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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. It'd be weird if you weren't, IMHO. Given that, always remember: things will always get worse. 😬
  2. Didn't realize I was signing up for Wonder Woman on the Prairie when I started watching this. I'll watch the finale at some point in all likelihood, but this show is simply not meant for me.
  3. Yeah, I was stunned when I heard her say she was 33 on Johnny Bananas' podcast this week. She has the emotional maturity of someone much younger, IMO. That she kept saying during the podcast that she is admittedly naive and "still learning" about manipulation (after having been on BB???? FFS...) made me think she's either been extremely sheltered or is living the unknowing ingenue con to the fullest.
  4. Irrelevant given the locale, but throwing a drink in someone's face can get you charged with assault in some places. Just sayin'. Fessy needed to go, but Esther skating was all kinds of bullshit to me. YMMV.
  5. Way late to the game in asking this, I presume, but what in the fuck has Jisela ever done in The Challenge to warrant her having so much sway and arrogance about same? I clearly am missing something, because it seems the cast seems resigned to her having some level of power that I just can't understand. Also, agree with Yes: Nehemiah saying "I've been in the pit and everyone needs to earn their way to the final!" Then picking Kendal who's been in elimination multiple times...super hypocritical.
  6. I love this story. However, I still haven't warmed to the child characters. I actually have an active dislike of Lyra. Guessing that's not what I'm supposed to feel.
  7. Seems to me that Bill increasingly sees himself as The Forgotten Man. At the risk of painting with a broad brush, he is acting more and more like my Boomer relatives, pining for times long gone. Aligning with anti-vaxxers and Kavanaugh apologists/enablers? Can he be called even a "limousine liberal" at this point? Just because he believes in climate change and wants weed for all? It's like watching what happened to Dennis Miller, just in (very) slow motion. No more show for me.
  8. Mooch was ready for a fight with Rampell? In a just world where such a debate could be had based on facts and more than 15 second sound bytes, she would eviscerate him. Alas, RT is not such a world. For my money, Rampell writes some of the smartest stuff for WaPo lately, almost up there with David Fahrenthold, who I respect greatly for his journalistic abilities. Tom Nichols is one of the few #nevertrump'ers I take seriously. I'm not sure the format worked for him, but he got in some good shots.
  9. <shallow>I forgot how ridiculously beautiful Koine is</shallow> That's all I have. This show isn't good.
  10. Not to sound overly basic, but based on the ending, the biggest character death, for me, is Neptune itself. The town was a living, breathing part of the cast as far as I'm concerned.
  11. Ericcson can still fuck off. His body of work speaks for itself (just see his recent "logic" tweeted, Re: #MAGA hat wearing snotty boys taunting a Native American veteran). I won't laud him simply because he succeeded in not drooling all over himself on an episode of RT.
  12. Douchenozzle Joao, why?* indeed. *I assume it's because he was such a Capt Sandy ass-kisser. There's nothing else redeeming about his time on the show, so I'm utter;y confused if it's not that.
  13. I think she's mentally ill. I hope her friends & family get her some help.
  14. Chandler strikes me as yet another mediocre white man who has been told all his life how great he is. Utterly lacking in self-awareness.
  15. I can't even say I'm a regular viewer of The Flash; more like "I watch most episodes and pay zero attention beyond that." Is the Caitlin actress usually this bad? I find her utterly unconvincing. *crawls back into hole to obsess over shows he actually cares about*
  16. I was seriously supposed to give a shit about the adoption drama of a character that had about 15 minutes of screen time over a single "season"? 'K
  17. Love Alex Wagner, and I agree w/ the point upthread about an inkling, a dawning of sorts, seemed to hit Bill...but then it passed like gas due to too much garlic. "Campus free speech" remains the sole ground for conservative intellectuals to gesticulate over. And really, that's all it is. I mean, the far left on campuses has so successfully inculcated generations of unsuspecting youths that.......what we have now is GOP domination at all levels of government. Uh, o.k.
  18. Lots of legitimate gripes about the pilot, and many smart posts laying bare those problems. However, I'm gonna stick with this one unless it just turns horrendously ugly. I wasn't a Glee watcher, beyond an ep. here or there, so I'm not really hip to the basic genre, but I find this show's concept intriguing. I think some of the characters will grow on me.
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