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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. Yes! This episode solidified my user dislike and annoyance with Hannah. The single-minded prententious savior attitude was rolling if her privledged little self in waves!!
  2. Yes, that's it. I knew it wasn't a captain, something higher so I went Chief. I always liked Barnfather. Now maybe I can find the quote.... Thank you @janie jones
  3. H:LOTS is my absolute favorite show ever. It definitely started as an ensemble show, but a few dominate characters/actors emerged fairly quickly, Braugher being arguably the best example. Kotto was a strong character and carried a lot of scenes, but didn't have as much screen time as others (like a lot of Lt's in cop shows). The first four seasons are a great example of a pretty strong diverse car. Once NBC started fucking around with it (and I think Braugher seemed to want a reduced role) Reed Diamond's character became heavily featured -and the show went towards your more typical, white lead, cop shows. I remember reading somewhere (& this was awhile ago) that there was a scene with Braugher, Kotto, Johnson, and I think another actor, also black, who was Kotto's boss and no one else. One of the actors later own said that the significance of that scene, 4 black male actors in a scene alone, and they're all playing respectable, professional roles - 2 detectives, 1 Lt, and 1Chief (?) - just kind of hit them. How unusual it was. --- I got to find that quote!!!
  4. Oh my goodness, I love sandwiches. I think my favorite of all time is a fried bologna with Miracle Whip on white bread and if you want to be bad fry the bread as well. It;s definitely a sandwich made at home, I've never seen a restaurant sell it (did find a grocery store in KY that would though). I also love a good basic pb&j, turkey w/provolone or grilled cheese. At Thanksgiving I like turkey with miracle whip and cranberry and on New Years I like to make a sandwich with mashed up black-eyed peas, cabbage (cooked in butter), corned beef, all shoved into the cornbread. And I am fascinated with dagwood sandwiches and the ones Scooby and Shaggy used to eat!!
  5. Yeah, I tend to prefer the smaller sizes of perfumes as I have so many already (seriously I counted one time and I think I'm very close to 100!!). A couple are body sprays, but I gave most of those away. I keep them in the sweater cabinet of an antique armoire, dark and cool, so they've lasted a long time so I really don't need the larger sizes. A little purse size spray is perfect (and probably last me a couple years).
  6. even better!! Black Orchid is amazing! Definitely try it. I think I got my bottle in the Bahamas at a cheaper (but not cheap) price. I did spring for the lotion from Sephora to make the perfume last longer. (I also thought it was shower get...)
  7. Those Tom Ford rollerballs are going to be dangerous.
  8. There was way too much going on in that. And, oh my gosh, can we please get rid of the kids. The soon is relatively okay, but dear heaven I just can't work the daughter. I have no clue as to why she has scenes, it's so disconnected to the rest of the show.
  9. I don't mind Reid, but the over-the-top love of him gets super annoying. Penelope is the epitome of a little goes a long way. And I too could not stand Gideon (possibly due to the fact that I find Patakin obnoxious).
  10. You will not sit alone and I'll level but the drinks and we can bitch about how the show was it crap and how insufferable Dorothy is. I can't really stand end of them but she's the worst. Lol, I also love Kelly. Looking back that is one show I can watch over and over.
  11. Since I'm sure I'm late to the game on this, but I think I just found my favorite ice cream. Museum of Ice Cream just brought their line to Target this month and the cherrylicious is amazing!! It tastes like the old fashioned I've cream we made when I was a kid.
  12. I just got very excited (& then very disappointed) because Amazon sent a part that the Cheez Balls we're back in stock!! For $136.95.
  13. Normally I don't like the mixing of the textures (I really hate chunks of anything in something), but I soooo miss the Ben and Jerry's cashew ice cream. So this might be a huge long shot but maybe someone will know. When I was growing up in Las Vegas, late 70's and early 80's I remember having this chocolate ice cream that was so good. It was in one if those cardboard cartons and I think it was called Dutch chocolate. None of the Dutch chocolate ice cream I've had now tastes anything like it. This was not so sweet. Not really bitter though, more like cocoa. I remember it having this almost cocoa powdery taste to it. Does that make any sense?? I wish I could find it (or anything closer to it).
  14. It's a planters and amazing conspiracy!!! Lol. All I know is that if this had happened with a re-release if Bar None, y'all would have read about me in the paper. Crazy woman from Florida storms Amazon screaming "Bezos better give me my candy!!!".
  15. It is weird. On my app, I can't even get the Cheez Balls to show up, but if I go through the planters site, Amazon says this pantry item is not available for delivery on your area. I'm in Florida!! I may have to settle for the curls.
  16. Why won't Amazon send me the Cheez Balls?? Your area nor available for delivery is unacceptable!!!
  17. The Liberty Mutual ads used to be so great. They had the little acts of kindness/pay it forward commercials a few years ago. I wonder if they switched ad companies? They need to switch back.
  18. I just finally saw this. Gotta say, I think Holland should have one. That Umbrella performance was INSANE!!
  19. See I actually think Karamo probably has the most long term effect. The physical makeovers are the most visible for the show because they're in the moment but one wardrobe change and a couple of weeks of not shaving or keeping the hair up then it's all gone. Karamo is trying to influence not just how they look at themselves but how they look at the world and their place in it. I jus finished with the Ari episode. I definitely didn't really like him at the beginning but I felt for him. He seemed depressed, stuck, and depressed because he felt stuck. Tammye is still my favorite so far. Like I want to go the Gay, GA and get a hug from her.
  20. Son of a bitch. Does this mean I'm going to need to renew my Netflix!!
  21. I despised Drew Carey in the show. Never thought he was funny. I wonder if Stephen Colbertvwoykd be possible. He was one of the fourth chairs on the show before, like Jeff Davis (although not as much), so maybe???
  22. I had no clue who she was until I watched this, there is something jarring about her hair (I think it's the color - it seems to dark for her), but it's growing on me. What I find hysterical is that she is supposed to be "quirky" and "artsy", but everything about her dress and hairstyle screams suburban soccer mom to me. One thing I appreciate about this show is there is no subtext between Jennifer and the detective. And no jealousy from the husband.
  23. I just saw it and thought it was great. I think it is just after 12 for my favorite, and as someone else said, that's mainly due to Soderbergh. Loved the twist at the end. And this is one of the first movies I really liked HBC in. And Rhiana didn't annoy me. It's a win all around.
  24. So has anyone watched this on Hallmark mystery channel?? The only person I recignize is Lori Laughlin from Full House. I actually do like it, though you can see the bad guy a mile away. The writing, well... it's Hallmark. The cast is fairly charming, but it's running purely on Lori and her side kick played by Sarah Strange.
  25. if that was a box of Bar None's i might pay it....
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