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Everything posted by MaisyDaisy

  1. Ok @Mellowyellow, this is what happened re that certain blogger. i don't know if you have a tumblr? There can sometimes be a real high school mean girls clique in the Olicity fandom there. There are a few blogs that have heaps of followers and I have seen people pushed out and attacked for simply disagreeing with a popular blog. That particular person we are talking about has been jumping on other peoples meta/posts for a while now, being pretty passive aggressive, saying 'I am not trying to police fandom' then of course straight up policing fandom. She has posted stuff shaming people for being critical of Olicity (the direction/writing of) she made posts about people not being 'real' Olicity fans, the criteria of course being those not toeing the Olicity positivity line. One post likened people angry at the shows direction and questioning if Olicity will happen to being just as bad a LL stans. Then she called out a particular blogger. That blogger called her out. People had been low down calling her out for a while, but it blew up, and the section of the fandom that had been the target of her ire responded. Unfortunately for her, she pissed of an intellectual part of the fandom. I don't think anyone was as rude as she had been, but they were very articulate. She had been dishing it out for a while, but when it got returned, she made like she was a victim of a toxic fandom and flounced. All her followers then started posting shaming stuff about how horrible it all was, ignoring of course that she had instigated the whole thing.
  2. Lol, ok just for you. I will spill over there.
  3. There was a pretty big bust up on tumblr, and that's why she said she was taking a step back. She instigated a whole heap of stuff, but didn't appreciate the clap back.
  4. I think she just is taking a break from tumblr, not writing?
  5. I think the fact that people are equating Oliver/Susan and the bridges they are burning moving it from plot point to plot point, to the disaster that was the BMD should be ringing alarm bells for the show runners, because they can't afford to lose another big chunk of viewers.
  6. Didn't kapot mean the hood of a car, not actually clothing? Does Kapiushon mean the correct type of hood?
  7. I actually am thinking it might be even worse. I think the thing that Felicity has to do in return for getting help for Susan/Chase will have Oliver chastising her like he did with Thea. She will get blasted for being human and not pure and perfect and always full of light.
  8. I think they have dug themselves into a hole. 'because Prometheus' doesn't excuse Oliver hypocritically chastising, berating and guilt tripping Thea, who was covering his arse. 'because Prometheus' doesn't excuse asking Felicity, his ex fiancé who's boyfriend he accidentally killed, who he let walk away, who he never apologised to for love advice with the woman who is a risk for exposing them all. 'because Prometheus' doesn't excuse the stupidity in dating Susan. In trusting her in the first place. If Susan does double cross him or not, it doesn't change his stupidity and lack of loyalty in starting things with her in the first place. Or the lack of respect he shows Felicity and Thea. Even if they go with a 'gotcha' moment, Oliver still acted like a pig to both Thea and Felicity.
  9. Anyone got some Felicity centric, non Olicity fic recs? I haven't really ventured out of reading anything that's not Olicity, but I am so repulsed by canon Olicer atm that I might dip my toes in Felicity with someone else.
  10. I loved the fact that they touched on the issues about the poor writing towards Felicity and Thea, because to me that's some straight up mysoginistic shit. So to see a group of guys ragey over the same thing- females used as props and hypocritical treatment makes me happy.
  11. I am seeing a lot of the super pro Olicityfans stepping out of their positivity bubble for the first time over on tumblr because this episode is pushing people over the edge. It's hard to root for a ship that you love when one half is such a douche.
  12. It's almost impossible to win viewers back, that's why when Arrow bucked the trend of ever decreasing ratings season to season, it was such a huge deal, because it's not the norm that a show increases. There is an argument for 'they have done it before' and they obviously thought they could do it again with the changes in this season, but they picked the wrong things to neglect/focus on.
  13. The comments on that ew article are great. I always find it funny when people scream for comic canon, but wouldn't want the comic canon of Oliver marrying which ever BC only to repeatedly cheat on her and eventually divorce. My fave comment was; " I think some people would root for Oliver screwing a 100 pounds of rotting meat if it was stuffed in that overly buckled outfit. "
  14. The way that the other fandoms try to justify their hate has been pretty hilarious in the past. Clexa dismissing Olicity as a horrible 'white het' ship, a ship that involved black face and using sexual orientation to hate made those particular fans look bad. I remember when Bamon fans went to very anti- Olicity/Felicity space they could find posting for them to vote against Olicity, but they did it so prolifically that they were told to piss off and stop spamming the #Laurel Lance. I don't even dislike either ships, but being called homophobic and racist because I was an Olicity fan tarnished them for me.
  15. I think Dinah is here to stay. She perfectly serves her purpose. It doesn't matter if she is not overly popular, just that she isn't hated. Dinah has already split that 'vocal minority' in half. I saw people ranting about Tina do an abrupt 180, just hearing that she was Dinah. The fans left raging were the LL stans, and they almost compleatly lost their comic canon fanboy platform of support. Ironically enough as someone who has never liked LL, I do think the switching of the BC was done in an aweful way, sliding out one female character to slot in another is gross. Has anyone else noticed that Arrow is getting quite the reputation for it's poor writing of female characters?
  16. As someone from the tropics I am like 'hell no' is she even wearing gloves?
  17. I can feel my apathy rising. Hearing that CP is still filming, combined with the sidelining of Olicity, Delicity and OTA, makes me wonder if I will want to watch again.
  18. I am nervous that they are going to have Thea go all Moira (which will be sooooooo good) on Susan, only for Susan to be proven a 'good reporter, a decent person and someone that Oliver is serious about and 'all in' with. My worry is that Oliver will be justified in his stupidity, while Thea has to be all 'mea culpa' towards them. It would just feel like another slap in the face for the writing of female characters. We already have male gaze Dinah playing up the smolder in every scene. We have muted Felicity. We don't need a chastised Thea who was rightfully (going by what was 'shown' on the show) against Susan, being wrong for being assertive, because the lesser character (Susan) needs to be ultimately innocent to make Oliver look good.
  19. I think they are that she is shady and going to play him- even CP tweeted about her being perceived as shady. Which means that she isn't. *sigh* I think she is going to redeem herself, or was somehow good all along, in a 'gotcha' twist, that will be horribly written.
  20. Wow they went full on clunky with that dialogue, it's like a combination of being hit over the head, then force fed via a spoon a diet of preachy moral debate. It felt really stiff, unnatural. Whelp Dinah was brought in to appease a certain viewer and I guess she is playing to that troupey character they want. She is playing for the male gaze, not something that really sits well with me to be honest. I liked Sara's canary, she was super sexy without the constant smolder, just with confidence.
  21. I think it will get a 0.5, if it gets a 0.6, I think it will be because it gets rounded up (like a 5.6). I think it will get 0.6 for the first half, but when the general audience realise it's WD and moralistic centric, I think they will switch channels. thats my guess anyway.
  22. Hey now, don't be bringing broccoli hate speech to this gun fight. Broccoli is awesome and less annoying then WD and smarter then OQ.
  23. There is a receipts master post that floats around tumblr of some of the hate she gets tagged on, and it's massive, like scroll through. She is tagged contsantly on every piece of hate, because they think she needs to 'learn her place', sooooo many death threats and comments about how she needs to fuck off and die, about how fat and ugly she is, how useless, that she is a whore/slut etc etc, it's some of the most aggressive mysoginistic hate I have seen across social media, we are talking a big group of horrible people that unrelentingly tag her on everything. I guess that's what enrages me, that this behavior ultimately got rewarded. Show runners taught these people that if you harass, gaslight and intimidate enough you can dictate what you want. That cycle of hate will not go away now that it got validated.
  24. I remember Bamford replied to a hate tweet about Felicity ruining the show, saying that they would love the new season as it's in a new direction. He totally validated that hate and kissed the anti Felicity fans arse. Wonder how he is feeling the new direction in relation to the ratings now? They misjudged what was working, as well as the agenda that was behind some of the anti Felicity/Olicity complaints, and lost a huge chunk of their audience. If they do course correct back to Felicity and Olicity more then it's going to get ugly, because they showed that toxic part of the fandom that threw tantrums in between seasons that's the sort of behavior that gets results.
  25. I would love to know if the person who gave the order for the change in direction, writing away from Olicity, new LI, 5a having Felicity in her comic relief box and the pushing of Saint LL, is facing the fact that the show rather spectacularly fell in ratings since that happened. i wonder if the reddit crowd have conversations about how crap the ratings are now they have a show they love? I know lots of LL stans have left reddit in disgust over how DD was accepted positively.
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