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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. Ahh, okay. I knew there was a name change, didn't realize it was of her own volition. Thanks!
  2. I remember reading about this awhile back, I thought one of them hadn't committed anything more and one is in and out of prison? England (and Canada) seem to do this with a lot of criminals (definitely kids, not sure about too many adults). Didn't some writer commit a a murder with her childhood friend, the other girl's mom, and when she got out she got a new name? And Karla Homolka got a new name when she got out too.
  3. This year I only made 8 cream cheese pounds cakes. If course the "season" isn't over yet. Be the time January rolls around I never want to see flour again. I am going to try to make one with gluten free flour though for some celiac friends (& gotten intolerant kids). I'm skeptical.
  4. No, no we can't (as I shove another handful of Bugles into my mouth.)
  5. Just got back from IMAX viewing and I liked it. I want very into the whole Aquaman idea, but my friend wanted to go so... The beginning took a little while to get going, and they could have cut down on some exposition, but then Aquaman is probably a character that many in the audience may need more info on than others in DC, so I guess I get it. I agree with others, the ages of the actors and the ages of the characters did not line up. While I could not figure out who donated the brother until the credits, there was no way Wilson looks younger than Momoa. And the guy who played Momoa's dad... do should have gone with another actor for flashbacks. I don't know what was going on with the special effects on him in those scenes but it was freaky. Honestly, I think I liked it better than Infinity War.
  6. Lol, I own 2 sets as well. The original box set and the anniversary edition with a bunch of extras!
  7. Sorkin always had problem with writing relationships (and writing for the majority of his female characters, TBH). I was always meh on Josh and Donna, more meh on Josh really. Mandy was just a mess though the actual character was likeable enough. Something about the actress delivery, combined with the below average character development and writing resulted in just overall badness. Amy was just kinda... unpleasant. Another example of Sorkin not understanding women. Honestly he always seemed like he was working through past issues with his ex's or girls who were mean to him in junior high. I probably have the very UO Aaron Sorkin opinion that I loved Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. As much as I give Sorkin crap about a lot of his writing, I do own the entire series of Sports Night, Studio 60 and most of West Wing (not the crappy later seasons).
  8. It really was. I was dying during that whole scene, between the seasoning salt and the"Gemma, it's me, Marty!!" I think the show is still struggling dinner with the two guys, but pretty much anything the women are in is gold.
  9. Apparently my town was in the Thursday episode for a rescue two officers were involved in. I guess I'll need to see if I can get it from on demand.
  10. Me too. Although he seems a little young for that. (That makes me sad - an I seriously this old).
  11. @Frozendiva and @Petunia13 Thanks for the responses. After a few uses it seems to feel the same, mostly. Not sure if I'll buy it again, but I'll leggings this one. I also liked the glass bottle they used rather than the current plastic one. This doesn't make me hopeful Daywear Plus sheer tint release.
  12. I think they went after AVClub and BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed loves it's click bait. FXX seems to be running a Krusty marathon right now, for awhile I didn't think I switched channels.
  13. I'm watching the Friday episode and while this place would be a nightmare to work for most days, I do need to find a boss that hands out champagne multiple times a year.
  14. If I remember it right, they arrested him on DWSL (for some reason I though he also said habitual, but I'm not positive) and resisting arrest. Since his wife (the passenger) didn't have her's on her, she called someone to drive the car home.
  15. I'm not sure who else to ask this so here you guys go... I caved on Sephora sale last week and got Estee Lauder idealist skin refinisher pore minimizer (& another Pat McGrath lipstick). I've used it before and I have a smidge left in my last bottle (I've been hoarding it) but the new bottle I just got today looks like a different formula. Instead of being a cream color and kind of thicker this is white and thinner. It also smells different (I loved the previous smell). Did they change their formula?? Does it still work the same? I loved the way it made my skin feel.
  16. I think I had about 5 dinner invitations for today, took 1 and then went out to actual dinner with a friend. What has become my current tradition is actual turkey day spent out at various places and then Friday or Saturday I cook small batches of my favorites (smallest turkey I can find, Stove top, jellied cranberry sauce and then family recipe of rolls, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie) all to get to the main star of thanksgiving....leftovers. I just love my leftover sandwiches.
  17. I haven't noticed any complaining about Geena on PTV (though I'm not in there a whole lot); is it happening on social media or somewhere? Personally I like Geena. I think she's a nice balance to Darlene. I am afraid we're not going to get much more of her since the character is just on leave.
  18. I like Stone so much better than McCoy, in fact the early years were the best, and some of the hardest to find of the L&O world. It's astonishing to look at SVU no and the Stone/Robinette days of the mothership and think their in the same universe. I likes Claire okay, especially with Stone, but I don't think she holds up compared to the AADA's that came after her. Jamie always seemed like what Claire tried to be but kept missing the mark. I also couldn't stand her baggy-ass suits, but I think I already griped about that. I probably hold the distinctly unpopular opinions that probably my favorite DA was Branch an I liked Rey Curtis.
  19. I never got the Rebel love. As others have said, painfully unfunny and rather desperate. The admittedly few things I've seen her in she always seemed to be an unpleasant person.
  20. Y'all are so sweet. I honestly would be the person super excited for the Eagles fans and celebrating right along side of them even though I'm not entirely sure where exactly Philly is on a map (I'm from Florida. What do you want from me...) I love it!!!
  21. I gotta say I really liked that. One, for reminding me the Patriots lost (sorry New England); and two for the actual footage of all the fans. For some reason I truly get a little emotional when I see large, random groups of people just all start bonding in joy together, and typically that seems to be around sports. It's a little strange, I know. Such a random group of people to invite - and who is Rex? I cannot recall who he is. Man, Dennis must be pissed he missed box seats at the Super Bowl.
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