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Everything posted by MaisyDaisy

  1. I can't see them keeping Snoozan. If they had carried on making her the one we love to hate, because of her shadieness at least there would be traffic to her character- albeit negative. But unless a 'gotcha' moment comes soon, then making her 'good' (bland) just falls so flat. It's created apathy, and it they just let it whimper out then it was just another misstep.
  2. Allowing your bias to make your journalism off, she always seems to miss the mark in her bid to push her agenda rather then report about the show accurately. No wonder she likes Susan they are both compleatly full of..................journalistic integrity.
  3. I know! People here don't even tail gate . There is a road here that t intersects with a main road in and out of my town, and during school drop off and pick up it's a bit of a mess, there are no lights or round abouts, but traffic on the main road stops to let multiple cars in from the smaller roads so they don't get stuck- they have no right of way, but people just see them waiting and tragic stops to let them join the main road. Public transport here is a bit crap, just buses that run on relaxed time, and are super expensive. I think Sydney public transport is pretty good. I grew up in the Blue Mountains area then lived in Newtown then in the Double Bay Area and the trains and buses were always frequent and linked well. Didn't have a child then though. Sydney would be less fun with a pram.
  4. The problem is that if they created 'Shady Susan' as a misdirect- because plot twist!!!! she is actually nice and all things good and pivotal to taking down the big bad with her stella reporting skills, where is the pay off for the viewers? They established her as a bit shit, and having that not pay off in anyway just leaves it all flat.
  5. I was in DC. But I did travel a bit, found the people in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine friendly but still reserved. People in the Florida Keys were pretty friendly- pretty crazy also ( in a great way). People might have been friendly in Sth Carolina but even with both of us talking English, our accents made communication difficult.
  6. I don't see upset? I see some pretty amazing discussions, and people trying to apply logic, like grabbing logic and trying to contort and shove it to fit, but logic is not co-operating. Everytime Susan is mentioned as 'so important to Oliver' I just want to flood twitter and comment sections about how 'fetch' she is.
  7. I am from the Sunshine Coast in South East Queensland, Australia. It's in the subtropics, so no real winter- winter here means you wear a t-shirt instead of a singlet and shut your windows at night. Because it's sunny, but wet it's very lush and green, it's where pockets of rainforest meet the ocean. We have amazing produce with lots of tropical fruit grown locally. People are super duper friendly, it's not unusual to get to chatting (everyone here just talks to each other reguardless of if you know them) to someone at the beach/park or in line at the supermarket and get invited to meet up later for a BBQ, at the pub, down the beach ect. It's something that I really struggled with when lived in America, because it was no way near as friendly as I was used to.
  8. I actually crave Vegemite sometimes, I think it's the salt or the B vitamins. vegemite should be eaten with butter, just a thin smear because it's quiet strong. I do like it on toast with cheese, some people eat it with avocado on toast, I like it best on a fresh crusty baguette with heaps of butter. i think Aussies are so used to fresh pastries because there is a bakery on every corner, so things like pop tarts that I found shockingly sugary don't do too well.
  9. That's one of those songs that comes on in the supermarket when your getting groceries all distracted until you realise that your singing along, that apparently you know all the words and that your not exactly being quiet either. i was shocked that I knew all the words to Slim Dustys 'Pub with no Beer'. I am not a fan of country music and that song is super old, I didn't even know I knew it, until I found myself belting out in the frozen food section. Please tell me that other people find themselves accidentally singing along to the cheesy music they play in shops.
  10. I am more of a wagon wheel girl than a Tim tam fan. They grow lychees here, (did you know that fresh lychees are pink skinned when first picked, then darken, so pink is ultra fresh) after years of eating (gorging) on fresh lychees I can't enjoy them any other way, certainly not in a Tim tam. I notice that those different ones end up discounted after a while to get rid of them. i think the funniest American export has to be Dr Pepper, they have tried to introduce it into Australia three times now, and each time it's jus bombed spectacularly. Pop tarts too, they sporadically turn up on the shelves then disappear for a year or two before they try again.
  11. "Shhhhh Curtis, what's that noise? Is that music?............." "yeah, I think it is.........hang on, why are they playing Barry White?"
  12. I brought season one on DVD because so many of my mutuals on tumblr were reblogging Felicity/Olicity stuff and I was intruiged. I knew nothing about the show, the comics- anything, I had a compleatly open mind. I watched the first couple episodes and didn't really like it. I couldn't stand LL, I thought KC was shockingly bad, like she belonged in a cheesy daytime soap levels of bad. i was encouraged to continue because apparently it got better with the OTA, so did and really liked it. I was so sure that LL would be killed off because she was just so terrible, and to me KC's acting stuck out like a sore thumb that I was sure she would be gone. I was disappointed and confused to hear she would be in season 2. I had no idea about comic canon at that point. Season two had just finished, but I just couldn't handle more Lauriver so wasn't going to watch, but was told they backed right off it, so was convinced to watched, started lowkey shipping Olicity while side eying Oliver because Isobel (it was about the disloyalty towards friends for me) and the Lance Family dinner gate crash really made him look like a tone deaf douche to me. But I devoured episodes from season 2 onward until the BMD, then watched sporadically.
  13. Hahaha it's always funny to see how other people view Australia. I know that a couple of years ago Australia was the country that had the biggest average houses in the world, and separate laundry rooms are pretty standard. i remember the lack of a kettle thing when I lived in America and it threw me a little. Most people I know would be horrified at the idea of boiling water in a microwave, especially to make tea because even using tea bags people tend to be quite particular when it comes to tea. What about clothes lines? I would say most Australian homes have both dryers and clothes lines are sometimes iconic here, with the Hills Hoist designed here.
  14. Omg, he sounds like Oliver Queen King Douche. Hahahaha that was hilarious. I don't know what KC had done to her face between season 1&2, I marathoned it so it was really evident to me, it's a shame, because she looked 100% better before. She is still really pretty, but in more of a generic CW attractive way, rather then the natural beauty she had before. KC is no Nina, both LL and EG had some epically crap writing, but EG limped along dispite it because Nina is a great actress who actually had chemistry with her co stars.
  15. Wasn't there a crack theory floating around at one time that Susan was Talia's daughter? We could have Chase telling Oliver; 'I know that you love siblings, but when I totally fuck you it won't include sex'.
  16. That's hilarious! That would be amazing.
  17. No I don't think they would do it in a way that prevents an Olicity reunion, they would use it as an absolute crap way of dismissing accountability for OQ and his shit decisions lately. It would be a 'gotcha' that it was actually Felicity's actions/words that set him on this path, so essentially the female characters fault, not the dickish make characters at all.
  18. Do we know if the sex is a FB for sure? My concern if it is a FB, is the idea that they will use it in part to damage control the dislike that OQ has generated lately. Make Felicity say or do something that breaks 'poor' OQ, and justifies his later actions (acting like Felicity is just a co-worker, being all in with Susan).
  19. The same thing happened to me when I lived in America. I was living in the DC area, and had never ever experienced even mild hay fever before in my life, but for about 4 weeks, something that was flowering destroyed me. I was in shock how horrible it was. Then I went on holiday in Maine and after eating copious amount of seafood my whole life, I discovered I am allergic to Lobster :( I was gutted, after my throat stopped swelling and I was no longer on the verge of passing out, I will be forever bummed out that I just can't eat all the Lobster.
  20. We just need to ask MG for a song that fits episode 20, if he picks 'Love In An Elevator' by Aerosmith, is ON.
  21. I am at the Noosa end of the Sunshine Coast, and we usually just stay local for holidays, it's so beautiful here and do much to do because it's a tourist destination. My daughter has left the state to visit NZ and NSW, but only in summer, so she has no real concept of winter, because we don't really get one here in the sub tropics. It blew her mind when I told her that sometimes rain can be cold in other places, because she has only really known warm rain. your son has good taste :) although I haven't been to Asia and would love to go.
  22. I think it's remiss of me not to have said something earlier, but thank you so much @tv echo for uploading all the great stuff that you do on this page, providing the excerpts and links. I really appreciate and enjoy what you do here :)
  23. Yeah I am currently sweating it out in Queensland.
  24. Awww samesies, your Australian too aren't you?
  25. No worries :) If you find yourself wanting to dip your toes and need help just let me know. Tumblr is much easier to navigate once you have an account. But it does seem to create a time vortex and what feels like 5 mins is actually 5 hours, it's easy to get sucked in. You do find interesting things though. I actually started watching Arrow because so many of the people that I followed in other fandoms posted so much Olicity and I became intruiged. I have found lots of other interesting movies, tv shows, books fanfic etc via tumblr. But it's a bit of a crazy place.
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