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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Called it a couple weeks ago--Kiki is the "how in the hell is this guy still around" guy in the top 3 or 4. Mark is gone, huh? Never felt him, and I'm a huge Comfort stan. Dude is as street as my little sister. Koine is my remaining fav, so apologies to her. She'll be gone next week for sure.
  2. --I was a bit underwhelmed w/ Little Finger's ending. I wanted something much more drawn out. I'll get over it. He deserved a horrible ending, yet as others have said, I'll miss his constant intrigues. --I had convinced myself we'd get to see Clegane Bowl, so I was bummed that it didn't happen.
  3. Kiki is going be the "why the hell is this dude still around?" guy in the top 3 or 4, right?
  4. I haven't heard Vanessa's voice since the very first episode. I only watched DVR'd epiodes & FFWD through every judges' comment part.
  5. Look, I liked Robert just fine, but I can't lament losing him as a dancer (Jasmine yes, for sure, I will miss seeing her more). Having said that...WTF? I thought for sure Kiki would be the one going home. He's boring AF. I assume the online dance community machine is gonna vote like crazy for him or something? I can't fathom any other reason why he's still around. My fav couple is still Dassy & Fik-shun, and I just don't see that changing anytime soon (unless they are made to do a ballroom routine, LOL). I agree with the apparent consensus that Koine & Mark had the best dance this week, as well I am throwing :sideeye: at the Jenna/Kiki number. That was embarrassing to watch.
  6. I won't be back for any more seasons. The fixed outcome is not why. Hell, all these so-called reality competition shows are pre-determined anyway. All the reasons have been articulated by others. Deuces show. I'm out.
  7. Mark bugs....seriously. It pains me to say that because I am a huge Comfort stan. I wish she had a partner I could cheer for. I really like watching Dassy. There's a quality to her movement that just catches my eye. The rest just kind of ran together for me. Really, some of them appear to be placeholders rather than the best that could've been brought to the lives.
  8. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lots of "Make SYTYCD Great Again" sentiment I've seen here & elsewhere. I get it. Many fans feel comfortable w/ the original premise/set-up of the show. I didn't like this week nearly as much as last, but I'm gonna ride it out & hope it hooks me again.
  9. I've followed Les Twins since they first showed on Youtube. I've never completely bought the hype, but always respected what they do. IMO, they are mailing-in routines for this show. They've done nothing innovative, nor mind-blowing, yet are scoring so high. So yeah, I'll parrot others: this reeks of a pre-determined outcome to crown them. Whatever. It's not like these shows are ever really a meritocracy, but it still aggravates. Still really like what the Kinjaz bring, and I hope they milk this for all it's worth. Mari & Keone are also a joy to watch. I hope they likewise can land some more recognition.
  10. I have been such a cynic about reality competition shows in general, and SYTYCD in particular (really?? a effing kids version??? GROSS AF), but you know what? I really liked this episode. I like how they're using the All Stars, at least up to this point. It's weird that I'm allowing for the possibility I can do more than hatewatch this show.
  11. I only became consciously aware of this story a few months ago w/ some pre-release press article about the Netflix series. Since then, I was aware the project gained significant PR momentum, but I intentionally avoided being spoiled. I finally binged all 7 episodes over the past 48 hours. My reaction? Rage. An unrelenting silent scream. I was raised Catholic. I was an altar boy, but can state I was not abused, nor was anyone I personally knew growing up in a small town w/ a priest who was sincerely a man of God, and more importantly, was legitimately a good man period. As a young adult, however, I left the church, sickened by the continual stories of abuse aided & abetted by the church hierarchy. Combined w/ my general sense of something rotten to the core, I just could no longer associate myself w/ such a vile institution. This story angers me in indescribable ways. Calling it "anger" or "rage" doesn't even do justice to the feelings the series evoked. My stomach has churned non-stop the past 48 hours.
  12. FFWD'ing through the kid acts. Sorry, I know YMMV, but kids on tv, especially talent shows, just makes my skin crawl . I derive zero entertainment nor interest from their inclusion. I'm figuring out quickly that what I really want to watch is a reprise of ABDC. The hip-hop/urban dance groups are the only thing of interest for the most part. Fik-Shun's performance...just didn't feel quite in his lane, though cool to see him try different things.
  13. Yeah, using Trump surrogates is so 2016. At least, I wish. I see CNN hired crazypants Stephen Moore as an economics analyst. FFS.
  14. Bill Maher, and the Anti-Trump Words Returning to Haunt Him
  15. Your house, your rules. :shrug: Thanks for giving us a place to vent for the time it lasted.
  16. We've seen several anecdotes describing this, but I still SMDH. I'll never not SMDH.
  17. Because as the article explains/implies, majority leaders & committee chairs wield scheduling power. The way to stop it? Prevent a floor vote, but Dems likely won't be able to kill it in committee. If you're really bored: Senate Consideration of Presidential Nominations: Committee and Floor Procedure
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