn't bug me either. Granted I don't watch her show, but the ads are fine. Kenda on the other hand.... Just hearing him in commercials makes me want to drive a fucking knife in my ear. Or him. Very Scary People is a good one. I fixed about HLN as well. @Jaded, I feel ya and my sympathies for this weekend. My mom and dad died a few years back and while mother's day itself is fine all the stuff leading up to it gets to me.
  15. If Pasco did this (and was still on Live PD) I would definitely have driven down for something like this.
  16. I used to work with firefighters/paramedics. Without fail, getting spit on involved a much stronger reaction than other attacks (punching, kicking, fighting). There's something humiliating about it. Also, we tended to do BBP exposure protocol which involves a lot of periodic testing.
  17. I'm surprised a thread hasn't been started yet on this. I just saw it tonight and thought it was hysterical, as did the admittedly small audience in the theatre. And Aldi's Hodge, who I hadn't seen since Leverage and did not know was in this, looks damn good!! Wow!! Overall it was pretty good and work the ticket price. I want to know if the boo boo shitty kitty line was ad-libbed by Wendy McLendon-Covey.
  18. So I was wandering around Amazon and saw that they have Planters Cheez Balls 12 pack for $24.00!!! I can now un-ration the one can I was able to find.
  19. Thank you. I want sure if that was it or if I was doing something wrong (which is highly possible).
  20. I am trying to get The Neighborhood on my homepage. After finally finding it I selected to follow it, but it still isn't showing up. Is that because it's considered a topic and not a forum? All the other shows I followed were either already showing up or I was able to add them with no issues.
  21. Duckie and I've have had a conversation about good and bad touches.
  22. Hmm, this is maybe where I'm at. I still have a lot of episodes recorded. Unreached. I like the cast. I love the lead. I really like the idea if it and I like that (at least in the beginning) they respect his agnostic choice. Everytime I watch the show I like it. But I don't think about watching the show and now I have a bunch of unreached episodes sitting in the cloud.
  23. I...I....I don't really know what to do with this information. I legit think on traumatized right now. And I'm holding a stuffed duck!!! I don't know whether to cry into Duckie or throw him across the room. I'm also never watching Howard the Duck again.
  24. I think that's an issue with all of them (and maybe just being that age in general), there's no grey, it's all or nothing, black and white. I think it's one of the reason's I appreciated Benny, for everything the others are going through, and even though Benny can be a douche, he also seems like the only actual grown up . Same thing for the homeless woman - them standing out there protesting, pissing everyone off is just creating a worse environment for them to live in. Yeah, I can see this. I always thought the most telling line for Mark was where he says to Roger that he'll be the only one left (in the scene where they are fighting). The first time I heard that, it was like damn. His two closest friends, Benny being gone, (and at that age, probably the two people who matter the most to him ) are both HIV positive, which in the early 90's was essentially dying of AIDS, or at least that's how it felt. His ex-girlfriend is now in a relationship with a woman, and now enters two new people, bot who are HIV positive and one with an addiction. Yeah. I can get how he felt like give it another few years and he'll be alone.
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